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Women hate men who put on a forced, see-through façade of masculinity but they also hate effeminate men

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@SexyFartMan69 :marseyeggirl:? :marseyshy5:

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No it's cos im a powerbottom

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she's right that questioning if your cider is masculine is basically as straggy as it gets lol

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Somehow sucking a peepee is less gay than worrying if your drink is straggy

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I have literally never seen a woman hate a man for being effeminate. Most of them probably prefer to frick masculine guys, but they'll even frick effeminate guys if they're pretty boys or have something else going for them. Lot of guys in that thread seem to have had experiences of being belittled by women for being effeminate though, so who knows.

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A lot of women like masculine men that have some feminine qualities that contrast their masculinity, very, very few like feminine men though.

The broody, loner, devil may care, heroin-chic, troubled artist absolutely falls into a masculine archetype, even if he paints his nails black and wears eyeliner and even if many other masculine men call him a strag for it.

And the more masculine you are, the more contrasting shit you can get away with. John Cena would still pull tail even if he showed up to a bar in a prom dress, some no name, neurotic, skinny fat, 5'6” soy boy with painted nails and a skirt wouldn't.

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:marseytabletired: alas, if only I was handsome enough to be considered a broody loner rather than a loser weirdo.

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Loads of women get the ick from fakkit twinks irl, they like the thought of them tho

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Some very young women (teens to early 20s) are into effeminate pretty boys, due to kpop and pop shit marketed to teenagers. They usually grow out of it when they become fully developed adults.

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when they become fully developed adults.

I thought you were talking about foids? :marseyconfused2:

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Women only like prettyboys in anime, they would rather die than frick a twinkbody irl

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"Just don't act like a strag" is multi-interpretable but your dad and brothers are supposed to let you in on all the different intuitive meanings.

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That's considered a component of le ebil patrisnarky now and isn't allowed to happen anymore. Doesn't stop women from complaining about the results though.

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"Just be keep yourself safe"

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This person, who I am assuming is :marseychonkerfoidpuke:, posts in /r/gifted :marseyxd:

I went to see a therapist specialised in giftedness a few weeks ago because I identified with a lot of the issues they have too. I'm 20 - I was a smart child but never got tested because my parents didn't see the need for it; until my mother brought up maybe half a year ago that I'm probably gifted I never even considered it, but then when I started reading books about it some things kind of "fell into place" and it explained several issues I had.

After the intake conversation with the therapist she told me it was very likely that I was gifted and that my profile was textbook. I asked her if I had to take an IQ test then, to make sure, but she said it wasn't really necessary because it won't change anything; I still have the same issues and I have to solve them either way, and knowing my IQ won't change anything about that. Honestly, I was quite relieved, because if I knew my IQ, I would probably obsess over it for the rest of my life! I really, really don't want to know!

I don't call myself gifted, especially not in front of other people, but I do read a lot about it because I can really relate to it and it helps to know about the solutions those scientists or whatever offer to the issues. That's why I sometimes check out this sub too. It's just nice to read about people experiencing the same thing you are, and you're not a big faker or something for reading it and relating to it.



She's also VERY talented in basically everything. Reminds me of a certain xomeone :marseyderp: :bardfinn:

I say "artists" but I mean everyone who is doing something creative. Writers or painters or musicians, ...

I'm asking because I probably could've done anything if I only wanted to. At 18, I started studying something that would make me a lot of money, but I soon found out that I was missing all the history/humanities/language/art things I had to study in high school, and I "felt my soul dying" without those.

I study literature now. It's just as easy as the economy thing I did. I think I maybe want to write because I'm good at it - I'd like to be an artist but can't really paint or draw. I just have this need to express myself creatively I guess. And I thought doing that next to having a normal job would be enough, but it really wasn't. I need to LIVE it. Not having enough time for art made me depressed. (Sometimes I feel I still don't have enough freedom in this course, and I think about quitting uni altogether. That would probably be stupid.)

