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at The End of The Year

Hasn't finished running the franchise into the ground yet

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The amount of value that this b-word has burned up is fricking astounding. Star Wars was probably worth literally a billion dollars before she got her hands on it. People like to believe that human beings are rational economic actors. They're not. They blew away the entire value of the company because they needed to please this dumb b-word.

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I'm actually not sure if it's cause or effect. You have an entire studio filled with activists who sneer at their audience.

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Tbf Star Wars fans are pretty horrible people. All ~3 billion of us probably deserve to be hurt.

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Tbf Star Wars fans are pretty horrible people.

Sure, but you don't wear that opinion on your sleeve if you're in marketing or your job is to have a vested interest in the success of the project.

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They paid 4 billion for it

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The sale price to Disney was 4.1 billion, so it was worth much more than a billion

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I don't understand why she did what she did. She was Lucas' right hand woman, producing Lucasfilm's biggest hits in the 80s and 90s.

What caused her to go off the rails when George left?

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I am guessing since it was the 80s and 90s being the right hand woman to a person like Lucas meant fetching his coffee

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Or, you know...

Being his professional right hand :marseywink: :marseyboink:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Blind commitment to the political cause while being surrounded by people telling her that "The Force is Female" would be the next big thing?

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She was good at the business side of making movies, helping translating the artistic vision of a more creative person into palatable movies for the public and critics. However, Disney made a number of mind-numbing choices for Star Wars. They threw out all the established lore and decided to go at a trilogy without bothering to you know write the entire trilogy plot first. They also decided to use different directors and writers for every film. Since KK was in charge of everything, she ended up being asked to make large scale creative choices and to meld wildly different and conflicting visions into a cohesive narrative. Not being talented at this, she defaulted to a Mary Sue self-insert as the protagonist and agreed to as many memberberries as possible to drive box office results.

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decided to go at a trilogy without bothering to you know write the entire trilogy plot first.

Such a confusing decision. Cynical memberberries and uninspired wokeness have some logical sense to them. But you'd think even the government would lay out a plan half the time for a 4 billion dollar project.

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I've heard two explanations for it.

1) They didn't have time. The purchase of Lucasfilm made Disney shareholders want to see some immediate return on the $4.5 billion purchase, and attempting to get all their story ducks in a row for filming an entire trilogy would have meant a year or two delay. Christmas 2015 was locked in as a release, and so the timeline working back meant no time to flesh out a perfect story.

2) Disney was not confident enough to commit to a trilogy out of the gate. They refused to sign the director and writer to three films and didn't want to waste time developing too far out in advance story-wise out of fear that it was going to be a dud. If the movie was terrible and flopped hard, they could simply abort everything and try again without having to lose all the time and effort they'd have devoted to movies 2 and 3.

Personally, I think Disney as a company has gotten way too big for its own good. Too much rides on creating a single media franchise spanning all of their business segments (film, TV, games, parks, cruises, consumer products). They can't budget for and make a movie on its own. They have to loop in everything from all divisions, creating an overly bureaucratized and negatively synergistic mess. The best Disney park is in Tokyo because its not run by Disney. They get to independently choose what to add to the park, which is why their most recent expansion focused on fricking Tangled and Peter Pan, to rave reviews. Every other Disney park is beholden to the Mouse and the Mouse's latest media property. They have to plan in lockstep because when Disney decides its going to make a movie they factor in that they'll be selling ride merchandise in the park for the film five years later when they initially budget everything.

I'm sure some Imagineers had truly creative ideas when told that Disney wanted to build a boutique, immersive hotel. I'm sure they all died inside when told that the hotel plan had been financially tied from the very start to the new trilogy so they'd better stick to that.

The entire thing should be blown up and each sector forced to survive on its own merits.

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You'd think after TFA, Kennedy would have sat down and had it plotted though, at very least just stuck Abrams across the trilogy. That's a moneybags corpo decision, not some artistic mystery move. TFA did alright financially and wasn't actually that offensive. Johnson made weird crime caper movies. They were knowingly playing exquisite corpse at that point., and then it was too late to reorient with ROS, even if they were smart enough to try by ditching trevnow.

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TL;DR: Disney didn't want to commit to a trilogy because they're too chicken, but @Adolin113355 thinks it's because Disney is bloated and can't handle complexity.

Bonus Comment: OMG, look at @Adolin113355' s hair - it looks like it's been styled by a lawnmower.

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OMG, look at @Adolin113355' s hair - it looks like it's been styled by a lawnmower.


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Have you been to Disney Tokyo or Disney sea? They are NIGHTMARES. The only park that might be worse is universal studios Japan. Fuji Q is a baller butt park though, and I highly recommend that.

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see also disney needing chinabux despite starshit not doing well over there

so they tack the rose character onto Ep8 because they really are that racist/dumb and it goes swimmingly for all involved

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