
Update: The Texan that fled to Quebec's asylum claim was denied :marseyitsover:

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  • Assy-McGee : This post was made by a vol-femcel fyi
BONJOUR Y'ALL! :marseydeux::marseytexan: Quebec has a prime lolcow in its pasture!

>browsing /r/amerexit for low-hanging fruit

>hmm what's this? :marseydetective:


Because a post with a title like this, on a subreddit for aspiring American émigrés, must certainly be written by somebody delusional, I clicked it with the expectation that it would be really, really entertaining. What I found instead was a post that was really, really entertaining and also written by one of the messiest internet people I've ever seen.

Meet /u/CJsTT

/u/CJsTT is a 35-year-old woman who had to navigate a life from humble beginnings (Texas) while grappling with an obscure medical condition known as Autism. Although details about her childhood are sparce (cba to go through more of her post history tbh), her early experiences with Autism clearly left a deep imprint on her identity, as she writes about her Autism in nearly every post. At some point in her journey she acquired a stalker -- while the stalker may or may not actually exist, his real or perceived presence in her life set off the chain of events that would exhaust taxpayer money and the patience of /r/Quebec.

CJ Flees Texas

The stalker's all-pervading presence in CJ's mind became too much to bear; even her (reactive and anxious) protection and emotional support service dog could no longer put her at ease -- though through this entire ordeal she has found the strength to share her PI through posting her TikTok, LinkedIn, and CANADIAN REFUGEE DOCUMENTS on Reddit ("I just don't like hiding"). She was left with no option but to flee to Canada and seek asylum under the pretense that stalking is gender-based persecution and that her stalker won't be able to find her address if it's in silly French words.

CJ traveled to Quebec at the height of COVID and became one of fourteen asylum-claimants privileged enough to reach Canada in April 2020. Because international law dictates that asylum-seekers be given entry into a safe country, Quebec had no choice but to let her in and begin the long, COVID-backlog'd process to ultimately deport her. Awash with a newfound sense of safety, CJ lodged herself like a candiru into the province's social safety net.

CJ, the Quebecer

The taxpayers of Canada have helped CJ settle into her new life through funding her French lessons, immigration lawyer, welfare, court hearings (with breaks for accommodation), psychiatric care, and lengthy periods of institutionalization. While she's grateful to her supporters, her stay is not a walk in the park; CJ has unfortunately been persecuted by a French teacher who wouldn't let her take breaks, her landlord for being unwilling to house her guard dog-c*m-ESA service dog, and a policewoman whom she "accidentally bit" while she was protesting the Canadian government's alleged withholding of legal aid. Yet although she does consume considerable resources, she has been trying to give back where she can; she and her fellow Neurodivergent roommate (self-diagnosed) have made the news through their advocacy for greater service animal legal protections, and she's been campaigning to get Canadians to replace 'guys' with 'y'all.

What's next for CJ?

CJ believes that the judge in charge of her case is closing in on a decision. Unfortunately for the people of /r/Quebec, who clearly loathe her at this point, a rejected asylum plea won't likely be the end of the story. CJ's contingency plan is to apply for a "Humanitarian and Compassionate Visa", which, at least according to her, is "a given" after five years in the country. With three years down already and an appeals process to exploit, CJ could be on her way to becoming a proud Canadian citizen! :marseyflagcanada:

Luckily she can still stay in KKKanada while she waits for the results of her second appeal :marseywereback:


Hey y'all,

I know this is going to get a lot of hate and downmarseyd, but don't be afraid to DM me if you have questions.

In addition to the Basis of Claim and all the evidence I submitted, I had two hearings and almost had a third until my attorney asked the judge to let us submit the information that the public stalking resources in Texas were better than those in Massachusetts in writing.

This seemed to work as the entire six hours of hearings and additional submissions was about the “Internal Flight Alternative”, which is basically the argument that I could have found a safe place to go in the US.

At the conclusion of the second hearing, the judge literally told me and my lawyer (and my social worker who was there to support me) that there was no problem with my credibility nor claims of persecution. I also have a DVD of this comment by the judge.

