As a Kinophile, I've watched many movies out of sheer boredom. Here are my Top 10 Black movies of all time! If its not listed, then its not worth watching as a non-Black aka the average rdramacel. You can trust me! I'm a gook. I know movies and I know racism. My taste is refined so you can trust my taste!
Honorary Mentions: Not in my top 10 but movies I'd recommend you to at least watch once.
Rush Hour - Jackie Chan carries this thus not on the list. Christ Tucker could be swapped out for literally any black comedian.
Miles Morales Spooderman - I'm not even sure if this is actually a "black" movie, a lot of the themes in the series is more Latinx and incel-coded than Black American coded in my opinion.
Shaft - Honestly thought about making this #10 as a shit-post entry but decided against it. Still a fun movie to watch.
Brooklyn's Finest - Strong cast, under-rated movie.
Sorry to Bother You - Its an interesting movie. Worth a watch.
Barbershop series and Friday series - I've learned to much about Black Culture from this. And you can too!
#10 - Creed
I like Michael B. Jordan. He is the Wayne Brady of the 21st Century. Its a solid movie. 8/10
#9 - The Green Book
Its alright. Realized I don't actually like many Black movies. Black movie for white people. But this was good enough. 8/10
#8 - Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
If only black gangsters acted like Ghost Dog. Then they wouldn't have been muscled out of the drug trade by the latinx and neo-nazis. 8/10
#7 - Coming to America
Funny movie. Funny man. 8/10
#6 - Get Out
Jordan Peele's ONLY good movie. Fight me. 8/10
#5 - BlacKKKlansman
Strong cast, above average script, lackluster camera-work. I give it an 8.5/10
#4 - Glory
Should be a mandatory movie to watch to be an American citizen. 8.5/10
#3 - Django Unchained
Strong cast, good script, fun camera-work, fun movie. 9/10
#2 - American Gangster
Strong cast, strong script, fun plot. 9/10
#1 - Bad Boys
Peak 90s. 10 outta 10
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What about blade? The original black super hero
Putting the
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I forgot it existed because I blocked it out from hearing all the shitshow rumors of the remake.
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