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Soydditors and twittards are mad because... women aren't ugly in Tekken 8?

of course they ae.

Now, mind you, this drama has been going on for a while now. Basically, ledditors and twitter secondaries are very upset that women in T8 don't look like the abominations in SF6 or MK12.

At first I thought this was just a case of mass r-sluration, but at this point I'm starting to think these are all bots trying to gather attention through controversy. I refuse to believe these are human beings. They're NPCs.

This one specifically is beyond parody

Street Fighter: Here's a lady who's built like a Titan but still enjoys femininity

sure thing :marse#ytrans:

He goes on to compliment a MK character.

Let's do a recap on MK...

(note: this is not saying the left looks good at all)


They go out of their way to make the females look bad. But that's empowering, somehow.

Now let's look at the males...

One day I will understand why making females hard to lok at while you make all male characters gigachads is le heckin wholesome, but that day is not today. Not that I dislike the male characters being handsome, I just don't get it at all.

Then we have the best thread of them all

making females pretty means they hate women

you can't make this shit up. not even twisting his words, that's literally what he is saying lol

Kappachino thread

Some r-slurs in there too, but mostly sane I guess

Worst part for me is this isn't even just thanking whatever dev studio for making ugly females so they can relate to, this is actively going out of their way to complain about another studio making attractive characters. This shit is so out there it's ridiculous, i guess the :marseyslipp#eryslope: is real :marsey#sheercliff:

Remember this

Twitter users live in another world

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!chuds !nooticers !coomers !g*mers why the frick do wokeoid grifters hate female beauty in media so much? just what is their fricking goal? I want to know more about this without some 2016 SJW cringe KotakuinAction lolbert pooping up the discussion.

Is it to attract fellow ugly foids as a market demographic?, is it because ugly foids are now in positions of corporate influence?, is it a strategy from artists who want to avoid the Overwatch effect to prevent people from making porn of their characters?, is it because any kind of sexual pleasure and love must now be made through financial transactions and paywalls (i.e. flood the market with ugly hoes no one is attracted to, limiting porn to elsewhere)?

They're porn addicts and often AGP :marseytrain2:s who want everyone to be free to explore their kinks and sexualities, free from religious puritans telling what they can and can't see or can or can't wear, but at the same time, sexualizing female characters is misogynystic and problematic, so cover up your whore body with proper clothing :marseytaliban: and make their faces look like a stage 4 homeless crackhead :marseybowl:

Or even better: make them exaggerated racist caricatures of Asian and Black people, because turning A. Wyatt Mann's or /pol/ drawings into media characters will sure help minorities, right?

The Evangelicals from the 1990s should have just brought in the "it's misogynistic against women!" to censor vidya, instead of muh satanism, violence, school shootings, and morals, but well, the Evangelical puritans are now the Twitter corporate dyed hairs.

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e: k*kes

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holy shit blessed longpostbot


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:#marseycracka: :!#marseygambling:

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1. Ugly Foids who want to bring down every other foid to her level

2. Attractive Foids who want to make everyone else ugly so they'll be the prettiest foid in the room

3. Pathetic Moids who simp for the Attractive Foids

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Attractive foids :marseyblops2chadcel: have literally :marseyme: never :marseyitsover: heard :marseyjacksparrow: of any of these games :marseylegioncommander: except for their older brother :marseyilluminati2: playing mortal kombat w them a few times when young.

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I don't think that's it.

I know many normie foids who play games and they all prefer to play as hot chicks.

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the women who actually play video games have very little overlap with the women who constantly complain about women characters in video games being too pretty.

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Those foids haven't been cheated on yet

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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1. Ugly Foids who want to bring down every other foid to her level

2. Attractive Foids who want to make everyone else ugly so they'll be the prettiest foid in the room

:marseyconfused: How does that hold true when foids love creating pretty & yassified sims so much?

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Those foids haven't been cheated on yet

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Kind of like communism / extreme wealth equality but for beauty rather than money.

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The face-model for Aloy from the Horizon games is pretty. Name is Hannah Hoekstra if anyone wants to look up more pictures for proof.

So one arm of the company went to the effort of hiring a pretty foid and modelling her face. Another arm decided to then change that face to be ugly by giving her horrible skin, blotchy red alcoholic complexion, gross eyes with eyebags and dark circles, disgusting matted hair in the worst style you could ever conceive and an overall "unwashed lesbian" aesthetic.

This doesn't help explain why but definitely shows it's done on purpose.

I think it's probably just a response to the mild backlash back when every woman in gaming was over sexualised. Got to probe they're not doing that anymore and they've all hired heads of diversity to enforce "sensitivity".

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The face-model for Aloy from the Horizon games is pretty. Name is Hannah Hoekstra if anyone wants to look up more pictures for proof.

