Weekly What are you watching thread #19

So what are we watching !kino?


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Jurassic World Trilogy, just watched Jurassic World from 2015, it was cool :marseythumbsup:, about to watch Jurassic Chud: The Kingdom has Fallen :chuditsover: :chudsaurolophus: is it worth to watch the other films of the trilogy?, I heard that Dominion sucks. !kino !dinochads

:#soymenchisaurus: :#chudsaurolophus: :#soylophosaurus:

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Also :marseywould:


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World is decent

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Fallen Kingdom was the last one I watched and it leaned heavily on 3D effects so the 2D version was pretty :marseymid: both in terms of the visuals and the plot itself.

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Rewatching Voyager agaiiin. With the benefit of age I'm connecting much more with some of the life lessons and quandaries they face. Oddly Neelix is turning out to be one of my favourite characters, I remember him being way more annoying. !trekkies

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Rewatching Voyager agaiiin. With the benefit of age I'm connecting much more with some of the life lessons and quandaries they face

"Maybe they commit more crimes"

  • Tom Paris
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:marseyxd: I couldn't believe it when I rewatched that one, writer rooms sure have changed.

!chuds Voyager was despite-ing all the way back in the 90s

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Bring back tuvix neelix is a chud

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the nigeans


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That's incredible

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When it first aired I was expecting the same level of quality as TNG and was immediately disappointed. It was only a few years ago that I started watching, this time without high expectations. It's not as high-brow as TNG (they wouldn't have had reptilian aliens wearing Nazi uniforms) but it's a lot of fun.


I find him incredibly annoying through most of the series, but toward the end I think they had him tone down his antics.

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Some Voyager episodes are really good and I just willfully forgot the rest


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tbh neelix has never gotten less annoying on my voyager rewatches

honestly if anything im like "darn i forgot how fricking annoying this neighbor was"

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He was one of the main reasons I didn't watch it when it first aired.

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neelix' whole relationship plot with kes was so bad :platyabused: it was almost as bad as that terrible last-minute relationship the writers gave seven of tits and chakotay :marseycringe:

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literally nothing could ever be as bad as seven/chakotay

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Neelix was an oddball, but he worked to turn Voyager into a home. Take him away and it's just a workplace

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I'm watching rdrama.net people on youtube !commenters

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Also I'm gay… I do not have s*x with men

This but vice versa

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Waiting for Penguin to pop some people with an umbrella tonight

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Battlestar Galactica for the 50th time and i still love every second of it


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Which one?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I rewatched it about a year ago. S1 is one of the greatest seasons of television ever created.

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season 3 with baltars trial would like a word

even if season 3 is when it started getting way too up its own butt with kara dying and all that

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Even towards the end?

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me watching Dee kill herself


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the ending isn't that bad but regardless it's still a good show overall

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I always thought the ending was great :marseyshrug:. It wasn't cookie cutter and it wasn't r-slurred, and I couldn't have predicted it beat by beat like you can with many shows.

The cycle aspect, looping back to modern footage, plus the involvement of God. I thought it was very creative.

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my only real problem with the ending was how it was all part of "gods" plan and that kinda takes away from all the sacrifices and everything else the fleet went through

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When there's the big reveal about what the 4 people really are, that's when I had enough. If they had planned this all along and dropped some very subtle clues that you only understand in hindsight, that would be great. But it was obviously just the writers needed a plot twist and this is the best they came up with.

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I rewatched it recently and immediately noticed how dated the CGI looks. Strange how you never realise that at the time, I remember thinking it looked pretty good back in the day.

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I finished breaking bad a few days ago so naturally I went to its subreddit to read up on other opinions on it.

What I've noticed is they treat jesse with kid gloves even though he was responsible for a good chunk of shit situations walter found himself in.

The main consceus seems to be 'jesse's an angel ruined by walt the satan' which is wrong.

In truth Jesse is impulsive r-slur who made walt's life much harder than it needed to be and was responsible for pooping up the smooth operation gus had going with walt but gets a pass because he cries a lot.

Walt could have lived in peace till the end had he severed ties with jesse when gus dealings started.

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I assume they identify with Jesse, and spread their halo of understanding and forgiveness for his mistakes.

What I cannot stand is the Skyler hate. She was the best written character by far.

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Ye, maybe not the best for me but very real in her handling of the situations she was presented with.

That handy in the pilot tho, madone ✋🏽

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It's okay. It feels like they almost made something cool but it's let down by lazy writing and a contrived plot.

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What's contrived about the plot? It's pretty basic.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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It feels like a first draft. Every modern action series now has mob bosses get pissed then show up in person only to get their head blown off

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Acapulco HEAT. :marseyboomer:

An obscure show that had one season, was canceled, and then revived to get canceled again after one season. It was on syndication in the '90s but I'd completely forgotten about it.

It's kinda like Baywatch meets Charlie's Angels meets Magnum PI plus lots of automatic weapons. A team of attractive women and one guy solve mysteries and get involved in intrigue. They're in Mexico so they can't wear a lot of clothes. It's actually not terrible. Not worth watching except for nostalgia, but not terrible, and way better than equivalent shows made these day. IIRC I watched it in the '90s because I had thing for the French woman.

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Watching Arcane season 2 tonight. The first season was way better than I expected.

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@Merryvann is the rumor true that shoes will be released within the next week??

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Okay incel

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Xmen 90 TAS with my best bud @Nightcrawler


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I finally watched A Clockwork Orange all the way through. I tried watching it before several times but was always put off by it feeling like I'm watching gratuitous misery porn. Well, I must say that on actually finishing it my opinion of the film has significantly improved. I somewhat enjoyed the story, and I can see that there was an attempt to convey some greater message, but to me it feels a bit vapid, like it makes a statement but then fails to explore it in any meaningful way. This made me feel like the movie is a bit empty- by the end the main character is barely different from the man he was in the beginning, and similarly I feel no wiser than when I started watching this film. I know that there was an entire chapter of the book cut out from the film, and I'm wondering if having it be left in would have given me a better sense of closure for this story.

I will say that the film is very memorable if anything, and the world in which it takes place stands out in being neither too foreign nor mundane which I liked.

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The point is (partially) lack of closure. You grew sympathetic toward literally the worst character you have ever seen on the screen and then bammo, it's all torn away as you realise Alex is still the same filth as before. Roll credits. No time to breathe.

Kubrick is the goat

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Yea I get that and I think it's a very interesting idea for storytelling, but for some reason the execution just didn't resonate with me. Maybe it's the 'tism cause I didn't particularly empathise with Alex, even as he was tortured. I merely saw his captors as the bigger fish in that scenario.

Oh well, maybe this says more about me than the film itself :marseyshrug:

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Smile 2. Absolute shit.

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This! So much this :soysnoo:

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Joker 2 wow it's bad

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Joker 2

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@Merryvann please pin :marseybeanpleading:

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Watching nothing, just a bit tipsy and in a mood for release

Would any cis men be a dear and show me their butt and/or genitalia?

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you know what frick it

ping !commenters

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I watched Caddo Lake yesterday. I should not have watched it while drinking. I had to look up what it all meant. lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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