The amount of value that this b-word has burned up is fricking astounding. Star Wars was probably worth literally a billion dollars before she got her hands on it. People like to believe that human beings are rational economic actors. They're not. They blew away the entire value of the company because they needed to please this dumb b-word.
Tay Tay's last viable egg as it cries out "Whyyyy didn't you fertilize meeee???" Redactor0 9d ago#7849212
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The sale price to Disney was 4.1 billion, so it was worth much more than a billion
She was good at the business side of making movies, helping translating the artistic vision of a more creative person into palatable movies for the public and critics. However, Disney made a number of mind-numbing choices for Star Wars. They threw out all the established lore and decided to go at a trilogy without bothering to you know write the entire trilogy plot first. They also decided to use different directors and writers for every film. Since KK was in charge of everything, she ended up being asked to make large scale creative choices and to meld wildly different and conflicting visions into a cohesive narrative. Not being talented at this, she defaulted to a Mary Sue self-insert as the protagonist and agreed to as many memberberries as possible to drive box office results.
can't wait to see how you frick this one up
Adolin113355 9d ago#7847446
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decided to go at a trilogy without bothering to you know write the entire trilogy plot first.
Such a confusing decision. Cynical memberberries and uninspired wokeness have some logical sense to them. But you'd think even the government would lay out a plan half the time for a 4 billion dollar project.
1) They didn't have time. The purchase of Lucasfilm made Disney shareholders want to see some immediate return on the $4.5 billion purchase, and attempting to get all their story ducks in a row for filming an entire trilogy would have meant a year or two delay. Christmas 2015 was locked in as a release, and so the timeline working back meant no time to flesh out a perfect story.
2) Disney was not confident enough to commit to a trilogy out of the gate. They refused to sign the director and writer to three films and didn't want to waste time developing too far out in advance story-wise out of fear that it was going to be a dud. If the movie was terrible and flopped hard, they could simply abort everything and try again without having to lose all the time and effort they'd have devoted to movies 2 and 3.
Personally, I think Disney as a company has gotten way too big for its own good. Too much rides on creating a single media franchise spanning all of their business segments (film, TV, games, parks, cruises, consumer products). They can't budget for and make a movie on its own. They have to loop in everything from all divisions, creating an overly bureaucratized and negatively synergistic mess. The best Disney park is in Tokyo because its not run by Disney. They get to independently choose what to add to the park, which is why their most recent expansion focused on fricking Tangled and Peter Pan, to rave reviews. Every other Disney park is beholden to the Mouse and the Mouse's latest media property. They have to plan in lockstep because when Disney decides its going to make a movie they factor in that they'll be selling ride merchandise in the park for the film five years later when they initially budget everything.
I'm sure some Imagineers had truly creative ideas when told that Disney wanted to build a boutique, immersive hotel. I'm sure they all died inside when told that the hotel plan had been financially tied from the very start to the new trilogy so they'd better stick to that.
The entire thing should be blown up and each sector forced to survive on its own merits.
can't wait to see how you frick this one up
Adolin113355 9d ago#7847582
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You'd think after TFA, Kennedy would have sat down and had it plotted though, at very least just stuck Abrams across the trilogy. That's a moneybags corpo decision, not some artistic mystery move. TFA did alright financially and wasn't actually that offensive. Johnson made weird crime caper movies. They were knowingly playing exquisite corpse at that point., and then it was too late to reorient with ROS, even if they were smart enough to try by ditching trevnow.
TL;DR: Disney didn't want to commit to a trilogy because they're too chicken, but @Adolin113355 thinks it's because Disney is bloated and can't handle complexity.
Bonus Comment: OMG, look at @Adolin113355' s hair - it looks like it's been styled by a lawnmower.
Have you been to Disney Tokyo or Disney sea? They are NIGHTMARES. The only park that might be worse is universal studios Japan. Fuji Q is a baller butt park though, and I highly recommend that.
Tallest Ricecel on this site. Increasing the East Asian Birth Rate by ANY means necessary
Call_me_Daddy 9d ago#7846729
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The only way it will get worse is if they put a Jeet Foid in charge.
Reddit got worse largely because Pao was pushed out by users. It made it clear to the admins that they needed to replace the userbase with more compliant and easily led NPCs. Sure enough the purge of libertarian elements started shortly afterwards.
Same thing happened with mod "blackouts". Admins pretended to listen while behind the scenes they simply worked to ban and neuter attempts at protest.
