Grifting rightoid pickmeisha finally learns that "red pill" moids will embrace the Taliban to own the heckin foids

Pre-Weimar Christianity was more like Islam than modern day Onlyfans Christianity.

men will pick their allies carefully and they will not be fooled.

Everyone in that photo genuinely looks inbred lmfao


does most people around the world are inbred.

it is only in our cosmopolitan society where race mixing is celebrated and the norm

LMFAO rightoids want to RETVRN to inbreeding now :marseyemojirofl: :taylaugh: !moidmoment !mayomoment

Keep crying Lauren πŸ‘πŸ»

Converting to Islam couldn't save that whiteoid's :marseybong: teeth :marseydisagree:

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>Pre-Weimar Christianity

How is this always the inflection point for chuds

Everything changed with the Weimar Republic, this fifteen year time span in Germany is a microcosm of all human existence which everything has to be interpreted through. This is white seventh century Arabia.


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I can't believe for dorks so obsessed with that era they don't realize Germans weren't known for their religious piety

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The areas of Germany with strong religious communities were actually harder for the Nazis to pervert a d corrupt. Modern Germany is perfect for another Hitler to take root.

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>The areas of Germany with strong religious communities were actually harder for the Nazis to pervert and corrupt. Modern Germany is perfect for another Hitler to take root.


In fact, the regions where the AfD and other Far-Right parties have their stronghold in elections, as well as the places with the most hostility towards immigration and foreigners, and a high concentration of Neo-Nazis and Skinheads, are in the overwhelmingly atheistic areas of the former East Germany, that are arguably, and ironically, the most atheistic regions on planet earth:

Eastern Germany: the most godless place on Earth

the survey was unable to find a single person under the age of 28 in eastern Germany who believed in God

This Amerimutt-centric culture war notion that "Atheism = Progressivism/Liberalism" needs to fricking die, the Soviet Union, North Korea, and China are the biggest examples of highly anti-religious and atheistic, yet simultaneously very socially conservative, racist, and homophobic countries. !christians !historychads

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Map of the july 1932 German election

!nooticers, nootice how the NSDAP did better on prot majority areas and lost to Zentrum in most of Catholic majority states

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>prots are evil subhumans


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>The vocally anti-catholic party did poorly among the catholic vote


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>the eternal Berliner has always been a communist


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Additional nooticing exercise: why almost all countries that are under rule by a communist party are invariably so chuddish? !nooticers !anticommunists

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If we're talking about post-communist states/regions, in the case of East Germany the boomers still vote for commies (Die Linke), Gen X, millennials and zoomers are the AfD supporters

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The slav post commie boomers don't, they generally vote for the social democratic far right fiscally right wing gibs givers

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They are materialist leftists, they don't fall for the western racial bullshit

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Because chuds love to march in time silly

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It's not just the religion; East Germany's de-nazification was basically telling them "you're Soviet working comrades now" while West Germany actually attempted to address why the nation turned to madness.

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Let's be honest, full de-nazification right after the war was never possible. The NSDAP had over 8 million members at its peak, pretty much the entirety of German bureaucracy and large swaths of the German middle-class. True de-nazification happened when the next generation came of age while the war generations died-off.

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De-Nazification is like scientific progress: one funeral at a time.

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Maybe because commies understood beating an already beaten people would be unproductive for them

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It's also very ironic that Wittenberg, that place where ol' Martin stapled his 95 Theses on the actually in East Germany too!


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I think its a confusion of leftism and progressivism of old

as far as they're concerned eastern commies and 60s hippies were the same thing

the only concept they shared was 'socialism' but the soviets would probs have killed john lennon too

they certainly can't tell a leftist from a shitlib today it's all the same to them

but at the same time, in america (and it's okay to be concerned chiefly with you own country :marseythumbsup: ) atheism is a progressive cause.

and modern leftists are increasingly losing ground to :marseyxi: Xi-tlib thought with reatard characteristics

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>and modern leftists are increasingly losing ground to :marseyxi: Xi-tlib thought with reatard characteristics

LMAO in what planet? tankies are gone, you're thinking the farlefties who actually believe in the luxury gay space communism meme, they think china is "state capitalism"

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I didn't actually mean anything to do with chiner or tankies

I jst really wanted to say 'xi tlib' :marseyretard3: I been thinking about the xictionary:marseyxi: a lot lately

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Maybe moids really do need god :marseyscream:

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Depends on the Christian sect.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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the biggest examples of highly anti-religious and atheistic, yet simultaneously very socially conservative, racist, and homophobic

You're making fedora tippers look like total gigachads


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Yes. Atheism is how you get wingcucks

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FFM :marseyxd:

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Kind of a misunderstanding. The religious people happily levered nazis into power.

When hitler tried to bridge the confessional divide by co-opring the german evangelical church it ended badly because the church viewed jews as a religion and the nazis saw them as a race.