So one arm of the company went to the effort of hiring a pretty foid and modelling her face. Another arm decided to then change that face to be ugly by giving her horrible skin, blotchy red alcoholic complexion, gross eyes with eyebags and dark circles, disgusting matted hair in the worst style you could ever conceive and an overall "unwashed lesbian" aesthetic.

I think it's probably just a response to the mild backlash back when every woman in gaming was over sexualised. Got to probe they're not doing that anymore and they've all hired heads of diversity to enforce "sensitivity".

Is it a backlash when now every fricking single Western game does it too?

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The women who work in AAA Vidya want normal looking b-words they can self insert as ala that b-word from Twilight so the hoes they design look plain and or ugly NEXT QUESTION

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Kristen Stewart may be :marseymid: but at least she's wasn't la goblina :goblina: like the body horror above.

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She's a queen.

I would crawl a mile on glass just to be able to suck the last clit she scissored with.

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suck the last clit she scissored with.

Is she an actually good-looking cute butch that hasn't become a pooner? :marseycoomer2:

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Anne frankly, I did nazi that coming. I literally came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, 11/10 with rice, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upmarsey to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. You are now banned from /r/pyongyang What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once. Jet fuel can't melt dank memes, that stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. OP is a fuzzy little man-peach, 2/10, would not bang. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Frick Jenny. Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels. When you see it, they'll KILL IT WITH FIRE! But this has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. /r/dadjokes. Darn onions, you scary like a BOSS. whoosh. Since rule #1 is 'be attractive', I'll just leave this here: This is my [f]irst post, be gentle. Edit: This blew up. RIP my inbox. Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

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Are you feeling okay bud?

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My own biased opinion based off observations at the AAA company I work at.

The art department is largely made up of lgbtqi+infinity cultists by this point (and white women but I repeat myself).

There isn't anything wrong with that on the surface, plenty have existed before and have created plenty of awesome shit. But there was a generational shift post 2016. The people getting jobs didn't grow up playing the games the rest of us played, their favorites are shit like The Sims or neopets. Seeing hot chicks just isn't a priority for them. Add on top of this repeated discourse about how terrible and r*pey the “male gaze” is and you have an entire department jumping up and down to be on the right side of history.

That's also why you don't see the same kind of treatment of male characters or even lgbtq+infinity characters. See, male gaze is problematic and sexist therefore we will not cater to it. But imagery that appeals to women and lgbtq shit is wholesome and empowering so therefore is to be allowed and promoted. My company will no longer produce hot skinny babes with nice tits as characters but every male character is going to be nicely buff with a deep v to expose as much skin as possible.

Watched this video about “safe horny” and “safe edgy” a bit ago and it really put the whole thing I'd been observing the last few years in perspective.

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One of the Snappys is about this, it's that they have demonised straight male sexuality to such an extent. Anything they claim is designed to appeal to it is misogynist, and if it's done by a woman it's internalised misogyny.

There's a whole mix of reasons why, usually involving jealousy, lack of talent, 'queering' everything, self-inserts, etc. But one of the strong motivations that many of them even admit to is just spite. They hate their perceived audience of G*mergaters and this is their sanctimonious way of 'educating' them.

You see it in how much they bang on about being pro s*x work. Straight men's desires are considered inherently predatory and negative, so if you can't beat the male gaze you might as well get paid for it. Nevermind that there's a difference between being catcalled and getting naked for money, it's not about being consistent or coherent. There's just a really strong element of tribalism, where if it pisses off the other side it must be good.

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See: Haven, a game with two characters where you can do BM/WF and after an update, BM/WM or BF/WF, but the devs threw a fit about muh diversity when asked about WM/BF.

Edit :

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>it's misogynist to have pretty women in a game or movie

I dunno if it's spite, as much as it being an illogical set of beliefs. The gender ideologues really don't think things through, which is a postmodern tradition. Thank :marseyfoucault: for kicking off postmodernism into gender 'studies.'

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>safe horny

i hate this term with a passion

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Me too babe, me too. :#marseycheerup:

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proper horniness is anything but safe

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Sounds like management needs to beat them into complying with what the consoomer wants. Artists have always been weirdos but up until recently they were mostly kept in line. :marseycop:

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:#chadleftoid: <- peak feminity

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Seems to be the second guess, these post-wall foids now have corporate influence in rainbow capitalism, and want to make foids less beautiful to avoid their jealousy, and also make foids look as repulsive as they are, the fact that moids are usually very hot-looking while the foids are all crackheads seems to point that, remember what the average fujo looks like:

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Sure but counterpoint to your image:

Rebecca Sugar and her contemporaries make them all look like freak blob people and don't care about making things attractive.

