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In which :marseypedo: come out of the woodwork




A Winnipeg man has been charged with multiple offences after s*x dolls designed to look like children were seized from his home.

According to police, officers with the Canada Border Services Agency in Vancouver intercepted a package from China destined to Winnipeg and alerted the police service's Internet Child Exploitation unit.

Winnipeg police took possession of the package on Aug 29 and found it contained a s*x doll anatomically designed to look like a pre-pubescent child. The doll is illegal in Canada under child pornography laws.

"Approximately 20 anatomically correct female dolls ranging from newborn to early teens were located along with clothing/accessories intended for the dolls," police wrote in a news release. "Some of the dolls had been physically altered from their original state."

Of course redditors aren't having it

Gross, no doubt. But I think there is a debate here. Would this doll lead this guy to eventually harming real human children or would the doll be enough for him to get his rocks off enough that he doesn't need to move to humans.






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Gross, no doubt. But...


Redditors always trying with their "as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else" slippery fallacy filled slope.

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The real solution: let these be legal and put everyone that buys one on a list, investigate them every year.

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Tax the libertarians?

My God you might just be onto something...

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Reddit users alone would pay for 10 new children's hospitals every year.

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:#marseycapitalistmanlet: :#marseymerchant: now we're talking :marseypluribusanus:

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A lot of foids buy them so they can pretend to be mothers :marseyyikes: :marseygiggle:

What's the sub called? !redscarepod posted about it recently.

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they buy child s*x dolls to pretend to be mothers? wtf

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Yea it's fricking weird. But honestly mostly sad because it seems a lot of these Queens had miscarriages or were infertile.

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didn't upmarsey me


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omg just let the gay people get married!!! What's the worst that could happen? It's not like your kids will turn gay or anything omggggg

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>making abortion legal isnt going to encourage bad behavior or increase abortions

>few years later....


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This is what happens when you let the c*m skins be in charge.

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Uhm actually its technically a sin and we ahould criminlize it anyway

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I swear I once read some fancy study stuff that pointed out that exposure to sexual fixations just exacerbates the desire for them, doesn't nurse the need or anything, but every time I try to find it, it takes me across these Google libertarian searches I don't want to keep typing or finishing. After digging through one page of academic libertarian apologia, awful molestation stories, and weird studies that don't answer my question, I just accept I don't need to provide evidence to whatever internet degen is trying to argue we should let people have child s*x dolls.

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academics love arguing against common sense, the more degenerate the findings the more vehement the arguments

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OMG! Just let people enjoy things!

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"Hey bud, I'm completely fine with keeping the mincing, unscrupulous libertarians at bay with nothing more than a raggity s*x mannequin." God forbid the leafs do something right for once.

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Sure, I load up a Glock with my extended magazine with 30 blanks every morning and drive around town discharging it out the window.

What? I'm not hurting anyone, what's the problem you pearl-clutching puritans?! :marseyshapiro:

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if it prevents you from doing real mass shootings it should be encouraged, and maybe if society didnt stigmatize you so much in the first place you wouldnt need to vent like this at all

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That's an 'if' you'd want to be sure of.

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Is there a parallel too someone telling you too aim at the ground instead of in the air in this situation

@Grue stand with israel

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I do not engage with chuds who comment on my webzone posts but don't heckin' upmarsey me :marseyindignantturn:

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Weird @Grue forgot

@Grue stand with israel

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Somebody fricked a doll. I don't give a shit.

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I know you are too r-slurred to be able to tell the difference between an actual r*pe and somebody fricking a doll, but just because your schizophrenia and delusions are that bad doesn't mean everybody has to go full r-slur to accommodate your delusions of grandeur and righteousness.

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I agree. He didn't break any law. He still deserves :#marseywoodchipper2:

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Anyone who fricks a doll made to look like a kid should be killed.

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hey man, making libertarian accusations is a bannable offense. be careful !teaparty

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Jannies are diddling Diddy Kongs :crankykong: :#marseyshooting:

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I saw a guy at work who had the libertarian face phenotype so I'm sure he's one

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Does this doll satiate the libertarian's lust for children, or does it make it stronger to the point where they'll :rape:?


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Did watching porn make the men in the west have more s*x, or did it make them have less s*x?

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It made me want to have s*x more but since I turned into a raging gooner women turn me down more and as a result I have less s*x.

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There's your answer.

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I want to agree with you, but then that means i have to agree that child s*x dolls are good. Maybe child s*x dolls are like the police, a necessary evil to keep society functioning until we can get to the point where theyre not needed. Do child s*x dolls lead to less children being touched leading to less total libertarians?

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I don' know, I am not a libertarian expert

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This statement just makes it seem like your hoping the govt doesnt assign you to the research.

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I don't get it but okay

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It was a clumsy attempt at a joke. I'm just imagining some poor bastard that gets assigned to figure out if child s*x dolls lead to less libertarians.

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That's obesity's fault.

:#marseyrdramauser: <-- too fat for s*x

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If science were actually objective in the West, we could have a double-blinded placebo-controlled randomized clinical (criminal) trial. But nooooooo

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:marseypedo::#marseyshooting: :marseydead:

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Would recommend adding genocide to he marsey libertarian.

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The part worth noting that s*x "doll" tech has greatly increased since back in the day. They don't look like goofy blow-up dolls from 2000s comedy flicks anymore. They're very realistic to the touch and their 'parts' just from the random posts I see on 4chan about them. Totally agree with the ledditor who says "one day they won't be enough". This is literally desensitizing his psyche.

First he starts with dolls, then starts adding audio of children, starts to play full on cp for immersion, then before you know it boom.

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it obviously won't be enough. the dude had TWENTY DOLLS. some of them looked like newborns...what the frick. this is not a guy who just stops at dolls. this is someone completely out of control. he should just be euthanized there's no saving someone like that.

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or, you know, he quietly degens at home and is a pillar of the totes normie community out in the streets?

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Good job leafs, now kill him

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Would this doll lead this guy to eventually harming real human children or would the doll be enough for him to get his rocks off enough that he doesn't need to move to humans.

People with weird s*x kinks always escalate. It's like an addict building up a tolerance, except it's even faster because the reality never matches the fantasy.

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I can't seem to satisfy my weird s*x kinks


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Within the following days, I spent a lot of time at the park, watching the wind blow through the trees and the children playing in the fields. I questioned the very fabric of reality. Why did this all exist? I wondered. How did life come to be? What was the nature of reality? What was my place in all of it? There was no point to my life anymore. I was never going to lose my virginity. I was never going to get a girlfriend. Because girls are repulsed by me, I was never going to have children and pass on my genes. The only way that I could have been worthy enough to beautiful girls is if I become wealthy at a young age.



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