It's absurd because I have this gift for maths and everyone thought I'd do something with that, because it was so effortless for me. But I was good at playing music too. And language/spelling. Latin. Ironically, the only things that I wasn't good at (AKA as good as my classmates) were drawing and English. I'm studying English now. I NEVER do maths anymore, and sometimes it hurts that I'm forgetting things like formulas after being so good at it. But on the other hand I know that I would feel empty if I dedicated more time to it. Like I'm doomed to waste this "potential".

Sometimes I'm scared I'll grow up and realise that being a writer or artist is impossible and that the "lack of money" isn't worth it, and will in fact lower my quality of life.

What's your story?


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I study literature now. It's just as easy as the economy thing I did

I replaced one fake degree course with another fake degree course, look how smart I am for finding both fake subjects easy!

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STEMcels< Western Canon Enjoyers

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"I was a gifted academic until I burned out"

"oh that's too bad, postdoc can be tough"

"no it was more around year 7"

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I have that book series! It's unironically really good. Weird how it finishes on Freud though, his lectures are :marseysleep: tier.

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She finds 101 level courses easy, she must be really smort

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I probably could've done anything if I only wanted to.

Sure, honey. That's why you stick at nothing and can't make any progress.


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Le gifted plebbitor:


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Gifted students, do you really not need to study at all? I was diagnosed as gifted a few months ago but I still have doubts sometimes. I see lots of gifted students here never study or go to classes and still pass their university exams. But it's different for me; if I go to every class I still have to study. Every time I go to an exam, I think I will surely fail but there's a tiny chance. Then usually I have a grade between 50-70%. Sometimes I actually fail.

Yeah, my therapist says I'm gifted. Anyways, is it normal to still have to study and “actually fail” tests regardless when you're exceptionally smart?


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diagnosed as gifted a few months ago

Most intelligent "my teachers said I was soooooo super smart but I just didn't try hard" layabout

I guess she got an advanced copy of the DSM-6 where "gifted" is in there


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Hey she was diagnosed actually, trust the science.

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Diagnosed as a money printer by her friendly neighbourhood therapist

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It's a lot more common than you think!

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Honestly, I was quite relieved, because if I knew my IQ, I would probably obsess over it for the rest of my life! I really, really don't want to know!

Gifted people don't want their giftedness tested :marseywrongthonk:

But I was good at playing music too

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>but I soon found out that I was missing all the history/humanities/language/art things I had to study in high school

This b-word lol WTF is a prereq?

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Or really just free time?

Like you can read books on your own. You don't need a professor to tell you to go to the museum. You can just do it. It's cheaper than a humanities degree, too.

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:siren:BARD BOT (near miss) ALERT!:siren:

I'll let it slide this time, but I'm watching you...

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Anyone who visits a 'therapist specialised in giftedness' can rest easy knowing that they are 100% certain NOT gifted

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I should advertise my services as a :quote: gifted student specialist :quote: on plebbit. Where I will go

:marseynotes2: Mmhmm, mhmm, very interesting! Yes, you ARE very special!

And I would say it in a very mocking tone, but they would never pick up on it. Then I would be like


And come here and tell you guys all about it because I would never talk about plebbit to anyone I know in real life

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You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket, so i recommend a secondary specialisation on uniquitivity evaluation. Thats a very up-and-coming field in need of specialists.

Trust me, I'm an expertologist. (That'll be $700, cash only)

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:marseynotes: Very good idea. Umm, I've mailed your check and it will appear in your walls very soon


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They talk about being gifted like its schizophrenia.

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In my personal opinion the hottest men are actually those women cosplaying as anime boys. Lmao 🤣. They look so clean and well groomed.

Sorry foids. This is real life. The homosexual gets the femboy :marseyhomofascist: :marsey!femboy: :marseywall:

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Oh they know. That's why women poon out in larger number than men :marseysmug2:

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Redditor literally bragging about being a libertarian

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Genderswapped version of men saying they prefer no makeup. None of us understand what we want, that's why marketing is a billion dollar industry.