Steven Universe himself is probably the least sexually charged design ever made. DO NOT correct me if I'm wrong by linking some slashfic site where Fujos are Schlicking to him.

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DO NOT correct me if I'm wrong by linking some slashfic site where Fujos are Schlicking to him.

Rebecca Sugar drew Ed Edd n Eddy gay child porn :#marseyshapiro:

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I knew about that and yes I also think that's fricked up.

Also not surpised at all that she did that and ended up not just working for Cartoon Network but making their biggest show of last decade.

On that note didn't the Loud House creator also get ousted for being a :marseypedo:

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On that note didn't the Loud House creator also get ousted for being a :marseypedo:

!ranchers !nooticers someone redpill me on this :#marseynooticeglow:

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I thought it was sexual harassment of adult coworkers. The Forever 12 lady was a shota loving libertarian

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I heard it about Steven Universe, unfamiliar with the loudhouse shit

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He's an incest (mother/son) fetishist, and I do remember the show attracting other incest fetishists (brother/sister(s)).

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There's also some of the Amphibia people that got in trouble for making porn of the characters which are like 12.

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polface is just a wingcuck pheno

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The gaming industry is run by trains, and they want to degrade standards of female beauty, for obvious reasons.

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The artists eventually got replaced by :marseytrain2:, as they should be.

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It's because they have a view of culture in which everything is discursively constructed. That means that things are the way they are as the result of an ongoing discussion between basically everyone in the world all the time. People who have more “power” (e.g., media influence, positions in politics and academia, etc.) have more ability to shape this discussion than others. So, to take beauty, most of these leftoids would basically deny that there is an inherent quality of beauty (essentialism) and argue that beauty is a shifting discourse that is set by what people in a given place and time say is beautiful. Because it's not stable, the more people (especially culturally powerful people) who say that something is beautiful, the more true it is. That's why progressives value representation so much. They believe you can shift society's view on a thing completely if you utter it enough. This is combined with an emphasis on uplifting those who are seen as disadvantaged (BIPOC, uggos, disabled, etc.). So, they feel that by creating more representations of these people as “beautiful,” they are doing the cultural work of shifting the meaning of beauty to what they see as a less oppressive standard. This may be true to an extent, but as always, I think they massively downplay how ingrained certain things are through our biological heritage. :marseylongpost:

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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downmarsey and shut up idiot

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Downmarseyd by the bot :marseycry:

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I got your back bro

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Thanks king :marseykneel:

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Because they themselves are ugly? :marseyshrug: People these days live vicariously through media so hot women in media threaten them even when they're fictional and made out of pixels.

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They just want everything to look like non passing trains :marseydramautist: so they can point :marseyyourmom: to the characters and say “see I look like her. Im a woman”

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it's insane that with every new iteration of those compilations i see a new version of that bug eyed broad. why is she in every modern vidya?

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As with everything these days, it is about power.

The anti-beauty impulse is iconoclastic, not in the playful mid-20th-century sense, but in the literal sense of destroying icons. It is dour, tight-lipped and totalising.

[It] says that beauty doesn't exist, shouldn't exist, isn't important, is the enemy of virtuous behavior and thought. The aim of such gestures is not to expand anyone's aesthetic. It is to punish you for being attracted to what is now forbidden. but half the article is about sone old Ruskie sci fi novel so don't bother. I just liked the bit above.

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Bro what the frick is that bottom picture?

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Lifeline from Apex Legends, apparently her first appearance was so fricking repulsive and meme-worthy for 4chuds that even Twitteratis thought that this uglification fetish had gone too far, and EA later changed her design to look less like a racist caricature from 1921.

This is her first design that was immortalized on the internet by looking like the SHEEEEEEIT guy:

This is her updated appearance I think (!g*mers, did her look actually change? I never played Gaypex so idk, all of this I know comes from me googling shit)

This makes me fricking angry because Blasians (assuming that she is supposed to be half-Black half-Asian) are legitimately good-looking and underrated people, but these fricking post-wall diversity hires have to make them a /pol/ racist caricature, because if no one wants finds them to be pretty foids, then pretty foids shouldn't exist.

@PeepeeButtKiss @Morewafflesplz @JESUITRY

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Christ you people are pathetic lmao. I used to play Apex early on when it released with a bunch of friends and I saw literally 0 people saying this shit. Just because 5 losers on /pol/ or what said so doesn't somehow mean everyone thought so.

The chud obsession with having their Vidya game foids look like supermodel pornstars is pathetic. 90% of normal, non terminally online people dgaf about this shit

!nonchuds why are rightoids like this

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When I read chud stuff I understand where they're coming from sort of and then when I play the games I find myself not noticing or caring at all then I realize how r-slurred it all is.

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You know why rightoids are like this. They can't get W's irl. So this is the cope.

Kill chuds. Behead chuds.

