not my problem
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Average American Lunch

$28 of Taco Bell :marseylaugh:


> be me, vacuum chamber enthusiast

> get a bunch of McD's burgers, big brain time

> vacuum seal those bad boys, air = enemy

> fast forward, craving hits

> whip out sous vide machine, it's science time

> gently thaw burgers in warm water bath

> feels like a chef, minus the hat

> perfect thaw, no microwave massacre

> burgers still juicy, flavor level 100

> saved time and cash, McD's trip avoided

> sitting back, enjoying gourmet fast food

> mfw I've hacked the fast-food system

This but unironically :marseypizzaslice:

Italian food is the most mid food out there

French neighbors don't know how to deepfry a bomb-butt chicken

Do you agree with them /h/food? I for one heard they don't wash their chicken in France. And Lawry's isn't being sold there either.

Reddit discusses:

What would you rather eat?

Dramatard tries to order his goyslop
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Sorry for the ugly pic, what's important is the recipe.

Through years of experimentation I have created the ultimate (according to my tastes) red borscht recipe. If you've never had it, it's a slightly sweet beet soup that you can customize in endless ways, but it typically has meat or beans and cabbage. It's a good meal for any season, extremely cheap, very healthy, and beets are good for your liver, so you should try it. It takes around 2-3 hours to cook but most of that's just letting it simmer and occasionally adding crap to the pot.


1. 1-2.5 lb cartilaginous red meat, ideally with bone (A big skin-on pork shank is my ideal cut, braised pork skin tastes great and thickens the broth. Can sub meat for dark kidney or cannellini beans) - precut stew meat works but you're paying more for someone else to do something that takes a couple extra mins of work

2. 3 medium or 4 small red beets (generally the smaller the sweeter, and ones with stalks still attached tend to taste better)

3. 4 medium cloves garlic

4. 1 large onion or 2 small

5. 1 gigantic carrot, 2 regular grocery store carrots, or 3 farmer's market/upscale grocery carrots

6. 1 can tomato paste

7. dash of white or white wine vinegar (be careful)

8. small fistful of flat leaf parsley

9. 2 medium bay leaves or one large

10. liberal amount of marjoram to taste

11. about a tsp of mexican oregano to taste (optional)

12. about a tsp of paprika to taste

13. half a white cabbage

14. chicken stock, 2 chicken stock cubes, or water

15. black pepper and salt to taste

16. white sugar or 2 prunes (optional)

Serve with:

  • sturdy bread like a baguette

  • dill

  • sour cream, smetana, cream cheese, etc.


1. Cut the onion in half and dice one half; set the other half aside

2. Mince garlic

3. If you bought a whole cut of meat, you can process it into pieces ahead of time or simmer it first, then pull it out if you're lazy. That'll increase cook time though

4. Heat up your largest stock pot on the stovetop at about medium heat (I usually let the fat from the cut render but if yours doesn't have a lot of exposed fat then add some oil. Lard highly recommended if you're using beef). Add the meat and stir around for a few mins.

5. Add onions and sweat for a couple mins, then add bay leaves and garlic and sweat for a couple more mins. Make sure not to brown anything, the mallard reaction ruins the clean flavor

6. Add tomato paste, stir around for a couple mins, then add paprika and stir for a few secs until the paprika smell diminishes. The timing for these first few steps isn't important due to the aforementioned mallard reaction note.

7. Add stock/water with bullion/water and a dash of vinegar along with marjoram, parsley, and oregano.

8. Simmer for at least an hour, though it'll take longer if you're removing the meat and cutting it into pieces during the cooking process (it took the shank in this round about 1.5 hrs). You want the meat to be somewhat pliable but not super soft yet so that the pieces don't dissolve into pulled pork

9. Meanwhile, peel beets and cut each of them into halves. Divide the halves and cut half into small, thin pieces or throw into food processer and cut the other half into rough cubes or matchsticks (you could do one or the other but having both makes the texture more interesting)

10. Throw the beets into the pot

12. About 30 mins after the beets have been added, taste the broth. If your beets are really shit then you can add sugar or prunes here to sweeten it :marseychonker2:. Otherwise adjust your salt, spices, vinegar, etc. if you need to

13. Meanwhile, cut carrots into matchsticks or shreds or throw into food processor and cut the reserved half of the onion once through the middle, then crosswise into thin slivers

14. Toss the carrots and onion into the pot after the beets have been in there for 40-60 mins

15. Dice the cabbage half into squares or cut in small thin slivers.

16. Add cabbage to pot after carrots and onion have been in there for about 15 mins

17. Cook soup for 10 more mins, adjust to taste again if you need to

18. Serve with dill (can sub parsley), sour cream or w/e, and bread

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  • Soot : give me money i live in a dumpster and post on rdrama from a thinkpad
  • breakcore : >he couldnt get a reservation at dorsia
  • TariqNasheed : I SWEAR IM GOING TO DORSIA NEXT WEEK :marseyrage:
  • free_palestine : go vegan, rotten flesh eater
  • ACA : that would go great with some Philly
  • K9 : Lol fat butt ate $1000 worth of food
Here’s a $1k dinner at Otoko since poors are complaining about a casual dinner I had last night

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Picked up this bad boy today, later nerds :marseychef:

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Wikipedia editors spend 9 years arguing over how to spell "Yogurt" :marseyyoogut:

In 2002, an American created a Wikipedia article about Yogurt, and called it "Yogurt". No big deal right? :clueless:

Yoghurt was also added as an alternative spelling within the article text in March 2003. But the rumblings of controversy begin in November, when one editor writes:

Many people mispronounce Bach as if it should be spelled Bac and likewise many people mispronounce yoghurt as if it should be spelled yogurt. However in neither case does this seem to be a good reason for changing from the traditional spelling despite the fact that, in both cases, many English speakers have difficulty in forming the correct consonantal sounds. Some of us can, particularly those of us from Wales, Scotland and Ireland. I think it would be more phonetically accurate to use the yoghurt spelling in the article since it more closely suggests the proper pronunciation.