The board installed Pao, made a bunch of controversial changes, "responded to user outrage" by sacking her. Got their new censorship-friendly reddit even as they were hailed as saviours. Scapegoating 101.
The original trilogy was pretty sweet and imaginative. The EU books had some cool ideas and characters. Like frick man if you're gonna kill a fan-favorite character, they should get to go out by something as cool as crashing a moon into them. Everything else has sucked butt.
Return of the Jedi was slop created to peddle Ewok plushies. I am old enough to actually remember the 80s and everyone knew this at the time. I also remember that kids in the 80s quickly forgot about Starshit without the internet to constantly ram it down our throats. On the other hand we kept getting our moms to rent the Rocky films, Aliens and Nightmare on Elm Street years after they were released.
kids in the 80s quickly forgot about Starshit without the internet to constantly ram it down our throats
I don't think that's historically accurate. In the '90s we all loved it because there was still nothing with better special effects. Well at least with better special effects and better storytelling in general.
I was a astar wars kid in the 90s when they had those micro machine sets. The best space battles still belong to the original trilogy like nothing is much better even with 40 years later. Return of the Jedi was slop but it had a huge dedicated fanbase long after the orignial films ended
O brave new world! How beauteous mankind is!
Call_me_Daddy 9d ago#7847444
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A critic I like argued that without the prequel trilogy being so awful, people would probably not like star wars as much, which is an interesting idea.
The EU was full of random trash, some of the comics were the worst about it, I though Disney throwing a bunch of it out was a great idea at the time, so that they could then go back and cherry pick what wasn't r-slurred.
Sure, maybe, but they also bought Marvel. Consider all the decades of backstory and alternate timeline shit that exists within it. I don't think Disney ever just came out and said that none of THAT counts anymore. I think you can get to a place where there is so much material that you don't need to say it's now invalid, you simply treat it as such and/or work around it.
I was hopeful that they were going to do what they did with Marvel. Adapt what was good, or even maybe leave it in a grey area like some of the games. Comic books for years have had multiverse bullshit.
My memory of Ellen Pao is before I ever went on Reddit I was playing Battlefield 4 Golmud Railroad and somebody said "Ellen Pao looks like a shoe". When I found out who she was, I could confirm this fact.
Tbf I've been in this situation before and it's really easy to just imagine he's not fricking the 17-year old girl. It's only like 10 years later that you realize "ohhhh that was obviously going on right in front of me".
Darklands shill, do not engage
9d ago#7846704
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Say what you will about George Lucas but OMG he was so much better at everything. He at least had a crude understanding of what made 1930s Buck Rogers serials good.
The first star wars was okay as a standalone movie, then george lucas decided to cash in and make it into a trilogy then prequels.
the more you elaborate, the less mystery there is and the worse the original is. imagination always better than reality except for my meemaw who continuous to astonish us all.
brevity is the sole of wit. the more u type something out the less interesting the thought becomes. that is why i always make my comments longer than they have to be because yall don't deserved to be entertained and intrigued. i savr my brilliance in briefness for people who matter like the beloved mr koala.
TL;DR: @ARE thinks being too verbose is "brilliant" while everyone else gets bored out of their minds. Newsflash, @ARE: nobody cares about your lengthy ramblings unless you're talking about koalas
Noooo he always planned it to be a trilogy. (Even though he didn't write the second one.) And it's called "A New Hope". It always has been. Just like we've always been at war with Eurasia.
Formerly @RWBY 🤝 Redactor0 9d ago#7846716
Edited 9d ago
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He was also good at getting kids to love the franchise. Multiple generations of children fell in love with Star Wars so it didn't just belong to any one generation and it become somewhat timeless.
Now we have little kids growing up who just don't care about it. Because Disney media didn't make them care. Sad
Darklands shill, do not engage
Raditz 9d ago#7846749
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It's infuriating. When I was a kid they taught us in high school English about how storytelling works by referring to Star Wars because it was assumed everyone knew it. I don't even know what common frame of reference kids would have now.
God this whole narrative drives me crazy "actually his wife saved the movie" "star wars was saved in editing" "lucas has great imagination but poor actual skills" shut the frick UP he's said that the real filmmaking only starts after filming of course editing is gonna have a big impact. He was a revolutionary genius even before star wars not some random hack and even his prequel movies show this if you're not a dumb r-slur
Darklands shill, do not engage
Borpa 9d ago#7846893
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He had some real genius but if you see what his wife did it was real. IIRC it was just rearranging the order of the scenes but it changed the movie into something that worked, not some neurodivergent nonsense that would have just been incomprehensible.
