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  • DestoryerCarbine : I have played many fightings game on local multiplayer, but i only know one guy that's good enough

I don't have friends to play fighting games with and it makes me sad :marseysulk:

I have 1 friend who has played a lot of smash and is stringing me along with getting into Guilty Gear, the rest are either FPS normies or Nintentards (nonpejorative) :marseyitsaover:

Has anyone here gotten friends into FGs? :marseypunching:

I have not felt highs during gaming as euphoric as winning a set 3-1 to someone who washed me in game 1 and started teabagging me :marseytwerking:

but I don't understand how I can convey that to people who don't really care :marseybottom:

I'm not even fricking good either so it's not like I would pound them to dust, I forget that FD is a thing constantly :marseyfacepalm:

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Most fighting games are stupid because you have to memorize a ton of weird combos. I don't have the desire to dedicate that much bandwidth to useless shit. Virtua Fighter is the only fighting game that I like because the moves are easy and intuitive rather than things like "Mash the top two buttons while moving your joystick in a semicircle and then press the bottom two buttons simultaneously"

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Well then you don't understand part of the appeal, and that's okay :marseyshrug:

You can just play modern Zangief in SF6 and be hardstuck at silver, as long as you're having fun who cares :marseyteehee:

Seriously though, a fightstick took my enjoyment from a 3 to a 9, smacking the buttons loud as frick and cranking the stick feels good https://i.rdrama.net/images/16936567789599853.webp

And combos make fighting games look like crazy fight scenes, when you put 2 half way competent players against each other you can have some sick moments :donkeykongdance2:

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But why are there different combos? If I know the combos of char A, that doesn't mean I know the combos of char B (sure, sometimes there's an overlap). Just have every char have a combo on quarter-circle + button. That is what is annoying me.

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Neighbor are you mixing up special moves and combos? :marseyconfused:

Why would you want an entire roster of essentially one character reskinned 20 times? :marseyfacepalm:

That is the logical conclusion of just having every character mash X for an optimal combo :marseygigaretard:

There's plenty of fighting games that don't have motion inputs, if you're talking about special moves.

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Neighbor are you mixing up special moves and combos?

Yes. :marseyautism:

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Ur lost in the sauce, these days most fighting games are like two buttons into a special for 80% of the damage of a more complicated combo.

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I'll be tour friend :lappschemin:

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There are lots of groomercord and Reddit communities to find players.

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fighting game fans be like 'oh dude just remember these several 45-button combos' :marseybrainlet:

Im going to mash the punch button over and over until I win.

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That's literally only Anime games :marseylaugh:

Way to show how clueless you are.

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omg yawn even your beloved mortal koombat is the same, it just has fourteen three-button combos instead of two twenty-one button combos.


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>He thinks command inputs are combos


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I have mates who play street fighter but they won't play blazblue CF with so I'm in a groomercord server with neighbors I met searching for games on /vg/

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Me when i see a new kappa hole been made :#marseyexcited:

Me when i find out everyone in it only plays strive :#marseyitsover:

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BTW you post lobbies I'll pin the thread for however long, I said this before but I should add it to the sidebar

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Me and my one buddy who plays tried to get the others into them with SF6. Errbody else we play games with bought it, played for like 2 hours and rage quit. One jackass even bought a stick before the game came out.

Ngl tho if i hadnt gotten started playing FGs sitting next to real people, i doubt id have gotten into them either

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Lol sux to sux.

I'm not opposed necessarily but

>Strive Player

It wasn't meant to be bby

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A real trap enjoyer would have plenty of "friends" to play fighting games with

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I will play REAL fighting games with you.

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I'll play Mortal Kombat with you. :marseyshy:

My friend got me into playing competitive Smash and DBFZ for a while. I genuinely enjoyed DBFZ but the mental illness of the friend got way too much, like constantly trying to argue with me about why I slotted some character instead of one he liked more. Felt like at some point he lost the plot of why fighting games were fun. I viewed them as a way of expressing creativity through styles and mixups and he viewed it as an ego thing and would only learn the "meta" shit. Idk it was just exhausting after a while.

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the mental illness of the friend got way too much

Literally every fighting game player

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It's r-slurred that you constantly gotta remind people to just have fun when they are playing fricking video games :donkeykongsad:

Neighbor you aren't placing top 128 at Evo, sit your butt down and play the characters you think are cool/fun https://i.rdrama.net/images/16936569906468523.webp

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Ye that's why I'm only recently picking up Mortal Kombat again. I forgot I had MK11 from from some bundle a while back, and the new one is coming out soon. I'm terribad but it's still vv fun.

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Fighting games suck, unless it's smash bro's


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Are you a libertarian or something? Seriously, all major smash players are libertarians and never shower.

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Multiversus > coomertendo smash

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This is your mans? :#marseyno:

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Smash would be pretty fun if smash players weren't subhuman.

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Just play SSBB Subspace Emissary, the only way SSB was meant to be played...

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Touch grass.

You don't need friends to fight in real life.

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Kill Soren. Behead Soren. Roundhouse kick Soren into the concrete. Slam dunk a baby Soren into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Soren. Defecate in Soren's food. Launch Soren into the sun. Stir fry Soren in a wok. Toss Soren into active volcanoes. Urinate into Soren's gas tank. Judo throw Soren into a wood chipper. Twist Soren's head off. Report Soren to the IRS. Karate chop Soren in half. Curb stomp pregnant Soren. Trap Soren in quicksand. Crush Soren in the trash compactor. Liquify Soren in a vat of acid. Eat Soren. Dissect Soren. Exterminate Soren in the gas chamber. Stomp Soren's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Soren in the oven. Lobotomize Soren. Mandatory abortions for Soren. Grind Soren fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Soren in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Soren with a ray gun. Kick old Soren down the stairs. Feed Soren to alligators. Slice Soren with a katana.

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Soren, Soren

The whole day through (the whole day through)

Just an old sweet :marseywaffle: song

Keeps Soren :marseyteaparty: on my mind (Soren on my mind)

I said Soren


A song of you (a song of you)

Comes as sweet :marseyblep: and clear

As moonlight through the pines

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile :marseyancap: tenderly

Still in peaceful :marseybeanrelieved: dreams I see

The road leads back to you

I said Soren

Oh Soren, no peace :marseymuslimwereback: I find (no peace :marseytombstone: I find)

Just an old sweet :marseywaffle: song

Keeps Soren :marseyteaparty: on my mind (Soren on my mind)

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile :marseyshy3: tenderly

Still in peaceful :marseybeanrelieved: dreams I see

The road leads back to you

Whoa-whoa, Soren


No peace, no peace :marseyswastika: I find

Just an old, sweet :marseycupcake: song

Keeps Soren :marseyteaparty: on my mind (Soren on my mind)

I said just an old sweet :marseyblep3: song

Keeps Soren :marseyteaparty: on my mind

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Oh Soren, where can I begin

About this feeling that I'm in

Since Soren came to us

We've been living in a dream

And now it's like a nightmare

Where nothing will be right 'til

You see the light of day

All I want is just to hold you

Won't you give me this one chance

I know these words are coming

From my heart out through my hands

I never meant to hurt you

Please Soren, if there's anyone

Who could help me now

It's you, you're the one

This hurt I'm feeling

Won't go away today

Somewhere in this haze

There's got to be some way

I've been looking in the eyes

Of pictures on the walls

And talking to the dolls in

Strange imaginary talks

I've been up all night

Waiting for the break of day

Cause when there's no Soren

You see the other side of gray


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