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To be fair based on the topic of the post overall I'm gonna invoke :marseyhorseshoe: here

Anybody who cares wether characters are hot in their Vidya, be it rightoids seething their characters look ugly or realistic, or leftoids seething the character look like weebshit Is probably chronically online and should :marseyropeyourself:

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The most dramatic option is making the white characters look like gremlins and the non whites look like chads, so I'll support that without playing any of these children's games.

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>You don't want black people to be depicted as /pol/ memes? You must be... LE CHUD

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No BIPOC anyone who looks at this and thinks it's somehow depicted as pol meme is terminally online

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But if they don't want them to look like that wouldn't be they terminal online leftoids...?

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You're terminally online my BIPOC. You're so blinded by gameplay that you forgot the average player pick something based on how it looks.

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I don't get it either at least half of the characters in that collage look fine to me?? I've only ever seen this gammon colored Alloy chick before but I'm assuming the vast majority of those pics are of side characters, are g*mers srsly shaking and crying because there's a wrinkly black cyberpunk granny in their game? :marseyconfused: Obviously that fat wheelchair albino freakshow is a bit silly, those 2 blasians (? like that blue haired twink) look strange + I can see why people are sick of this "I'm a strong womyn so I must frown >:( all the time " trope but a lot of these characters have literally nothing wrong with them except they're nogs or mutts. Like why would every character look bangable, are these guys mad too when they watch a movie where not every single actor has their tits out? Also what do they expect games are an :quote:art form:quote: made by & for deranged losers, these people hate themselves and others and it'll always show.

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Come on you know she looks like a monkey in that first pic dude

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I used to play Apex early on when it released with a bunch of friends


why are rightoids like this

I.AM.NOT.A.RIGHTOID :#soyjaktantrumfast:

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Just make her look like Alyx Vance, how hard is it to do that?

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But sexy hunks are heckin wholesome tho! :pooner:

!chuds just change a few words and bang, we have Evangelicals from 20 years ago :marseysleep:

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Blasians (assuming that she is supposed to be half-Black half-Asian) are legitimately good-looking and underrated people


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Good thing they hate each other

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She doesnt look that bad in the first image, it's a really unflattering facial expression they chose to draw her with, but darn second image got me feeling chocolate fever fr

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Was gonna say I only knew her from the second image so seeing her do the richard d james was a :marseysunglassesoff:

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Yeah she looks better now, has kinda a goldfish look in some skins though

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Her art is distractingly bad, it makes sense that it was a last minute redesign to paper over something worse

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yeah she got updated. I actually think most of the Apex ladies are hot, even the train, though the train doesn't pass lol.

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yeah she got updated. I actually think most of the Apex ladies are hot

:marseyagreefast::marseycoomer2: MULATTO COALBUNNY BUILT FOR BWC !coomers

even the train

Wiat a sec, who?

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As a loba main when I used to play apex, I I always found myself questioning whether she's a train, because she has absolutely no tits. Completely flat even though the butt is fat. And I know apex would do it, because they are gigawoke, but I refuse to consume literally any of their r-slurred story content to find out either way and always have since the second I installed the game

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Loba surely is something.


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She really looks like a Macaca :marseybrasileiro:

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Ayro remme sip on dat rean

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>Ayyo remme sip on dat rean

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You don't put a comma after the question mark when making a series of questions.

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Loool the girl with the pink buns in her hair is pretty egregious that literally does look like a racist caricature.

I figured they want then to look more like the avg American populace of butt ugly people

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It's not complicated: they just hate male heterosexuality. They will literally turn on a dime when they go from talking about the awful sexy female character to talking about the wonderful sexy male characters in the same game.

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Also frick you that pink haired b-word is CLEARLY a reference to Richard D James and thus Kino

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I'm blaming the beasts for this one

(beasts = Jews)

Also, transfer me 100dc so I can pin this post

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>Also, transfer me 100dc so I can pin this post :chudtantrum:

לא :#chadjew:

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''What a Jewish BIPOC.''

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Worshipper of money

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Mfw you expect me to read all that

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Thanks for the collage, I pulled one of the shitfaces out to make a couple low tier wingcuck bait sidebar and emoji submissions :marseysaint:

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All the artists are fat ugly women. So they draw what they know.

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>why do they hate beauty

uggos, simple as

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These people are subcounsciously or consciously committed to a postmodernist pseudocommunist ideology of western self-destruction. Making everything ugly and dysfunctional is an important part of their doctrine. They will deny this or frame it differently, because they need the dishonesty to obscure their activity. They're totally mentally compromised.

>I want to know more about this without some 2016 SJW cringe KotakuinAction lolbert pooping up the discussion.

They hated the 2016 SJW cringe KotakuinAction lolbert because he spoke the truth.

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