IIRC she switched around a couple scenes in the Death Star battle that were really important. But I can't remember so I don't know why I'm even bringing this up.
Darklands shill, do not engage
CMYKFox 9d ago#7847420
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Oh for frick's sake, can we not make this a political thing? This is one of the few times when a foid ever did anything productive and I think we can give her that.
This is the one thing that baffles me above all else. You have people with tons of money that are responsible for managing even more money. How do they not look for talent with a personal investment in the thing they're buying just to maximize their profits on it by appealing to the people who like the thing you bought.
Just from a purely cynical standpoint, not even caring about respecting the media itself, how do they not put any thought or effort behind the project when they burned that much fricking money on it?
Darklands shill, do not engage
EEE 9d ago#7847474
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People like to imagine that the rich are some cabal of evil geniuses. The really sad truth is they're just a bunch of total fricking morons like everyone else.
Not just that, but they're a bunch of morons who think they are the smartest people in any room they walk into. At least a roofer generally doesn't have any illusions about where they stand intellectually. Well, maybe 911roofers, I dunno.
Tallest Ricecel on this site. Increasing the East Asian Birth Rate by ANY means necessary
Szrotmistrz 9d ago#7846730
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Inb4 Jeet Foid running what little is left of Star Wars into the dirt with no survivors.
Beautiful cinematography all wasted on two hours on the altar of 'subverted expectations'.
Might have worked as a standalone with previously unknown characters where your expectations are based on the roles of the character (Jedi, captain, rebel leader, etc) but gutting the main characters for a bunch of poorly setup gotchas? Trash
Star Wars is absolutely the last thing where I want my expectations to be subverted. A huge part of the appeal is that I know exactly what I'm going to get.
tfw I will never know if episode 9 was worse than Into Darkness, because having seen Into Darkness spared me any curiosity I could have had about episode 9
9 is hilarious because it's genuinely what if you let a 6 year old take over a major film franchise. It is beyond shit and if anyone says it's good they're just objectively wrong unlike how I think 8 breaks the spirit of star wars.
They hunt for a macguffin to lead them to a macguffin that holds a macguffin that leads them to the big bad at one point. It's hilariously awful
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Hasn't finished running the franchise into the ground yet
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The amount of value that this b-word has burned up is fricking astounding. Star Wars was probably worth literally a billion dollars before she got her hands on it. People like to believe that human beings are rational economic actors. They're not. They blew away the entire value of the company because they needed to please this dumb b-word.
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I'm actually not sure if it's cause or effect. You have an entire studio filled with activists who sneer at their audience.
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Tbf Star Wars fans are pretty horrible people. All ~3 billion of us probably deserve to be hurt.
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Sure, but you don't wear that opinion on your sleeve if you're in marketing or your job is to have a vested interest in the success of the project.
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They paid 4 billion for it
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The sale price to Disney was 4.1 billion, so it was worth much more than a billion
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I don't understand why she did what she did. She was Lucas' right hand woman, producing Lucasfilm's biggest hits in the 80s and 90s.
What caused her to go off the rails when George left?
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I am guessing since it was the 80s and 90s being the right hand woman to a person like Lucas meant fetching his coffee
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Or, you know...
Being his professional right hand

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Blind commitment to the political cause while being surrounded by people telling her that "The Force is Female" would be the next big thing?
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She was good at the business side of making movies, helping translating the artistic vision of a more creative person into palatable movies for the public and critics. However, Disney made a number of mind-numbing choices for Star Wars. They threw out all the established lore and decided to go at a trilogy without bothering to you know write the entire trilogy plot first. They also decided to use different directors and writers for every film. Since KK was in charge of everything, she ended up being asked to make large scale creative choices and to meld wildly different and conflicting visions into a cohesive narrative. Not being talented at this, she defaulted to a Mary Sue self-insert as the protagonist and agreed to as many memberberries as possible to drive box office results.
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Such a confusing decision. Cynical memberberries and uninspired wokeness have some logical sense to them. But you'd think even the government would lay out a plan half the time for a 4 billion dollar project.
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I've heard two explanations for it.
