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Avatar early reviews are here, and they are pretty ok-ish! The movie is currently sitting at 85% on RottenTomatoes while marvel fans and true cinema enthusiasts are confused about how to react


Currently there's not much going on, but as soon as the movie reaches theaters one side will start whining heavily. Either Marvel wins this one and cinema is forever ruined or the man children will have to face the reality that their favorite movies are just Disney slop!

Slight background, people that are fed up with the endless Marvel movies dominating the box office were hoping that Avatar 2 will become the highest grossing movie ever and will humiliate the MCU once and for all. Marvel fans, hearing this, decided that Cameron's latest too-long-video-game-cutscene movie is a deadly threat to their beloved franchise and declared war. The internet is now convinced that the future of cinema hinges exclusively on this movie and it's sequels. The movie has an absurd budget and apparently needs at least 1.5 billion to break even, but some estimates are even more ridiculous. So it needs really good reviews and word of mouth to even start making profits. The problem is the reviews aren't stellar but they aren't bad either so our brave warriors don't know hot to react. :marseyconfused:

Smug cinema goers are coping right now:

David Elrich has given it an A-, said that it is exactly what a Theatrical experience should be.

Hollywood Reporter only major criticism seems to be that the dialogue is a bit eye rolling but otherwise the movie delivers on all the visual and spectacle and emotions you want from Avatar.

Variety is a bit more critical praising the visuals but saying the story otherwise is cliche.

Empire Magazine has given it 5 out of 5 stating that James Cameron is still ahead of the pack in the blockbuster game.

Rolling Stone has called it Camerons must stunning film so far and said that the climax especially is great.

T-they gave the movie good reviews, that's a good sign, right guys? :marseyworried:

One review said the characters cant refrain from saying “bro” over and over

Lmao :marseylaugh:

Bruhhhhhhhhhh don't focus on critic scores so much only audience reception matters. Look at joker, had arguably one of the best WOM for a blockbuster in the US and middling reviews

People that complain that capeshit ruined cinema can only compare this movie with other capeshit :marseymanysuchcases:

So far, it's surprisingly lower than I expected. I think this has to be a 90%+ movie to properly launch the rest of this series given me that it doesn't have the benefit of having a devoted fanbase who will look past the flaws because of the love they have for the characters, the story, and the franchise.

"Maybe Marvel was right after all?" :marseydepressed:

Can we take IGN out of film reviews specifically? Their takes always read like the already established consensus of chronically-online people with no real understanding of movies.

Seriously if I have to hear people bring up “not an entirely original story” as a detrimental point again; as if any film nowadays is entirely original. It’s impossible.

A month from now they’ll probably be acclaiming some Oscarbait that was done better in 2012.

Stop criticizing the cgi movie! :marseyraging:

Some are still smug and confident:

This isnt Marvel lol where most of the audience is limited to 3 days. It will have a very long run.

The cycle will be the same as every James Cameron movie:

Preproduction: It’s behind schedule! Costs are too high!

Opening weekend: It’s performing weaker than expected! Flop incoming!

Weekend 11: I can’t believe this is still #1!

Zoomers are about to learn the lesson we old timers have already learned 13 and/or 25 years ago.

It's a 3 hours long movie, can zoomers even focus this long?

Everyone remember to screenshot the haters below. “Flop” “bomb” lol

I can’t wait for the James Cameron haters to eat thier words when this movie ends up breaking all of the records

They’re mcu fans lol

This isn't even the only comment that attacks Marvel fans directly in the /r/movies thread

If I know the mods of this cesspit as well as I think I do, this thread is getting deleted for sure.

They are even attacking the mods now! How long before the thread gets jannied? :marseyjanny:

Some Marvel fans are starting to get smug about it:


Its doing worse than Puss in Boots lmao

This movie will flop. The only reason the first one did so well was because 3D was all the rage 13 years ago. Nobody cares about that anymore

This started some coping!

Throught Avatar 1 was one of of the worst movies I've ever seen the acting was terrible the dialogue was even worse how it got so much praise is beyond me so I will be giving this a miss but that's just my opinion.

The only cultural effect this movie will have is being shown on TVs at Best Buy,

One capeshitter started to write one of those weird essays about kino cinematography that appeared after Batman vs Superman:

To a review, each one of these outlets is essentially saying this is fundamentally no different from any of the Marvel films that have paraded out promising nonstop visual spectacle hung on thin story and characterization in the preceding 10 years. They're describing functionally the exact same moviegoing experience.

