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Wtf is this shit? Dark-side witches are akhsually le good because GIRL POWER! :#marseywitch2:

!nooticers, reminds me of Maleficent which started the whole “SUBVOOOORT TROPES :soyjakfat:” on fairytales and “SHE WASN'T EVIL JUST MISUNDERSTOOD”. They did again with the puppy slaughtering psycho Cruella de Vil.

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I also love that in most cases they are still evil and nothing they do is actually justified, but the film-makers don't have any morals to fall on to realize that.

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I think I'm just going to default to using these whenever our atheist :marseydramautist: come out of the woodwork

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LMAO non-theistic religions have long ago supplanted theistic religions are the basis of morality in the west. That's why nominally "christian" countries promote gay marriages but still condemn r*pe and pillage.

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I'm aware, it's also why abortion and euthanasia have to be couched in terms of empathy and bodily autonomy rather than admitting the true underpinnings.

Try admitting you think killing :marseyblack: babies is good because they're culturally/racially inferior or that :marseyboomer: are a drain on resources and should be murdered and see how those arguments go with :marseywomanmoment2:

I'm optimistic that we will return :marseyitsoverwereback: to cultural supremacy because the alternatives are very much the opposite of our moral intuitions. :marseycrucified:

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Only way that's happening is if Islam wins. Hope you enjoy their moral wisdom rooted in divine revelation.

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Hope you enjoy their moral wisdom rooted in divine revelation.

Christshitters have the same brainworms. It's just that they've been cucked for centuries.

Give them an inch and watch how they out perform mudslimes

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Launch the nukes now

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I'm glad 'atheists' have no moral values, instead of adhering to a religion like Islam, with the "morals are good, but um, if it furthers the will of Allah then who cares" set of moral values.

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lol :soyjakferaltalking:

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Turn the other cheek, cuck :#marseysmug2:

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Islamic morals are like "fricking kids is awesome but if you really really have to you can miss your mandatory kid fricking day when making time to murder westoids"

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Strange how the most religious countries have the most violent crime :marseynoooticer:

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lol :soyjakferaltalking:

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Please take down my dox

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>le atheists

Lol the people you're complaining about are woke religious fanatics themselves. It's that they're not specifically baby peepee cutters of the Christian variety

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The film-makers believe being a queer negro woman justifies all your actions, no matter how violent or satanic they look.

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>The film-makers believe being a queer negro woman justifies all your actions, no matter how violent or satanic they look.

Imagine if most African warlords were foids or queer, we could have been getting some girlboss versions of KONY 2012, about the misunderstood cannibal p-dophile cults fighting against le colonial patriarchy or something :marseyfacepalm: !historychads

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Isn't that what The Warrior Queen was?

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I'll watch it when Disney has the main character chop the heads off a chicken to perform a jedi ceremony. There has to be a little realism in all scifi. :taysneer:

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women really empathize with characters that take no responsibility for their actions

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Women write some of the worst self-insert wish fulfillment fanfics. It's no surprise that the term Mary Sue has its roots in foid fanfics of Star Trek. This is those types of women given the keys to an existing franchise.

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That ratio lmao, looks like most of the critics got their Disneybux

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Let's see some imdb user reviews!


It's Over

Wingzzz12 June 2024

Star Wars is truly cooked. This franchise has been destroyed and it's kind of remarkable how everyone at Disney and Lucasfilms has refused to course correct. They can't even hire people that actually care about Star Wars, but to be fair who would want to work for Lucasfilms at this point? They hire Harvey Weinstein's former assistant to make a show that once again feels like a hollow vessel for a committee of talentless hacks to use a big platform for little payoff. These oh so virtuous creatives have done it again. How a person like Kathleen Kennedy still has a job is beyond me! The legacy of Star Wars has been so greatly tarnished that I genuinely don't think it can ever be mended. New generations of kids will just have a lukewarm reaction to their era of Star Wars and will gravitate to better properties. I would rather be chained up to Jabba Hutt in a metal bikini than watch anymore Star Wars stuff.

Poor lil bonzo.



A Teenage Soap Opera in Space

limbikanidambuleni5 June 2024

I feel that this is a Jedi story written for the 16-25 age group.

