
So APPARENTLY you can get money if youre a native who was forced to go to day school which as a racist colonizer you would think is literally just school.

BUT apparently no. Day schools, chud, were JUST as bad as residential schools, maybe worse because they had to cram 24 hours of oppression into just 8.

The government paid out like 6 BILLION dollars to the heya hoyas in an effort to put the matter to rest but they want to reopen the settlement because they spent all their money on smokes and lottery tickets already or smth.

Basically this means they will be able to keep the settlements open in perpetuity all the while launching new ones, on top of the other ever increasing funding they ask for.



There's a thread were he soys out over the possibility of being confronted with a gun and threatens to report anyone who so much as has a firearm on them when they approach him, how guns are heckin' evil, it's wrong to shoot thieves and trespassers ect, but either he nuked it or I'm r-slurred and can't find it. His user name is /u/freaktography if any of you want to try

is this the guy who also has someone on legal advice complain that he broke into their parents house claiming it was abandoned while they were in the hospital or something?

I'm all for actual abandoned places, but some places are just not lived at the moment in and you are basically breaking in and taking pics of peoples stuff to post online.

I pointed out on reddit that he has a section of his website that he names and shames users that disagree with breaking into houses and he immediately blocked me.

Like it's on your website dude. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Edit: either I can't find it or it's taken off the website, which is honestly for the best.

Edit edit: Found it

Soy confirmed

I recognize the School board building photo as his,

The part in the article claiming he doesn't “steal” but will take items from the properties to attempt to find the rightful owners seemed odd. If you see something, it's best to just leave it there.

The article doesn't say that, it says he never steals and will remove photos from his website if requested.

I think they are referencing the part of the article where he takes things from the abandon buildings, which is stealing.

“In 2014, at an abandoned house in Beamsville, Ontario, he and another explorer found $7,000 in cash behind a mattress that they returned to the homeowners. Then, six years later, he found two sets of war medals and Nazi party pins from the Second World War in a deserted basement. Conlon contacted the family, who wanted nothing to do with it—or him—so he gave the medals to a collector friend. “I want to keep exploring Canada, but I want to do it in peace,” he says.”


A fricking new survey from Nanos Research and CTV News shows a fricking majority of Canadian adults express at least some discomfort around policies on transgender inclusion in sports, hormone treatments for youth and changes to students' pronouns in schools.

Conducted between Feb. 28 and March 2 this year, the fricking survey asked a fricking random sample of Canadians 18 and older about their comfort level toward a fricking variety of topics around gender identity and inclusion. The fricking results reveal a fricking snapshot of public sentiment broadly against some policies that have increasingly become central social issues of debate in Canadian politics.

Approximately 57 per cent of surveyed adults said they were fricking uncomfortable or somewhat uncomfortable with "a transgender person taking part in organized sports for people of their current gender identity." While not a fricking majority, a fricking further 44 per cent said the fricking same when asked about "a transgender person using the fricking washroom or change rooms for people of their current gender identity."


Life's funny like that

Canadians can't resist talking about americans within every Reddit thread

we had years of pro violence Tamils blocking highways, kid coming from a civil war, Sri on Sri violence here is uh...not surprising


Quebecois belong in camps



!leafs it should be ILLEGAL to advertise ROLL UP THE RIM if the rim doesn't roll. The North has fallen. :chudturbospergout1:

Remember what they stole from you.


OTTAWA - Electricity Canada is sounding the alarm over a proposed tax change it warns could see some private utilities saddled with millions in additional income taxes.

He says the problem arises from an adjustment to the Income Tax Act[...]It would bring Canada in line with the United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland on tax rules for companies that operate across more than one country.

But Powell says those countries exempted private utilities that are publicly regulated because they are often required to carry higher debt loads in order to keep rates lower. The new rule would lower the tax exemptions for those debt loads, meaning income tax bills would go up.

Who could have seen this coming?? Yes of course the power utilities will just absorb a giant % cut in profits


Is it possible to apply an increase in property taxes matching the increase in rental hikes? Raise the rent on the unit by 25% and your property taxes will go up 25%?

R-slurred. Landlords are raising rates because the banks raised the rates.

BC and Ontario get all the spotlight of the housing crisis but NS is probably the worse place right now. Rooms in Glace bay NS are going for $700-800, fricking glace bay....

NS voted to implement mass immigration. Crazy how supply and demand is real when it comes to housing lol

Did you read the article? Immigration isn't the issue in this situation it's legislation that dramatically favours landlords. Provincial governments are capable to protecting tenants from the impact of "supply and demand", they choose not to.


um askually it's not inflation, interest rates or all the demiBIPOCs it's because the mean old government lets people enter into fixed term leases.