But in the decision? First, it took so long that another government office sanctioned me believing I was hiding a decision from them. Nope. It just took nearly four months.

Either way, it seems like I made a solid argument against being able to find safety in another location in the US because, despite being the only thing I was questioned about for six hours, the judge's decision doesn't mention an Internal Flight Alternative at all. In fact, despite saying that there was no problem with the proof I had provided that I was persecuted as a member of a protected identity during the hearing, the judge said that I hadn't proved I was persecuted in her decision.

Like, not only was this issue not addressed by a single question throughout the hearing, but she has contradicted herself. It's clear they're just looking for any excuse to roll out of this, even though it's clear my life is at stake.

So, yeah. Luckily I have an attorney and I can appeal. I hope it's not more of a kangaroo court from here.

She tried to rant about her problems to /r/immigration but they were very rude


I often feel orphaned from a lot of the communities related to my identities. It's really not just my identity as an immigrant that conflicts with my identity as a disabled person. A lot of my identities conflict.

However, here is the conversation flow for the immigration community in relation to me.

Immigrant community: OMG YOU'RE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN AND YOU CLAIMED ASYLUM?! Look at all the visas you could get with your passport!!! This is RIDICULOUS!!!

Me: But you have to work to get the visas and I can't work. I am disabled.

Immigrant community: But you are from America. They have money!

Me: In the US, newly (fully) disabled people can't move to protect themselves from violence because disabled people pursuing the US application for disability payments have to be someone's financial dependant for 2-3 years, like a child. You can't go anywhere in the country unless someone will take you in for 2-3 years.

highly stressful sidebar with the immigration community about invisible disabilities

long pause

Immigrant community: Well, we're not supporting you. Immigrants work hard and pay taxes! That's the line. We can't be sticking our necks out for you.

Me: …but I'll die???

Immigrant community: ….

The tldr is that OP is a deranged lunatic and public menace (has bragged about biting a cop and pepper spraying a kid whilst in Canada) who has been rejected for asylum twice, soon to be three times, because she wants to be taken care of by a nanny state and leech off the tax payers' money.


I guess Canadian welfare is paying for her care worker, and it was very hard for her when she had to take the holidays off https://old.reddit.com/r/disability/comments/18pi6u7/so_to_all_my_fellow_disableds_whose_care_workers

She has migrated to the rightoid Quebec sub and is getting in slapfights with them


T'as oublié que les candidat.e.s de présidents Républicains ont perdu le vote populaire par 6 millions en 2016 et par vers de 8 millions en 2020. Partout les États-Unis, il y a plus des libéral.e.s et gauchistes que les autres.

Mais, je suis née à Dallas au Texas. Ton accusation que je suis venue d'un autre État ne marche pas. Essaie à nouveau 🤷🏼‍♀️

Svp cesse d'employer l'écriture inclusive. J'ai mal aux yeux

Ah ben, t'as de l'haine aux immigrant.e.s et femmes? WOW. Je suis sûre que tu convaincra tout le Québec à la position souverainiste malgré le fait que, en 2021, le vote des femmes a été plus que le vote des hommes au Québec (sauf que les aînés qui ont plus de 75 ans). Je devine que, sÛrEmEnT tu gagneras le cœur de l'électorat.

Wow that's just fricking great, try speaking and writing french properly before taking it for an ideological spin, would you ?

Are you on some kind of subversive mission here ? Why don't you move to Portland and leave us alone ?!

Il y a un homme (inconnu) qui me suive avec un arme-a-feu et j'étais touché par la réponse à la fusillade de l'école Polytechnique en 1989. 🤷🏼‍♀️

He gets mad at her for using "inclusive writing", which is basically an attempt to get around the grammar rule that the masculine form of words is supposed to be used when there is a mixed group of people or as the default. They do this by putting periods in the middle of words

She also wrote a blog post about her experiences as an neurodivergent stalking victim https://www.lamaisondelautisme.ca/post/disadvantages-of-being-an-neurodivergent-stalking-victim-1

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Women will do anything in their power to avoid being responsible for their personal safety.

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