Nerd of all trades. Bacon connoisseur. Sexytimes liker. Currently watching Fallout on Amazon Prime
1d ago#7882235
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Fun fact: Adderall in it's original formulation was sold and marketed as Obetrol, a weight loss drug !nooticers
Nerd of all trades. Bacon connoisseur. Sexytimes liker. Currently watching Fallout on Amazon Prime
dramasexual 13hr ago#7887834
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You will never have a real eating disorder. You have no angst. No delusion. No compulsion. You are a skinny person twisted by self-improvement and health into a crude mockery of true thinness.
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Fun fact: Adderall in it's original formulation was sold and marketed as Obetrol, a weight loss drug
No trans lives matter
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well it DOES work
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Too busy gooning
or longposting
to eat 
No trans lives matter
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This is probably why so many middle-aged moms were getting themselves diagnosed with "ADHD" before Ozempic really took off as the weight-loss drug.
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