1) They didn't have time. The purchase of Lucasfilm made Disney shareholders want to see some immediate return on the $4.5 billion purchase, and attempting to get all their story ducks in a row for filming an entire trilogy would have meant a year or two delay. Christmas 2015 was locked in as a release, and so the timeline working back meant no time to flesh out a perfect story.
2) Disney was not confident enough to commit to a trilogy out of the gate. They refused to sign the director and writer to three films and didn't want to waste time developing too far out in advance story-wise out of fear that it was going to be a dud. If the movie was terrible and flopped hard, they could simply abort everything and try again without having to lose all the time and effort they'd have devoted to movies 2 and 3.
Personally, I think Disney as a company has gotten way too big for its own good. Too much rides on creating a single media franchise spanning all of their business segments (film, TV, games, parks, cruises, consumer products). They can't budget for and make a movie on its own. They have to loop in everything from all divisions, creating an overly bureaucratized and negatively synergistic mess. The best Disney park is in Tokyo because its not run by Disney. They get to independently choose what to add to the park, which is why their most recent expansion focused on fricking Tangled and Peter Pan, to rave reviews. Every other Disney park is beholden to the Mouse and the Mouse's latest media property. They have to plan in lockstep because when Disney decides its going to make a movie they factor in that they'll be selling ride merchandise in the park for the film five years later when they initially budget everything.
I'm sure some Imagineers had truly creative ideas when told that Disney wanted to build a boutique, immersive hotel. I'm sure they all died inside when told that the hotel plan had been financially tied from the very start to the new trilogy so they'd better stick to that.
The entire thing should be blown up and each sector forced to survive on its own merits.
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You'd think after TFA, Kennedy would have sat down and had it plotted though, at very least just stuck Abrams across the trilogy. That's a moneybags corpo decision, not some artistic mystery move. TFA did alright financially and wasn't actually that offensive. Johnson made weird crime caper movies. They were knowingly playing exquisite corpse at that point., and then it was too late to reorient with ROS, even if they were smart enough to try by ditching trevnow.
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TL;DR: Disney didn't want to commit to a trilogy because they're too chicken, but
@Adolin113355 thinks it's because Disney is bloated and can't handle complexity.
Bonus Comment: OMG, look at
@Adolin113355' s hair - it looks like it's been styled by a lawnmower.
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Have you been to Disney Tokyo or Disney sea? They are NIGHTMARES. The only park that might be worse is universal studios Japan. Fuji Q is a baller butt park though, and I highly recommend that.
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see also disney needing chinabux despite starshit not doing well over there
so they tack the rose character onto Ep8 because they really are that racist/dumb and it goes swimmingly for all involved
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Watch as Starshit generally continues to be just as uninspired and tedious as it's always been.
Remember when Ellen Pao left Reddit and it actually got worse?
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The only way it will get worse is if they put a Jeet Foid in charge.
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do not give them ideas.
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They were going to have a Pakistani documentarian make the Rey movie, so the steps were already there in Kennedy's plan.
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burger !kino cels deserve this, hope you get PAKI'd b-words
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Reddit got worse largely because Pao was pushed out by users. It made it clear to the admins that they needed to replace the userbase with more compliant and easily led NPCs. Sure enough the purge of libertarian elements started shortly afterwards.
Same thing happened with mod "blackouts". Admins pretended to listen while behind the scenes they simply worked to ban and neuter attempts at protest.
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Lol cute twink
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The board installed Pao, made a bunch of controversial changes, "responded to user outrage" by sacking her. Got their new censorship-friendly reddit even as they were hailed as saviours. Scapegoating 101.
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The original trilogy was pretty sweet and imaginative. The EU books had some cool ideas and characters.Like frick man if you're gonna kill a fan-favorite character, they should get to go out by something as cool as crashing a moon into them. Everything else has sucked butt.
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Return of the Jedi was slop created to peddle Ewok plushies. I am old enough to actually remember the 80s and everyone knew this at the time. I also remember that kids in the 80s quickly forgot about Starshit without the internet to constantly ram it down our throats. On the other hand we kept getting our moms to rent the Rocky films, Aliens and Nightmare on Elm Street years after they were released.
Everything you hear about the past is bullshit.
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Did anyone you know play the Star Wars, Ghostbusters or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles RPGs?
Sidenote: Ghostbusters was good but I'm still shocked at the huge cult following. It was just 2 movies and a cartoon that I don't know the quality of.