The thing that differentiates those experiences from this one is that James Cameron made it, so they have permission to enjoy that spectacle the same way they didn't give themselves permission to enjoy the other stuff. This isn't an inaccurate, ungenerous read, either - almost every single one of these reviews has the author making that case themselves, in the text of the review.

The comment is longer, but the gist is that Avatar and Marvel are the same but since Avatar was made by Cameron critics can finally admit that they like mindless entertainment.

He's doing this in the r/movies thread too for some reason.

Also redditors can't stop being redditors:

Hmm, the massive dissonance between most reviewers, and writers for the British papers, is pretty clear--bodes well for the anticolonial message at a minimum.

"How can I bring race in a movie about blue aliens?" :marseythinkorino:

My theory is that Avatar is marketing chiefly towards women and families. Two groups that Reddit main sub moderators can't stand.

The wokies might be turning against capeshit! :marseypopcorn:

I don’t think this will make as much money as TGM tbh.

This might be the best take on the whole fiasco. Hopefully Top Gun will reign eternal! :marseyfluffy:

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Avatar is a movie that i thought was fine then inmediatly forgot about it and never really cared for rewatching it.

Radically mediocre experience, neither great not really that terrible. Can't imagine why i'd want a sequel more than a decade later.

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the movie was supposed to come out in like, 2014 lmao :marseylaugh: it was basically the film version of vaporware, the duke nukem forever of movies

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I wonder why james cameron has such a hard on for this stuff. Blue native americans must be a very private lifelong fetish of his

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the movie was supposed to come out in like, 2014 lmao

Lol no, even earlier than that, development on Avatar originally started in 1994! it was scheduled to be released in 1999, but Cameron agreed that CGI at that time was too primitive to achieve his desired vision, if it did we would have gotten a burger version of Final Fantasy 2001 :marseyxd:

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no wonder dude had like 7 sequels basically finished in his head the second the first movie came out if he's been thinking about them for 20 goddarn years jesus christ

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This is my question too. The boxoffice subreddit would get really butthurt if someone would say that the movie won't make 5 trillion dollars, but it's a really late 3 hours long sequel to a gimmicky movie. How many people are dying to see it in theaters?

But maybe it will manage to create a similar hype to the first movie, the box office has been weird after covid.

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I don't even feel like pirating it. Might decide to on a whim someday.

Just for the exposure alone it will probably do well in box office,the first one did well, people went to see it despite everyone forgetting about it almost inmediatly. Is the kind of thing people like to see on a big screen.

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Its supposed to be the second movie in a quintology.

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James Cameron will be 107 years old when the fifth movie comes out.

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The original Avatar was an event, even if it didn't have any staying power culturally. If the visuals are good enough to get word of mouth again, it'll probably do pretty well since like the original it'll be something you have to see in theatres rather than on a computer/tv screen (although no way it passes the original).

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Everyone seems to agree that the film is all about the visuals. The story is middling at best but the exorbitant budget, 3D, high frame rate, motion tracking and other gimmicks (supposedly) make it stand out. Much like how the original did.

Think of it as your local theme park opening a new coaster. But a really expensive one with cool loops and water effects.

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I wasn't really too much into the visuals. The cgi is pretty advance but the art direction is so boring. Its not really a super interesting world.

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The 3D was awesome and I usually hate 3D films. See it in IMAX or don't bother.

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See it in IMAX or don't bother.

Plebs can't seem to wrap their head around this concept.

>Hurr I have a 48" OLED, that's basically a home theater, so I'll skip IMAX :marseystroke:

I loved the IMAX experience of NOPE. Downloaded it the other day to watch on my decent system, and it wasn't even close to the same movie

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I saw it imax, it was cool but don’t really care to go back.

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Yeah I couldn’t care less to go back

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Good or bad reviews, I don't care, still watching it in theaters in 3D to make marvelcels and cinématographecels seethe.


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True cinématographechads (I'm talking full blown opium addicted french movie critics) are pretty ok with james cameron.

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Thats because they have no taste.

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Just because you can't taste it doesn't mean they can't :marseybeanmonocle:

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James Cameron doesn't miss

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Did they do the weird hair s*x thing again? Worst s*x scene since Matrix Reloaded.

