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Dating again

Okay I broke up with my bf and I don’t wanna do online dating but I guess there’s no other way really :marseysigh: any tips?

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/r/actuallesbians you'll be swimming in brave and stunning dudes.

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Most neofoids embody the worst part of both men and women so I’ll pass.

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That's the spirit. You'll defs pass more than they will and that should give you the confidence to make a Tinder profile.

But seriously, as a foid, guys will just swipe on you regardless machinegun style. What you're probs looking for is quality so your best bet for attracting quality dudes are 'genuine' photos i.e. staged to look natural with a nice, genuine smile but not obviously posed. Have some hiking, at sports, or doing outdoor shit.

Also a decent, but brief bio geared toward who you want to attract.

E.g. 'I love board games' - sweaty virigins

'I love going out, having a few quiet drinks, and dancing' - guidos who will treat you like you're easy


But seriously, hope this helps, I'm in the same position with apps.

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DO NOT date a person from here. Thats literally the most important advice I can give you.

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I’d be surprised if there was a dramatist in my area tbh.

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Idk its more common the you think. Im a dramatard that chooses to make their location known and even tho I live in WNY which is a literal wasteland at least 4 people have outed themselves as upstatelcels.

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ahh pizzas happy with pojom tho 🙋🏾‍♀️

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They met here? I thought it was on the og /r/drama.

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oh u ment here? nah ur right iirc they met back there

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Gotta join a sports league or hope your social friends throw a lot of parties

Otherwise just download Bumble, you're too good for Hinge sweaty :marseynails:

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Hobbies! Something that forces you to be social.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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This is the answer I didn’t want to hear but you’re right :marseygiveup:

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Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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the best hobbies are those that are not social tho

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lol it's funny cuz true. Yeah, I always think it's best to be alone after a breakup but our boy sounds like he wants some action.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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move to india


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unless u wanna frick ur friends u p much gotta go the OLD route

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:marseyitsover: maybe I’ll join a convent

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:@zenzicpat: I fricking hate how much I love scrotes bb 😭😭 gl hope u don’t get any crazies bb 🙏🏾

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Thank you :marseycheerup:

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Date a neofoid

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  1. Be hot

  2. Don't be ugly

Those two rules will get you a man really fast.

Of course, if you're looking for a good reliable dude, spend time in the places that they're likely to hang out. If you want an outdoorsy type, go on hikes, stop at a scenic view to smoke a bowl, and have an extra bowl in your bag so that you can share if a cute guy comes by. If you like g*mers, go to board game events or PAX East. If you like artistic guys, sign up for an art meetup group.

If you really like the dude, strike up a conversation with him in a way that gives him an opening to respond other than just agreeing with you. Make an observation about the environment you and him share. For example, at an art museum "That's a great painting," is bad, because he'll just say yeah. Saying "That's a great painting, but I can't figure out what that shadow in the corner is. What do you think?" is good, because now if he's interested he has an easy way to continue the conversation.

Bur really the main advantage of being a foid is that as long as you're in reasonably good shape and look attractive, you usually don't have to be the one delivering the opener: guys do most of the heavy lifting here. Good luck!

Alternatively, if these suggestions seem like too much effort, you could just date Masterlawlz instead, (I assume) he's single

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That degree finally paying off

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I'll go out with you if you pay my 1000DC dowry :marseybride:

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Keep yourself safe

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