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Peak bill murray peak rick moranis just a clear win win scheme for dads and kids
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I don't think that's historically accurate. In the '90s we all loved it because there was still nothing with better special effects. Well at least with better special effects and better storytelling in general.
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Jurassic Park still holds up, that's the peak of 90s special effects as far as I'm concerned.
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Yeah but... don't tell
@C333 I said this, but it doesn't have laser blasts in it.
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I love you so much it's unreal.
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Frick off and die in a fire.
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I have you tagged as "doesn't like Remo Williams" so maybe you could hurry up and rope first.
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When did I ever say I didn't like Remo Williams?
I just pointed out that "The Adventure Begins..." was an overly optimistic tagline.
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If people like you had paid to see it, it would have been the beginning. But you didn't, did you?
I mean ffs the Statue of Liberty scene alone was worth it.
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I was only ten and my mom had a strict "no yellowface" policy on which movies she took my sister and I to see.
Our tape of the racist Disney classic 'One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing' got confiscated.
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I was a astar wars kid in the 90s when they had those micro machine sets. The best space battles still belong to the original trilogy like nothing is much better even with 40 years later. Return of the Jedi was slop but it had a huge dedicated fanbase long after the orignial films ended
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The first act was slop. The second act was like 5 minutes. But the third is peak.
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It was alright. The stupid ewoks though ruined it
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The ground battle was fine it was the other two battles that are Kino.
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A critic I like argued that without the prequel trilogy being so awful, people would probably not like star wars as much, which is an interesting idea.
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That argument is about as sensible as your mom saying, "no," to more peepee.
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Nah, I liked EU, but this is rose tinted glasses. People hated how Chewbacca died and half the EU stuff.
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The EU was full of random trash, some of the comics were the worst about it, I though Disney throwing a bunch of it out was a great idea at the time, so that they could then go back and cherry pick what wasn't r-slurred.
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Sure, maybe, but they also bought Marvel. Consider all the decades of backstory and alternate timeline shit that exists within it. I don't think Disney ever just came out and said that none of THAT counts anymore. I think you can get to a place where there is so much material that you don't need to say it's now invalid, you simply treat it as such and/or work around it.
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I was hopeful that they were going to do what they did with Marvel. Adapt what was good, or even maybe leave it in a grey area like some of the games. Comic books for years have had multiverse bullshit.
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My memory of Ellen Pao is before I ever went on Reddit I was playing Battlefield 4 Golmud Railroad and somebody said "Ellen Pao looks like a shoe". When I found out who she was, I could confirm this fact.
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The only thing I remember about her is that she knew all about Epstein, because everyone in those circles did.
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Tbf I've been in this situation before and it's really easy to just imagine he's not fricking the 17-year old girl. It's only like 10 years later that you realize "ohhhh that was obviously going on right in front of me".
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It says she knew because the press had reported on it? She wasn't in on some secret.
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Say what you will about George Lucas but OMG he was so much better at everything. He at least had a crude understanding of what made 1930s Buck Rogers serials good.
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The first star wars was okay as a standalone movie, then george lucas decided to cash in and make it into a trilogy then prequels.
the more you elaborate, the less mystery there is and the worse the original is. imagination always better than reality except for my meemaw who continuous to astonish us all.
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brevity is the sole of wit. the more u type something out the less interesting the thought becomes. that is why i always make my comments longer than they have to be because yall don't deserved to be entertained and intrigued. i savr my brilliance in briefness for people who matter like the beloved mr koala.
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@ARE's Brain Explodes from Trying Too Hard
@ARE thinks being too verbose is "brilliant" while everyone else gets bored out of their minds. Newsflash,
@ARE: nobody cares about your lengthy ramblings unless you're talking about koalas
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mr koala hates u
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i stand by my statement
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Noooo he always planned it to be a trilogy. (Even though he didn't write the second one.) And it's called "A New Hope". It always has been. Just like we've always been at war with Eurasia.
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He was also good at getting kids to love the franchise. Multiple generations of children fell in love with Star Wars so it didn't just belong to any one generation and it become somewhat timeless.
Now we have little kids growing up who just don't care about it. Because Disney media didn't make them care. Sad
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It's infuriating. When I was a kid they taught us in high school English about how storytelling works by referring to Star Wars because it was assumed everyone knew it. I don't even know what common frame of reference kids would have now.