The church wanted to convert them, this created conflict with nazis.

But up until that point the religious happily supported nazis and many did even after that.

The origin of the "first they came for" line is a german evangelical priest that was a die hard nazi.

The only serious public resistance to nazism did come from churches that got caught aiding nazis gassing the mentally ill, though.

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The concept that the Huns were ever civilized is baffling.

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I always knew that the Fr*nch were responsible for the decline of Western civilisation.

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>How is this always the inflection point for chuds

Nazi propaganda is a heck of a drug.

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Weimar is where many similar cultural battles we see today unfolded.

Right on down to massive protests against backroom abortions and acdeptance of gay people.

The chuds lost that round, they want round 2.

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does most people around the world are inbred



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Mennonites also hate these people though. Why do they seem to think the mennonites would want anything to do with their worthless larping asses?

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!christians !nonchuds please, someone with a Xitter account, please show this to these wigna:marseytrain2: Xittercels, to show them the list of the 100% Aryan Evropean countries with the largest Mennonite populations, there are more Mennonites in Ethiopia and the Congo than than in Canada lol:

If their sole reason for being Christians are to get kitty and produce neurodivergent inbred hard-working American white kids, then they should just join the FLDS or other Mormon Polygamist libertarian cults, that only accept white people (:whitenationalistgenocide::mutttantrumgenocide:), perform arranged marriages for their male members (your inbred trad anime gf will be forcibly married to you even against her will), and have procreation with the maximum number of wives as their sole goal in life.

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Being a mormoncel this polygamy thing is pretty cool because it means me (and like 100,000 other people lmao) are all directly descended from the coolest mfers of the West. :marseybountyhunter:

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Because chuds are r-slurred losers.

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Why you letting them in then?

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Also even though anabaptists don't use modern technology, aren't opposed to its existence. They regularly participate in genetic studies and make an effort to intermingle with similar value communities to avoid inbreeding.

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But that will still result in inbreeding, it just spaces out genetic overlap. Honestly its just a smarter version of cousin fricking. The point of incest for most people has nothing to do with sharing blood it has to do with growing up together, which will of course happen in insular communities that all share the same values and live in a limited area.

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I thought historically it was to keep money/inheritance within the family

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Yes, among the wealthy, rural religious minorities do it because they don't like outsiders, such as rural German Anabaptists.

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Mennonites also hate these people though. Why do they seem to think the mennonites would want anything to do with their worthless larping asses?

tbh mennos are r-slurred enough

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>LMFAO rightoids want to RETVRN to inbreeding now

!chuds !nooticers

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Inbreeding hasn't been commonplace in western christianity since the late middle ages anyway

When it happens it's among r-slurred prot splinter groups and cults and low iq latinx

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The frick is happening in that spot between Argentina and Chile?

And Finland? :#marseywtf2: :!#marseyflagfinland:

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Mapuche savages


Finngol savages

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Ah yes,the inbreeding culture in (checks notes)... central Pennsylvania.

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Its the Amish

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Yes, Amish and Irish are highly insular. In fact the incest in the south meme was created, even though it was and still is to a degree true, by rich Northerners who wanted to distract from the commonality of incest among rural Irish immigrants.

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hajnal neurodivergent spotted

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While true, its only because the Church banned close cousin marriage to accelerate state decentralization. Just before it was banned it was just as common as it was and still is in the middle east.

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so? who cares why if it worked

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Worked at stopping inbreeding?

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Laurens right, but she's also r-slurred enough that she had to learn that lesson the hard way.

She's only now escaping from the trailer park that she was living in after her divorce.

anyways idk which rightoids are saying islam is great but inshallah they will be removed from this earth


also shes now apparently a sexy Indian dude, for some reason

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Andrew "king cobra top G" Tate of course

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Does he advocate for people to be muslim? idek

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Now that the only people left watching him are Pakistani 12 year olds he keeps talking about how the west is weak and the big strong Muslims are going to take over

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Just a matter of time til the capitals of European countries become no go sharia-only zones

Didn't muslims just bully the French government into granting them faster asylum visas? Lol

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All muslims advocate for conversion, it's the only way for infidels to he saved (from Muslims)

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Was it ever confirmed she fricked destiny when they were together streaming? !tmz do you know?

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i have no idea, but id assume she did since he's a swinger (cuckold)

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is he a swinger? I believe he's just a cuck

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idk i think all cucks just say theyre swingers bc they think its less embarassing

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She was literally impregnated by a :marseyglow: Honeypot successful.

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>She's only now escaping from the trailer park that she was living in after her divorce.

Seriously? she ended in a trailer park?