-The evil twin thing? Done to death -The whole I can overpower a Jedi Master with daggers coz she was distracted??😁😭 = Impossible.

-The cast.. so so young and in our Universe= inexperienced. ( Now I loved them talented actors, but we are now reduced to shirtless Jedi Knights? WHY?) -Great represantion but...watch Vampire Diaries or TWILIGHT thingy..or something like that U will get the same result 😉.

-Fight choreography is on point I must say ...but again..we have a "Jedi Master who looks 12 meditating in space with a ridiculous beard 🙄.

So.. Budget: Excellent Cast: Pretty Good Production: Excellent Story: 😂 Not it!!

Watch it coz U love Star Wars but if U are expecting Obiwan/Andor/Mando...you will be disappointed.


Despite all of its problems. That's why Disney keeps cranking out this shit.

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Pretty Good Production

So many comments saying it has good production values. Do these people have eyes?

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>consumers looooove CGI slop

Been that way for games and movies since the 2010s.

:marseykino: :marseydeadinside3:

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No and they also have no standards

Literally 0 trans lives matter

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>Star Wars is truly cooked. This franchise has been destroyed and it's kind of remarkable how everyone at Disney and Lucasfilms has refused to course correct. They can't even hire people that actually care about Star Wars, but to be fair who would want to work for Lucasfilms at this point? They hire Harvey Weinstein's former assistant to make a show that once again feels like a hollow vessel for a committee of talentless hacks to use a big platform for little payoff. These oh so virtuous creatives have done it again. How a person like Kathleen Kennedy still has a job is beyond me! The legacy of Star Wars has been so greatly tarnished that I genuinely don't think it can ever be mended. New generations of kids will just have a lukewarm reaction to their era of Star Wars and will gravitate to better properties. I would rather be chained up to Jabba Hutt in a metal bikini than watch anymore Star Wars stuff.



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If it can happen to him, it can also happen... to you.


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Not that critics aren't shills but r-slurred RT rating system is even more to blame, it rewards all these boring, uninspired, technically decently executed shows/movies that the critics are afraid to give less than 6/10.

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Plus the standard 'diversity!' bonus, turning mixed reviews into fresh because praising the diversity means more than complaining about any other parts of the production.

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A lot of foid/:marseytrain: writers working nowadays got their start in fanfiction, and still write at the same level.

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Yeah. I used to read fanfics decade or so back and it's surreal watching that kind of writing make it to the big screens like this. It's not even hyperbole to say this writing is at the same level. It's so uncanny how similar it is in terms of both quality and style.

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Honestly I'm surprised there's not been a real thing about tracking down all these writers' AO3 accounts. Though maybe they delete them when they get a paid gig, like the woman who who wrote 50 Shades of Grey who deleted the Twilight fanfic it originally was as the book was getting popular.

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!foidmoment FACT: All of the fat fujo foids from 2010-2014 tumblr are now working on corporate positions.

:#marseychtorrr2: :#to: :#marseysuit:

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I guess this must be Stargate fanfic because she stole the thing that Teal'c has on his forehead.

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>Women write some of the worst self-insert wish fulfillment fanfics.

>Don't you dare bring up how 99% of anime and action movies are lame male self-insert wish fulfillment fanfics, though


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Anime sucks and action movies are low brow entertainment :marseysquint:

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The elephant in the room is that male wishes are always grand, cool, sexy, and exciting. Female wishes are neurotic, unimaginative, undignified, creatively bankrupt groupthink.

Fulfilling men's wishes gets you Indiana Jones, The Last Samurai, and LOTR. Fulfilling women's wishes gets you Twilight, Ghostbusters 2016, and new Star Wars.


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Disney only knows how to do 3 things: Villain good actually, old man character pathetic and sad, girl boss annoying main character. Repeat this formula forever until they run out of money.

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>gorlboss annoying

wheres the lie?

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>Villain good actually

Tom did nothing wrong, and deserved to win

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I'm just so unbelievably tired of foids ruining literally everything, and I don't even care about star shit :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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The true redpill for chuds is realizing that jews are not the problem - fat white women in corporate positions are the problem.


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Who put them there?

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George Elliot was right.

