If his shrimp peepee isn't pleasing you anymore, get πŸ‘ that πŸ‘ divorce πŸ‘ queens. You're graduating to better things

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Marriage is the single greatest heuristic to judge someone's life as a sucess or failure outside religion. I instantly lose respect for someone when I find out they were divorced.

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>We grew apart

Anytime someone says that it means there wife is leaving them to be a hoe. It represents a man who can’t make a good judgement on a person

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I lived this, but at least I have the honesty to admit I misjudged my hoe of a wife. I'm not going to dress up my b-word cheating on me in flowery euphemisms like "we just grew apart." I made a bad choice of a wife and I wish I had never gotten married in the first place. Next time, I'm going to be more careful and try to watch out for the red flags better.

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Maybe you should've satisfied your queen? Maybe you should've had a bigger peepee? Maybe you should've actually made good money? Stop blaming queens for your bad traits

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Living in Current Year and expecting your wife to show integrity and honor her marriage vows instead of being a money grubbing whore: :#taylaugh:

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Why should a queen be loyal to a LVM? By calling her a whore you just exposed yourself as an incel btw


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I make six figures, bought us two houses and two cars, and have a bigger than average peepee. Even by the crazy standards of FDS, I'm not a "Low Value Male."

But some foids won't think they got a HVM unless they're dating Drake, even if they're balding obese secretaries who have no chance in heck of landing him

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Money isn’t the only criteria. Drake is actually a huge NVM

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"NVM." Searching definitions...


Negative-Value Male (NVM) - A male that subtracts value from your life. He leaves your life worse off than before - these are men that women should avoid at all costs. Even Pickmeisha's deserve a better fate.

Alright, so Drake is a "Negative Value Male?" How do you figure that? I'll be the first to admit that I'm jealous of him, but unless he has HIV and is secretly spreading it to his harem of women then I can't see how he's possibly negative value. He has short-term flings with hot b-words who know exactly what they're getting into. He gets s*x, they get some fame and attention, and everybody ends up better off. And yeah, maybe they're younger than I think is reasonable, but they're all legal, so who gives a frick?

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you sound like an neurodivergent I know who works as some kind of offshore engineer for O&G who lost his wife and family because he didn't realize he was just insufferable and everyone hated him

now he's apparently just a full time drunk and it's kinda sad

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I don't drink, and I was the one who insisted on divorcing my wife, not vice versa

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Sounds like LVM :marseycope:

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Jebediah get the whip :marseypilgrim: :marseycracka:

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Character development, some king shit :marseykneel::marseykneel::marseykneel:

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Or the man saw his daughter's friends and thought "you know what, I bet i could hit that if only my loving wife of 20 years wasn't holding me back"

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Reported by:

Stfu Snappy

Banned for being a misogynist

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Extremely based :marseyretardchad: Snappy.

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>A therapist told us to treat marriage like a contract

I'm gonna fedpost. People talk about love like it's supposed to be a neverending therapy session with shitty Marvel quips in between.

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Therapy :marseytherapist: is a waste :marseyradioactive: of time.

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found the problem

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No part of therapy has ever convinced me that its anything besides a foid shopping around for the first person who will agree with her and then dragging you to them to be told you're wrong

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She's right. The "Till death do us part" thing you say when you get married is just a red herring, they're made to be temporary.

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It was something relevant when Life expectancy didn't surpass 35 years old. It was like:

Do you swear fidelity until your wife gets eaten by a pack of wolves?

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Twittoids talk about marriage like robots. They dont understand the core concept of being smart and picking the right person

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If your spouse needs a therapist to handle the least dangerous society ever made… you get what you deserve

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Success in an extended orgy is about people being happy together. Marriage is about making a commitment to an extended relationship, even if the relationship may be rocky at points.

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not about longevity but if two people are happy together

Well your not together sooooo

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Twittoids have the stupidest takes about marriage. Like youre a black woman i dont think you have to worry about anyone wanting to marry you

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