[Queen celebration thread] Abortion enshrined into the constitutions of Michigan, Vermont and California


Also it's funny how rightoids will complain about bleeding hearts and then say "noooo not the heckin fetoids :marseypearlclutch:"

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:chudsey:: “well actually this is what we wanted this whole time! To return power to the states!”

How’s that red wave coming along?

:#marseycope: :#marseyseethe: :#marseylaugh:

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The "return it to the states" argument makes no sense because if you just want "smaller" government the ideal solution is to completely legalize it and make it a personal decision.

Thinking that "the state" is the ideal size is just showcasing that you care more about winning rather than removing the overarching power of government bodies.

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incorrect. my arbitrarily sized entity is the correct one, and it is you that is misinforming people :taygrimacing:

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It makes perfect sense. People want to be governed by those who were born and raised in the same area that they were, not by bureacrats they didn't elected 2,000 miles away.

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Yeah states are totally politically homogenous and the politicians that rise to the top are totally blue collar just like you dude

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Both points are irrelevant. Being governed by someone from the same place as you doesn't mean they need to be a copy of you, only that they grew up alongside your people and are intimately aware of the points of pride and issues that define your area, regardless of whether they agree or disagree on these points. Again, a bureaucrat 2,000 miles away has only spoken to a token representative of your people at best and either does not think about your state at all during lawmaking or does a scan of wikipedia and calls it a day before voting for the interest of their constituents over you anyways.

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the competition between political systems fosters progress, especially if citizens can move from one to the other easily.

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Balkanizing it even further is the only righteous option then

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based city states like ancient greece :marsey300:

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murder should be a personal decision

To be clear im not arguing for or against, im saying that pro lifers view it as such and will take their wins where they can.

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I know, hearing that r-slurred argument made me feel like I was taking crazy pills. :marseypills: :marseyschizoshaking:

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Being against child murder being used as birth contol isn’t wingcuck, it’s basic human morality. That anyone makes this about “foid healthcare” is legitimately r-slurred and also dehumanized foids into just baby makers who will inevitably always get pregnant no matter what

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Yeah hard to believe but there are even democrats who believe in Christ and know slaughtering unborn children is wrong. His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is billions strong and the crimes against humanity of the secularists will face His judgement

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@RamRanchShill say it with your chest boy

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This argument would have more merit a certain party wasn't also against other forms of birth control.

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Just don't be a whore if you don't want a baby :marseywholesome:

dude bussy lmao

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This is basically it; Republicans are actually upset that women are having s*x, not so much that a fetus is killed.

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>have s*x all the time due to zero self restraint and complete abandonment of traditional ideals, doesn't matter if you're ugly because scrotes hunt kitty harder than pitbulls hunt kids

>Get preggers as a result

>Kill it so you can keep being a whore

I wonder why people would have a moral stance against that :marseyfranklin:

dude bussy lmao

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Again, this argument would hold more water if cons weren't trying to get rid of contraception. You have problems with women being whores, not so much the killing of the bastards.

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I don't think anyone cares about black women getting abortions so it's a mixed bag

dude bussy lmao

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Republicans sure use it as a talking point; Margaret Sanger was into eugenics, more black infants in NYC are aborted than carried to term, there is a genocide against minority babies.

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Year of the Chud OVER

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Bohemian Grove


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Why go to BoGro when you can chill with demons right in the capitol.


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The frick is that?

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It remains as true today as it ever was.

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Seemed obvious that Vermont and California would do it, idk much about Michigan. it still annoys me that dems couldve like done this for half a century

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They didn't need it 50 years ago, so why play that card then?

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because it would have been the right thing to do? But im thinking in terms of euro politics and not the video game politics burgers play

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If the dems solved all the problems they wouldn't get elected anymore, smoothbrain.

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Thats a funny idea that people dont vote for competent parties only parties that promise to be competent in the future

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losing in politics is not the right thing to do bro

to them

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But they lost abortion for like a year

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We didn't need a lot of things 50 years ago that we have now, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have them. Times change and so do people's needs. Just because something wasn't needed in the past doesn't mean it shouldn't be needed now.

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Also it's funny how rightoids will complain about bleeding hearts and then say "noooo not the heckin fetoids

I've always thought the same thing, that it would be the other way around with Demoncrats and Rethuglicans. You'd think the Demons would be all :soycry: "ablublublu we have to take care of the fetoids," and the Rethugs would be like :!brainletmaga: "My tax money isn't going towards taking care of your bastard."