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yeah this what she wrote about it

When I eventually moved out of my parents' house, I ended up in a cabin on a trailer park. It was unconventional, but surprisingly the first step of what would become a beautiful healing journey. Because despite living in a cabin infested with ants, with taps that only gave non-drinkable dirt water, and my cabin being the communal trailer park washer and dryer, since no one else had one, I found family among the others living there. They gave my son and me what we desperately needed: community, role models, unconditional kindness and love.

Believe me when I say that those days rednecking it up in the woods were some of the happiest of my life. Every stereotypical idea of trailer park residents was shattered for me. These were some of the kindest, most dignified individuals I'd met: any privileged influencers who call the working class lazy only wish they could be so decent. I met children living in cars with more manners than any prep kid I'd ever met.

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ppl make fun of her for this? this twitter post (while admittedly extremely long) was a lot more lucid and gracious than I expected from her

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Agree, I personally found it very human.

but idk, it's the internet.

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So why did her parents kicked her out?

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I had forgotten about this neurodivergent cartoon, anyway, someone should explain to this aging hasbeen thot that most immigrants going to the west are doing it for the MONEY :marseycapitalistmanlet: :marseycoin: :marseygangster:, not because they live in a backwards butt place but because they want easy money, period

The moment the money stops they'll move elsewhere or go back home

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If your reason for why you join X or Y religion is because of kitty, you're going to heck lmao.

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lmao the Ben Shapiro face

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Your roll (1-999): 544

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Rolling for zero

Your roll (1-9999): 1479

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ah shit i thought aevann added some kind of roll feature :marseybrainlet:

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Your roll (1-9): 9

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oh thanks

Your roll (1-9): 3

Your roll (1-9): 9

Your roll (1-9): 3

Your roll (1-9): 8

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>deathrolling for dramacoin is now a thing

Your roll (1-9): 6

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You do it like this hasthtag roll number Your roll (1-300): 229

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He did. It's gone now. :marseyschizowall:

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Factcheck: Yes.

Your fortune: Inshallah, Only Good Things Shall Come To Pass

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Wrong Your roll (1-67): 54

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The 8-Ball Says: Cannot predict now.

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No. You just put # roll number like this: Your roll (1-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000): 79823436889975767121241391933999008022124364623909957

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You judt got to Your roll (1-10): 5

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Your roll (1-65): 26

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Your roll (1-39): 5

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your not gonna get quads like that champ

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Your roll (1-11): 7

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Your roll (1-4): 4

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#roll 99

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Apparently all it takes is a couple extra πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° to support the cultural decimation they used to warn about

Rightoids tried to tell you, but women didn't listen. Now women will pay for their arrogance.

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>assuming they wont just happily marry up some guy as soon as the social expectations change

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>becoming a punching bag for a goat herder

>marry up

Women of the future will hate the women who're alive right now

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no, they're women after all. At most they'll blame the men of today for being too weak

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Or the men of their time for NOT STEPPING UP! :#marseywomanmoment2:

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Women just chase felons and good looking chuds at the moment. Weve gone far enough to destabilize the family and invoked Gods wrath

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What Conservatives? Her examples are Red Pill r-slurs and Crowder (who didn't even say anything major). They all fall under the umbrella of "chud" sure but only Crowder would you call a conservative.

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You like taliban because they hate women i like taliban because they hate pakis. We are not the same.

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Islam is honestly the greatest religion. And they are of course right about women.

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So silly…


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All of you are deranged. All of you.

I have seen evidence that you were blackmailing users here with the threat of doxxing Ted. This is not normal. This is deranged.

I have seen that you collected 1500 screenshots of messages sent to/about Ted. This is not normal. This is deranged.

And now you are going to release some big dossier on Ted. This is not normal. This is deranged.

This isn't about powerusers. This is about a common rule that has always existed: Don't dox people. I know you think it's about some absurd poweruser clique. Well, I barely understand what is going on here, so, despite being a janny, I am definitely not a part of "the clique". I have never fricked @ARNOLD_FRIEND, lmfao. I have never met a single dramatard irl, and my only groomercord usage really is asking @Aevann questions.

Yes the powerusers are weird. It is objectively weird to sleep with anyone from RDrama. But so are you. It isn't the powerusers that are going on this ridiculous crusade against some user.

I'm not going to ban you, as I can't really stop you from doing this, and I'm not sure if you are actually intending on breaking any rules. All I can do is ask you to seriously consider the person that the internet has twisted you into. No, you weren't always like this, don't cope about this -- parasocial internet addiction brought you to this point. Could you explain this to your Mom or Dad without sounding like a loser?

soyjak me. I'm ready


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Foid conveniently ignores that it is foids themselves who drive the mass-influx of third worlders and who use every opportunity to excuse migrant behavior and Islam.

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Are you surprised? The terf r-slurs are blaming the alt-right for :marseytrain2:s now

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Still :marseywould:

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I saw demand to know where her husband is he's so great

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