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Sage advice

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My foid is like this. When I had my midlife crisis I was worried I wasn't masculine enough and she just said she couldn't possibly give less of a peepee about that.

But she does care about muscles so I doubled down on lifting


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in five years you'll be bottoming for her and her bull


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The ole Rekieta special.

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my king

!slots 250

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But she does care about muscles so I doubled down on lifting

It's always with caveats that make the message meaningless. "Well, I think he's silly for caring if he orders a cider and acting like a whiny b-word about it, but it really does give me the ick when men can't open pickle jars and turns me on when they can park without back-up cameras, so, yes overall I suppose I do care about half arbitrary masculinity norms, but I want to seethe about men and pretend jersey shore bros actually want anything to do with me. Stunting to romantic and social success of young men dumb enough to take what I say at face value is just a bonus."

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Maybe it's just about toxic masculinity you chud.

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Call her bluff. Take estrogen and talk in gay voice and start acting like a twink.

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There's a few of my friends I see occasionally where I do subtly check their biceps - they have long term health issues and so it's an easy way of knowing if they are doing relatively OK without it looking like I am doing so. Apart from that, I generally don't notice unless it's something really extreme.

Women, how many of you regularly check your friends for bicep-related diseases? :marseydetective:

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I do. One of my bros was seriously swole-deficient

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without it looking like I am doing so.

It's very important that he doesnt know she cares about his wellbeing

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This this some of witchesvspatriarchy thing?

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It's a paradox. Worrying about how masculine you appear is vanity and vanity is feminine. Like, shit, if I want to sip wine in a bubble bath that's what I'm gonna do, cause I'm a man and I do what I want. Foids seek validation through the acceptance of the external world. The true ascendant moid makes the world bend to his internal will

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The true ascendant moid makes the world bend to his internal will



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There was a post here on reddit the other day asking if it's too feminine for a man to go to a concert for a band with a female singer/front-person. Lol. It's so pathetic

If you tell a chick that's slightly into you that you enjoyed an Adele or Florence and the Machine concert that you weren't dragged to by another woman, you can actually feel the moisture get sucked out of the air as her kitty immediately dries up.

Foids are so used to being able to find partners just by possessing a kitty that they seem to forget that men don't have that luxury, even as they whine about how abundant mediocre peepee is.

They'll compile pages and pages of what gives them the ick with their fellow foids and then act surprised when lonely men actively try to minimize what they do that might give them the ick.


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lonely men actively try to minimize what they do that might give them the ick

the ickiest ick to end all icks :marseysick:

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Which is exactly there's a ton of little cat fights going on in the comments. Women who are entirely naive realize they want men who are men and the rest can't cope with that reality. This is one of the TwoX threads I've read in awhile, nothing better when they can't agree with each other

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:marseytrain: sub promotes male feminity


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The ones I met who didn't care usually had bad experiences with men before.

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The ones I've met who didn't care ended up caring after trying a relationship with a softboy

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Define soft.


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Not masculine, soyboy, uptalks

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How old were they? The bad experiences always hit just before or around thirty

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early to mid 20s.

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Mid 20s is getting up there. Lol

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So you wait for the wall


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Moid dating advice is much better than foid dating advice but still 99% of moid dating advice is just cope for having an ugly face and being uninteresting/weird.

Foid dating advice is “the guy I already am attracted to should marry me”

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You're totally right, thanks for explaining so clearly. But alas, the amount of people on here who are unable to follow this logic is baffling. It's pretty basic empathy. But no, everyone wants to have a person to hate. A person to point their stinky gnarled fingers at so they can say “At least I'm better than you!” in some pathetic attempt to justify their own failures and misery.

Very funny coming from a twoxer

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My LiVeD eXpErIeNcE dictates otherwise

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>Yep. I see the male grooming and male fashion advice Reddits and they are way more concerned with what "the boys" think than what women think. It's kinda funny cause dudes think everything is "gay" except for asking other dudes if they're pretty enough 🤨

Men are super pathetic

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Entire threads and nobody mentioned height

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