In fact, some of you could post the screengrabs on relevant Star Wars subs, /r/entertainment and /r/moviescirclejerk to start the fire yourselves . /tv/ thread with screenshots.
: Zack Snyder shits on Star Wars
and calls Ashoka kiddy shit
. It looks like this hasn't been posted on reddit or twitter yet. So, be on the look out for the inevitable soy seethe
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Sure, but didn't this guy become famous for making zombieshit, then a children's cartoon about sweaty buff Greek guys, then capeshit?
Surely with all his money and success at some point he would have branched out and tried to make a more high-brow movie. Let's take a look at his filmography to see...
Edit: To be fair, I didn't notice that he says "What is there for me? That's where I started.", which seems to show that he is self-aware about never having made anything that is not adolescent in its aesthetics, and he wants to try to overcome this. Well, I'm rooting for you Snyder.
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He's like a gymbro with an arty streak. The "mature" stuff he wants is stuff like Heavy Metal comics and John Boorman's Excalibur. He's not exactly citing Kubrick or Scorsese as his inspirations, kek.
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Kind of just the nature of our pop culture right now, where people think that The Dark Knight is a serious drama that has important things to say about existence, lol.
Not that I think that capeshit can't say important things about existence, necessarily, but I haven't seen it happen so far.
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I think TDK is a bit more interesting than people give it credit for these days but then again you can only do so much within the superhero genre.
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Yeah, "adult" to the snydercel types just means gratuitous objectified sexual content and violence, never character development or weighty/nuanced themes.
His films are in the most literal sense adolescent in ways (OT) Star Wars transcended.
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I could never get into Star Wars and don't really understand the reverance for it even the OT. I find most of Snyder's films boring
but I'm not going to lose any sleep over him dissing star wars.
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If you're not a boomer what you can't understand is that Star Wars was really the only thing like that into in 1990s. It's just been ripped off so much since then that it's easy to forget how important it was.
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But if we had Star Wars but with titties it would be really grown up and R-rated just like the movies that 18-year olds watch!
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Excalibur is just as thematically and visually rich as Scorsese and Kubrick films
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I don't care if 300 wasn't accurate, ancient Spartans would have loved the way the movie portrayed them and the Persians, plus it was awesome
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It's a fun movie and an actually interesting film-making experiment, but I mean, if there's any movie that defines "adolescent aesthetic"...
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It really wasn't. I watched it recently and it doesn't hold up at all. Absolute garbage
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It was a good movie
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You seem to have forgotten Sucker Punch. I mean, we all really fricking want to, but you seem to have actually succeeded.
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