Nobody responded to this comment, so on Christmas day the very same Bong committed an unspeakable act of cultural aggression by renaming the article "Yoghurt". However since it's Christmas and even Wikipedia editors have lives, nobody notices for some time.

The article is reverted to Yogurt in June 2004, then back to Yoghurt in August, then back to Yogurt again in September. The Bongs are rallied on a UK Wikipedia notice board in October, and that same month the entire article is rewritten using Bongish spellings and literary conventions.

Since wiki rules state the spelling used in the first version of the article should be taken into consideration, as should common usage as defined by eg. Google ranking, on paper the Bongs are in the wrong. When a proposal to change it back is made in Novemeber, the Bongs' fearless leader cry cultural imperialism:

If the Google test is used as the justification to force the American spelling in this case then it could be used to force the American spelling in all cases and non-American spelling would be removed from the Wikipedia


Yoghurt is under attack again for not using the American spelling

:marseybongtalking: :!marseybong:

After several more back and forth changes, people argue over whether Yogurt is an Americanism or international or what. Just look at this shit

After lots of :marseywords: a vote is taken, it's a tie, 15-15. The article is moved back and forth 4 times in February 2006 alone.

In 2007, one user attempts to sum up the arguments, clearly trying to shill "Yogurt"

Once the title is "yogurt", there will be no clear reason to change back to "yoghurt", and the article name will stabilize.


Later that same year, a poll is created and deleted and created again, and this time the results are 17-14. However, a "proud european" deems this to be a lack of consensus.

Someone proposes calling the article "Yog(h)urt" which everybody hates.

Arguments continue on for years until late 2011, when another attempt to summarize the whole of arguments is made, and increasingly the pro-yogurt side dominates. But an editor from the UK unilaterally closes the debate citing a lack of consensus. This action creates a backlash, with arguments about the argument being closed.

On December 2nd, a few new users entered the talk page to change the spelling to Yogurt once again, and an admin closed it because the previous discussion was too recent. This leads to an edit war, the admin locks the talk page, and then gets blocked for this by another admin.

The drama from this brought more attention to the issue, and with more eyes on the topic, a consensus was finally reached and the page was Changed to Yogurt on December 10th, 2011. There has been no discussion since.

All in all, 140,000 words were written on the topic, 4.5x as long as Shakespeare's play "Hamlet".

:marseysaluteusa#: :marseyyoogut#:

100% Rye Bread, fresh from the oven.

These are not as tall as the last 2 times, no idea why lol. Will add cross section photos when it's cool enough to cut.

These are made for a trip cross country, I'll be stopping at a few restaurants on the way, plan to post pictures of what I order.

White women will do anything to have an authentic culinary experience.

This is her:


Reject coronation quiche. Retvrn to dillegrout.

This dish was served during the coronation of William the Conqueror's wyf. Will reportedly liked it so much that he ordered it to be served at coronations in perpetuity, which obviously didn't happen LOL :marseylaugh:.

I followed the recipe on the Wikipedia page with some minor totally canon modifications based on a similar recipe or personal preference.

Verdict: Despite its appearance, it's surprisingly really good and I'll definitely be making it again. I'd serve it to someone with an upset stomach or hangover with the vinegar and rosewater greatly reduced or omitted.


  • Roughly 2/3rds container of almonde mylk

  • About a cup or so of pinot grigiot

  • Chicken stock cube

  • roughly 2 inches ginger, minced

  • Crushed clove garlic

  • 6 small boneless skinless chicken thighs (equivalent to 4 burger chicken thighs)

  • small fistful of pine nuts

  • roughly 2 tbsp ground blanched almonde (I used a spice grinder on some slivers)

  • 1/2 cup arborio rice, can sub with any rice and it'd work

  • mace to taste (can sub w nutmeg)

  • ground cloves to taste (be careful)

  • roughly 1 tbsp sugar (I'll use less next time)

  • roughly 2 tsp white vinegar

  • ginger powder to taste

  • dash rosewater

1. Pour wine and almonde milk into pot with mace, cloves, stock cube, garlic, sugar, minced ginger, and pine nuts and bring to boil

2. Add thighs

3. Mix ginger powder and vinegar and set aside

4. Simmer chicken for about 40 mins, stirring occasionally

5. Wash rice and add to pot, simmer for about 20 more mins.

6. Add ground almond to pot and simmer until it's thick to your liking. Check and stir more frequently so it doesn't burn

7. Once thick enough, stir in vinegar incrementally (taste to make sure you're not going overboard) and add a dash of rosewate

8. Adjust spices, almonde mylk, and wine to taste throughout the cooking process (just be careful with the sugar and mace)

9. Serve, optionally with bread :marseyobese:

Skip the Thanksgiving turkey, try a ThanksVegan roast. Your soul will thank you.

Every peta tweet I've clicked is 99% rage in the replies and I one day aspire to have that level of mastery over internet plebs

It's all kicking off on Cornish Pasty Facebook

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  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : It hurts not being able to post so can you buy me an unban award please
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