Remember if you die before retirement your family gets literally nothing. If you die after retirement your spouse gets half. Terrible risk compared to a private option.

LOL please tell me more about this "great asset", an asset so great that I could theoretically contribute to it for 40 years but, if I end up dropping dead at age 65.1, would end up getting essentially zero (excluding the pitiful 'survivor's pension')

If you drop dead at 65.1 you also get essentially zero of any of your other retirement assets, since you're dead

What an r-slur reddit tier comment.

If it's such a great investment why does it need to be mandatory?

So it can function as a ponzi scheme if need be

Because not everyone has the sense or willpower to save for the years they cannot work. In a country with a social safety net, you and I would otherwise be paying for those people's retirement. I'd prefer they fund it themselves.

A lot of anti-socialism folks tend to hate on the CPP but the alternative is even more socialist.

I don't know a single person who relies on their CPP who doesn't also need some other form of welfare.

So they should just say that. Why lie about it being a good "asset." It's not even an asset, it's a liability for workers and it pays out only if you live long.

And that's assuming the government still wants to pay you out by the time you retire. There's no guarantee they don't just scrap the program and take the money for something else.

All good points.

It's absolutely an asset. Yes, it has uncertain returns. Many assets do.

It's an "asset" you can't barrow against, can't withdraw from until the gov says so, can't be passed on to your next and kin and disappears entirely if you die.

This is kinda how I see it as well.

Personally, I fricking hate the CPP. I'd get far better returns investing that money myself. With that being said, I understand its existence, because I also understand how truly idiotic some people are with money.

Just look at how many elderly people right now rely/relied solely on CPP to fund their retirement, it's a joke. If there was no CPP, then sure, some would have saved that money… but lots would be fricked and be a huge bane on our social services if there was no system in place.

Then stop being a cuck and do what 95% of all !leafs do and commit tax fraud.

How is this an asset. I can't borrow against it. I can't sell it. I can't pass it on to my children. It is not included in my net worth.

/u/Long_Ad_2764 asking the real questions!

Safe Supply is morally bankrupt :marseyindignant:

A few weeks ago there was a thread in my local sub which I wrote off as schizo rambling. Someone was claiming a chain of foster homes was providing kids in care with weed every day, in an effort to make them docile and easier to manage. Lots of scepticism and basically OP was told to contact both CFS and the CBC. The thread of course is long gone.

Weeks go by and CBC runs a front page article

Province cuts ties with Winnipeg foster home operator after teens given marijuana daily

In which all of OPs claims were vindicated. If you needed any more proof that enabling junkies and letting them wallow in addiction is immoral, this is probably it.

Staff were told by upper management it was better to have workers at the home provide cannabis than risk residents going elsewhere and doing harder drugs, such as methamphetamine and opioids.

"It's easier to just keep [them] placated and happy than to have to deal with the paperwork, police and hospitals," the former employee said.

She said an underage teen who had never smoked marijuana in her life started smoking it daily after she moved into a Spirit Rising House home.

The foster homes were run by some guy who believes in enabling junkies and was giving kids a gram of weed a day. That's over an ounce a month for a kid. Absolutely insane amounts of weed for teens. If you had any doubts this is proof harm reduction proponents lack a moral compass.


Of the 30 Canadian colleges and universities granted the most international study permits last year, all but one are public.

lol, apparently the "college mill" idea wasn't accurate, as the strip mall colleges don't make up close to as many international student numbers as public schools.

These are permits in 2023 alone. How do you even fit 30k indians in one school? I don't even think my uni has 30k students total.

From the comments on reddit:

Was just in Cape Breton twice this year after 5 years away. There is a huge change in the population. It felt like 50% of the service industry workers I was helped by were international students primarily from India. Most people I spoke with feel badly for the students who are being lied to by the University about job and housing possibilities in Cape Breton. There have never been lots of jobs in Cape Breton. Never, ever. They are angry with local politicians and the University for this big cash grab.

A flight I was on in Jan. arrived from Toronto at 2am and the University had a table set up with a person yelling for the students on the flight to come to him. He was near baggage pick-up and was guiding them on their next steps and what forms they needed etc. About a third of the flight appeared to be students (maybe 20-30 people-the flight was not full) from mainly India and some from African nations.

It all felt very urgent and like people were being pushed through an assembly line. Not the kindness you'll often feel in Cape Breton.

:marseyeyeroll2: why do people pretend that the biggest issue is that indians were "sold a lie"? we all know you're just sick of seeing poos everywhere.

Cape Breton is basically India it's fricked

darn, looks like nowhere is safe from the brown menace. All the way in the east coast? Wouldn't be surprised if there were indian sightings in Alert at this point

EDITORIAL: If it's not anti-Jewish stop attacking Jews : canada
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