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Paw Patrol and it's not even close
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so that's why all the kids are becoming fascists
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Didn't his wife keep most of his r-slurred ideas out of the movies though
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What I heard is that she massively edited it and move around a lot of scenes, which hugely changed the plot. In a good way.
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God this whole narrative drives me crazy "actually his wife saved the movie" "star wars was saved in editing" "lucas has great imagination but poor actual skills"
shut the frick UP
he's said that the real filmmaking only starts after filming of course editing is gonna have a big impact. He was a revolutionary genius even before star wars not some random hack and even his prequel movies show this if you're not a dumb r-slur 
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He had some real genius but if you see what his wife did it was real. IIRC it was just rearranging the order of the scenes but it changed the movie into something that worked, not some neurodivergent nonsense that would have just been incomprehensible.
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We are just too stupid to understand his genius that's why it would have been incomprehensible
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He literally said that he wanted a fricking "prequel trilogy" where the fricking prequels were fricking 10 years, and with an unknown plotline -
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That sounds like an incredible move I am in awe of his genius
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He didn't even have a fricking prequel trilogy. It's just the fricking first one and a fricking half were fricking released in 2014 and 2016.
I can't imagine how incredible the fricking rest of the fricking trilogy will be fricking without the fricking Disney guys working on it.
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His wife was one of three editors on the film, and ultimately the editor works for the director anyway.
If I remember right, the big changes she made were suggested Ben Kenobi died and cutting the opening with Luke (which George didnt even want to film).
I can point you to a two hour video essay that proves my point if you'd like.
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IIRC she switched around a couple scenes in the Death Star battle that were really important. But I can't remember so I don't know why I'm even bringing this up.
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oh word do you also believe einstein stole all his papers from his secret genius wife?
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Oh for frick's sake, can we not make this a political thing? This is one of the few times when a foid ever did anything productive and I think we can give her that.
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Ok libtard
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She is going to be replaced by some soulless corpo drone. Disney is incapable of making good decisions.
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It's really incredible. They could basically just print money but they insist on destroying all their IP.
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This is the one thing that baffles me above all else. You have people with tons of money that are responsible for managing even more money. How do they not look for talent with a personal investment in the thing they're buying just to maximize their profits on it by appealing to the people who like the thing you bought.
Just from a purely cynical standpoint, not even caring about respecting the media itself, how do they not put any thought or effort behind the project when they burned that much fricking money on it?
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People like to imagine that the rich are some cabal of evil geniuses. The really sad truth is they're just a bunch of total fricking morons like everyone else.
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Not just that, but they're a bunch of morons who think they are the smartest people in any room they walk into. At least a roofer generally doesn't have any illusions about where they stand intellectually. Well, maybe 911roofers, I dunno.
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If I am I know I'm in the wrong room.
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Theyre getting paid no matter what
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The force is female chud stop asking questions
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Inb4 Jeet Foid running what little is left of Star Wars into the dirt with no survivors.
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Chuds won. Hitler won. Drumpf won. Liberals lost. The future lost. And Women lost. !chuds
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how is this relevant to me? i dont even like star wars u moron.
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Twice ze flavor!
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Chuds are going to find out that 'make it femme and lame' is coming straight from the top
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Lol there's nothing left to save at this point
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I would celebrate, but this should've happened 5 years ago.
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*10 years ago
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Lmao my bad, 10 is right lol.
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No, after TLJ because that was actually a decent movie
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Can you try to be less embarrassing pls?
I don't even have high standards, I still watch Acapulco H.E.A.T. in 2025.
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Beautiful cinematography all wasted on two hours on the altar of 'subverted expectations'.
Might have worked as a standalone with previously unknown characters where your expectations are based on the roles of the character (Jedi, captain, rebel leader, etc) but gutting the main characters for a bunch of poorly setup gotchas? Trash
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Star Wars is absolutely the last thing where I want my expectations to be subverted. A huge part of the appeal is that I know exactly what I'm going to get.
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It was a lot better than the other 2
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Decent movie. Terrible starwars movie. It's like the third best Star Trek film
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9 is hilarious because it's genuinely what if you let a 6 year old take over a major film franchise. It is beyond shit and if anyone says it's good they're just objectively wrong unlike how I think 8 breaks the spirit of star wars.
They hunt for a macguffin to lead them to a macguffin that holds a macguffin that leads them to the big bad at one point. It's hilariously awful
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