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This can stay up but porn isn't movies you fricking r-slurred coomer.

Next one gets removed

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I fricked it up, Asked Carp to move it, and shizo moved it back.

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Don’t like it? Build your own porn website/payment processor


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paying for porn


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its not so much about paying, its about ads

but browsing without an ad blocker, :marseyantischizo:

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you cant use adblocked on mobile which is why I pay for Youtube premium (100% worth the money)

but paying for porn is still lame. How many videos do you need to watch where ads become a problem?

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just used vanced or sideload yt on ios :marseypirate:

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you mean jailbreak my iphone? I have a newish phone, do they work with newer iOS?

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Its not a jailbreak now. You "sideload". Downside is you have to have your pc always running, and be on that same wifi network your pc is on once every 7 days to renew the certificate that apple uses, and can only have 3 apps active at once. Check out altstore, seems to be popular :marseylongpost:

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pretty sure firef*x mobile supports addons

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Not all of them but ublock origin has a mobile version

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Use newpipe unless youre an itoddler

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Is it really just a "private company" when it's protected and influenced by an ocean-wide moat of regulatory capture? How many new banks and credit card brands have started in the last 30 years?

At some point, a company ceases to be purely a private firm operating in the market and starts being a private firm captured by government -- and vice versa (it's symbiotic).

Is Visa in a position any different than when Congress told Facebook that they'd better shape up (in specific ways) or have, um, unfortunate things happen to their business?


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Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences [arbitrarily determined by monopolistic corporations being protected from any consequences of their actions, via their friends in government shutting down competition]

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Why do comanies even pay for pornhub adspace. Nobody is gonna click the ad for peepee growth pills from cambodia

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Obviously people are or they wouldn't have the money to run ads

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pretty much the entire Chinese magic potion market that is made from endangered animal parts harvested in the cruelest way possible is all an attempt to cure one thing, small pp

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No amount of endangered rhino horn is gonna make Asian pp anything but microscopic. Do Asian men even do porn? I can’t say I’ve ever seen one, I assumed they don’t want to bring shame on their ancestors by reveal tiny pp.

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The Great Firewall of Chiner isnt about Tiananmen, it's about

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Apparently they aren't really running all to well


460M for basically 95% of the free porn market is peanuts, considering how much individual ethots earn. This is actually quiet puzzling, pornhub premium apparently costs $100 a year so they have only equivalent 4.6 million paying customers? :marseywut2: That's actually way worse than I imagined.

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Alex Jones probably makes more $$ than Pornhub

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It was definitely close at one point. InfoWars was bringing in ~800k a day a couple years back. No idea what he’s been making lately though.

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Impressions still matter. There’s also some amount of conversion for them to continue the ads.

These sites have an insane amount of traffic that people underestimate, so it makes some sense.

and Xvideos, which closes the top 10 with 3,320,000,000 monthly visits

That’s in the top ten of ALL websites.

For 2017, PornHub claims 28.5 billion total visits. That’s 81 million a day, almost 4 million an hour, 56,000 a minute. In the time it takes to read this post, the site will have recorded more than 100,000 visits.

Alexa says that four others are also devoted to porn: XVideos (#39, based in France), BongaCams (#48, Russia), xHamster (#76, U.S.), and xnxx (#91, France). Together PornHub and these four account for more than 6 billion visits per month, nearly one a month for every person on Earth. Clearly, pornography is one of the leading content categories on the Internet, and its audience is overwhelmingly male. Some pundits speculate that porn may be men’s #1 Internet destination. If it isn’t, it’s certainly in the top few.

Residents of different states average varying amounts of time on PornHub. All the states whose residents stay the longest—more than 11 minutes per visit—are located in the politically conservative deep South:

• Mississippi

• Alabama

• South Carolina

• Louisiana

• Arkansas


I’d say a lot of people aren’t very forthcoming about their coomer habits, and savvy companies might seek to advertise on it.

I mean, yeah, for some companies they’d want to avoid it—but like, if you’re selling protein power or apparel or whatever, I don’t think taking out some ads that will get a crazy amount of impressions is too crazy. Especially considering the market segment you’re trying to reach is all there and probably receptive to “man, I should work out more” or other self improvement shit.

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I don't know if it's true, but I've always heard the porn industry has had a lot of sway in bluray beating out HDVD. Personally I think the playstation having it helped out more but I don't doubt the porn industry played a part

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I believe it was DVD or VHS that the porn industry really dictated. Who the heck buys porn on blue ray?

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Turns out a market of impulsive degenerates is actually a fantastic customer base

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They actually work though. Yea I have a permanent rash but my peepee is a bit bigger

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Didn't PH bend over backwards to these companies already?

Lmao haphazardly removing CP and r*pe way after the fact is bending of over backwards apparently. Although, very young/jailbait is and always will be the marquee event.

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They did more than that, they basically wiped 80% of their content out. Only verified posters can submit videos now or some shit. All their amateur shit got burned. They basically suck now

I imagine that hurt their pageviews quite a bit, bending over backwards might still be a stretch but they definitely hurt themselves trying to appease visa

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And I’m sure they have a team that sits and watches hours of porn to regulate this.

Source: watched hrs of porn to regulate aws

How did it impact your s*x life being constantly subjected to porn that you did not yourself seek out? I.e. not only having to view so much in general, but particularly content that is not up your alley?


Reddit is so lame

being "subjected" to porn. Yes kind sir, the Brazilian piss porn made me not want to frick my girlfriend

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International finance wins again!

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Ah i fricked up. @InsaneCarpPosse @schizo at jannies, Can this be moved out of the movies hole. I am an r-slur.

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Porn is movie tho

I moved it to the cirnohole

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:#marseyschizochadbasedcapylove: :#marseyschizochadthankscapylove:

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Done bb


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People like to dunk on crypto, and it is deserved a lot of the time but shit like this and those frickers at paypal are what make crypto so beneficial. I don't think it will ever be the next dollar, but it will always be an alternative when necessary

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Still blows my mind how crypto completely solves this problem and lefties fell for the astroturfed crypto bad meme so easily.

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Let's recall the time Pornhub tried to claim any disapproval of their massive incest porn forced meme was antisemitism. I don't think Jews are responsible for Pornhub, I think Pornhub was trying to use Jews as a shield against criticism. And there was lots of criticism, even from normally-depraved reddit coomers. Frick Pornhub honestly, rest in piss child-victimizing incest promoters.

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Visa won't let me buy a subscription to jerk off to, but they'll let me gamble my life savings away in Diablo Immortal without a second thought? heh

:quote: visa won't monetarily support websites that hosts videos of s*x traffic victims of all ages, but they will support a video game?! :quote:

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Year of the :chudsey:?

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Porn is haram, paying for porn is double haram. Whining about a private company blocking you from paying for porn… that’s so haram it’s downright pathetic

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It's a private company sweaty 💅

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don't tell me [credit card companies] aren't in bed with the feds

People really live life with blinders on

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Sucks to suck

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