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These marvel fans remind me of old-school game console fanboys. It's the lefty-ish Soystayion marvel/blockbuster movie lovers versus the right-ish chudbox Hollywood haters!

Everyone on both sides is a loser for basing their identity on something so stupid, so it's fun for everyone else to make fun of nerds on both sides!


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It still exist

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You mean to tell me that people who live vicariously through giant corporations are losers?

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I just want westerns again

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Supposedly this movie has a cowboys and indians vibe, where the blue tree people are the indians and the blue water people are the cowboys.

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I don't understand the people taking personal pride/offense in reviews for a movie they haven't even seen.

I wouldn't understand it if they had seen the movie either, but this is just especially r-slurred

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Well fanboism is strong in Burgerstan look at sport or console war

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>the gist is that Avatar and Marvel are the same


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Don't mention this to either side, they'll get really angry for no reason.

Or do mention it :marseyrapscallion:

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God I'm glad I got out of the movie business. Having to work on garbage like this was soul destroying.

I work for an investment bank now and I feel like I'm doing less harm to society.

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Which movies did you work on?

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A bunch of movies from more than 10 years ago. Dark Knight, for one. I think the working title was something like 'Ernest's last kiss'. It's probably the only movie I worked on where people were pumped about being involved with it. Maybe I was just unlucky in that regard IDK. Then the 2008 crash killed my company.

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The dreaded Mado poster strikes again....

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Pocahontas In Space 2: Electric Bluegaloo

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I'm seeing it just for the 3d tbqh I missed dank 3d movies

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Only reason to see it tbh. If the visuals and or 3D is dogshit then the movie is worthless. Its pretty much just a tech demo.

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>The movie has an absurd budget and apparently needs at least 1.5 billion to break even

WRONG. The movie needs to convince people to go to Disneys avatar theme park that nobody on earth gives a flying frick about. A single Disney ticket is 10-30x a movie ticket. Add in hotels and food and multiple days and were talking hundreds of movie tickets worth of money per person.

I don't understand the disney fan vs. Disney fan millenial mousebrain culture war you are describing, but I dont watch Disney Movies, dont give a shit, and think James Cameron only made 2 good movies.

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True Lies and Aliens?

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True Lies and Terminator 2.

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I’m going to see it opening night with my family. :marseyfluffy:

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Do we need another noble blue savage movie

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The avatar ride at Disney is pretty fun. I got more enjoyment out of one go of that than I did the actual movie tho :marseyshrug:

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i really enjoyed watching the first one in 3d in theaters, it also looked pretty good when i rewatched it recently on my oled tv. i definitely want to watch this one but its over 3 hours long, that seems like an eternity to spend in a theater to me now. guess easy home watching has spoiled me for these long movies.

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I honestly don’t care about that movie but noticed nowadays if the media (games, series, movie) is big than the scores from user will always be negative like internet users are lately extra negative.

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who the frick cares

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:marseycortana: whatever happened to that russian guy on /tv/ who was obsessed with Neytiri? did he get conscripted? is he on pandora (a sunflower) now?

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r-slurred tribal fan warring aside that one guy was at least right about one thing; critic scores have been useless for over a decade now.

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No that's not what they were saying, they were saying that studios are so desperate to get a high critic score that they'll essentially just give you a shit movie if you don't see it at the theater. Which is a shame because if it was just because of those stupid "it's a good movie" votes I'm sure it would be a pretty good movie.

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Its doing worse than Puss in Boots lmao

So both are better than eternals

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Why would anyone go into this with any expectations?

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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Seeing it in IMAX Monday morning. Any true kinosseur will do the same

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People who wasted one hundred thousand dollars on a film degree when people would rather watch a cool CGI movie then a black and white film that's entirely in Romanian

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Wasn't the first one just a gimmick to sell blue ray players and high definition tvs? I mean it was a fine movie. Just not much artistry in recreating pocahontas in space.


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It's Avatar. Of course it will sell every single time.

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I'll probably watch ir

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>Slight background, people that are fed up with the endless Marvel movies dominating the box office were hoping that Avatar 2

Movies for the generation that rather watch someone else play video games then play themselves

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As Sam Worthingtons top guy, I will see it in theaters! :marseykneel: :marseyagreefast:

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