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contrary to appearances libs are not actually motivated by compassion.

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Your mistake is thinking libtards care about life and not just protecting groomers and criminoomers.

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fetuscels stay losing :marseydicklet:

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They apparently tried to ban it in Kentucky too and even that failed + they lost in Kansas earlier in the year lol

But 70 percent of people really want it banned :brainletmaga:

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>the pendulum is going to swing uh uh any day now :naziseethe:

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Honestly don’t even understand why rightoids sperg out about it.Even our terfmisic jannies were anti abortion agendaposting lmao

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To be serious for a second (i should rope now) the fundamental issue is that one side sees it as murder, while the other side is arguing for bodily autonomy. Pro choice people just dismiss the other side with "lol clump of cells", and talk of her body her choice, which doesn't do anything to convince anti-abortion people that abortion isn't baby murder

But still, the easier it is to get one, the sooner within pregnancy most foids will, and the fetus will be more like a clump of cells than anything resembling a baby :marseyshrug: while if they have to travel, and save money and whatever, this will take time and probably be a 2nd trimester aborshie and everyone will be less happy about it

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Yeah but I just don’t see a woman taking a pill to evict her fetus as the same as drowning a newborn baby lol. I get that some rightoids feel very strongly about it but it seems clear that they’re the minority

Also dems are unironically right that Republikkkans want to force the poorcel single moms to have a baby but will complain when she wants welfare

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I think for a lot of these trad conservative types, they just want things to be a secret. They don't want to help single moms, because they should've kept their legs closed and/or made better choices, but also don't support free contraception or abortion. But if their own daughter gets pregnant by some loser, they'll take her to get an abortion anyway and keep it as a dirty secret forever. Nothing is ever really banned for the rich, and they don't care beyond that as long as they can grandstand about it :marseyshrug:

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Yeah there’s also a lot of Republicans that are indifferent to abortion (tend to be younger men) and vote more so along the lines of guns. This group would absolutely get an abortion if needed.

They don’t really care about abortion from a ‘body autonomy’ point of view though, more along a ‘don’t want to foot the bill for an unwanted kid’ view.

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Yeah for sure, and understanding this perspective would help abortion advocates make better arguments. That it's less tax money being spent to fund one abortion, than to pay 18 years of welfare to a single mom, or whatever

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The thing is that if someone is going to abort then they wouldn't care for the baby either way if it were born. Better to spawn kill the fetoid than let it die in a dumpster when it has actual sentience. Id respect the rightoid position more if they actually vouched to support those babies instead of forcing birth and not caring any further beyond that

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Why are you against eubonic communities and supporting their genocide via industrialized fetus killing?

dude bussy lmao

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yeah lol aborting asap lessens the potential guilt trips too

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Absolutely disgusting. To think that harlots and immoral atheist foids have warped child murder into becoming “healthcare”

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Fetus's get a free ride to heaven and don't have to deal with foids.

Mandatory abortion is compassion

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Why would rightoids not want this, Maryland and Illinois desperately need to do the same.

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I don't really like abortion, but I never really understood the need to make it illegal. It's the same as with smoking weed or drinking absinthe for me. You're r-slurred for doing it, but being r-slurred shouldn't be a crime.

Otherwise, what would rDrama be?

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but being r-slurred shouldn't be a crime.

that is not the point looll

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Why else would weed be illegal? Do you honestly believe potheads are dangerous junkies looking for their next fix any way they can?

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yes, weed makes you go schizo schizo and any1 doubting that is a stupid junkie weedhead. would rather have coke be legal

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You can tell someone in a room smokes weed by saying "weed is bad for you" they will immediately get agitated and go on a long rant about how safe weed is.

It's great fun to watch them splurge, but don't get near their stash or they can get aggressive.

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whereas if you say "coke is bad for you" they will all agree but say "but it is fricking RAD broooooo"

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Nooo imagine all the future scientists that might be born from those black single mothers :marseyraging:

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You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Actually the chuds were put down sweaty

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Scrote right to abandonment (financial abortion) when :chudsmug:

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The dead babies means we’re winning!


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This is what the Supreme Court wanted.

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You don't want to kill humans in their literally most defenseless innocent state? Have you considered you may be a bleeding heart chud? :marseyshapiro:

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Michigan has a sizeable black population so this is a W

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does this mean late term abortion is legal? Because the shit where they cut the fetuses neck because if they took it out and killed it that would be murder is pretty messed up.

Like just let people murder them when their out if you want it like that no reason to stick scissors up someone's gussy.

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