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started the whole “SUBVOOOORT TROPES

yes and game of thrones invented dragons.

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The only thing subversive about a Girl boss at this point would be her going into a big action scene, the audience thinking she's going to ragdoll multiple men 2-3 times her size.

Then, it plays out like reality. Girl boss runs up to first henchman, tries punching him to no effect. Henchman (black) angrily punches her, while calling her a stupid b-word.

Girl Boss hits the ground sobbing, Tyrone and the other minority criminals start stomping her out. Movie ends with Girl Boss beaten to death by BIPOCs.

!Chuds, who is starring in this?

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Brie Larson :#tayadmire2:

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I want to play the black guy.

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That was literally the entire point of Daenerys' character in Game of Thrones, though?

She's an awful ruler who consistenly makes every place she goes to worse. Astapor became heck-on-Earth, she brutally occupies Mereen, and for all her talk about breaking the wheel her dreams of re-taking her family's throne will require rivers of blood for no guarantees that anyone's lives will be improved.

Heck, even the show figured out at the last minute that she's supposed to be a bit of an entitled c*nt and self-important blowhard.

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!oldstrags, you guys remember the "Fractured Fairy Tales" segment from Rocky and Bullwinkle? :marseymoose: :marseynuts:

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Kids back then were so much more high brow. You couldn't even understand children's cartoons if you didn't know who Omar Khayyam was.

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I am glad that I am not the only one who watched this !kino Y2K CGIslop!

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he didnt say invent.


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started =/= invent

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!chuds remember when the all-female Dark Side witch cult in Star Wars was Dathomiri who kidnapped Men as breeding bulls for their esoteric death cult :marseycoomer2:

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The Clone Wars witches were r-slurred, too.

The only good Star Wars movies were the first two. The rest of the pre-Disney movies are just okay action fantasy movies.

I don't understand TV forums creaming their pants over the CGI children's cartoon.

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The rest of the pre-Disney movies are just okay action fantasy movies.

when i was really really young, they made some tv/direct-to-vhs movies heavily focused on ewoks and they were not "okay" :marseyxd:

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The Dark Horse comics had a story arc where about them :marseyindignant:

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The Clone Wars witches were r-slurred, too.

He's not talking about the clone wars version of Dathmori witches he's talking about the original true versions that show up in the original (and true) Star Wars canon, first in the novel the Courtship of Princess Leia.


Dave Filoni took that and then made generic boring butt bland version for the clone wars cartoon because he is a fricking hack like the rest of Disney LucasFilm who only knows how to imitate what's come before and create lesser versions of the originals.

:#marseyautism: :#marseyitsover:

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so you just outed yourself as 56 years old, right?

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The prequels and children cartoons are much worse than OK.

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The clone wars witches are kind of a loose take on the EU concept, which was a number of witches marooned on Dathomir. They were a honey trappers looking for big spaceship-owner peepee so they could get offworld.

If this isn't entirely accurate then I don't want to be corrected :marseycoomer:

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reminds me of Maleficent which started the whole “SUBVOOOORT TROPES :soyjakfat:” on fairytales and “SHE WASN'T EVIL JUST MISUNDERSTOOD”

WICKED predates Maleficent by a decade, and even before that feminists were on a streak of trying to rehabilitate mythological monsters and villains. As far back as the 70's they were doing feminist "reinterpretations" of the Medusa myth where she's actually a victim of evil men who are afraid of strong women.

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As far back as the 70's they were doing feminist "reinterpretations" of the Medusa myth where she's actually a victim of evil men who are afraid of strong women.

>POV: You are Medusa

https://c.tenor.com/oRU73ucAzIUAAAAd/tenor.gif !foidmoment

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the wicked book has a long scene of a bestiality whorehouse in it for fricking actual literal animals (not the animal-people from the musical) and it still haunts me whenever I see how popular wicked is with the uwu wholesome crowd

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Pretty sure Wicked did it first.

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I'm pretty sure The Old English Baron did it first.

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What fairy tale does that subvert?

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101 dalmatians peaked at the parrot


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when I was a kid I wanted to be Patch from the cartoons

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heck yeah

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Wicked was a decade before Maleficent.

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