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Gosh it's not like their Instagram page is still public and you can see all the dates past present and future they had been in US doing paid work despite not ever having had a work visa.

And then the :marseyretard2: just swans up to the border tattooing equipment in hand expecting nothing to happen. They might as well have worn a giant sign saying GUTEN TAG I AM HIER TO COMMIT DER VISAFRAUDEN JA :marseyzwei:

They're being held in detention because the US is seeking a lifetime entry ban and that requires hauling the :marseykaiser: in front of a judge in immigration court. If they're being put in a solo holding cell it's mostly likely due to the :marseyaaatremble: :marseycut: :marseytransattentionseeker: behavior they themselves admit to.

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Half the reason that we should have zero tolerance here is youee not just remobing a crimnal from the street butt a dumb

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The most absurd part is how they held her waiting for a deportation flight past the date of her return flight ticket to Germany. She literally already had a flight home booked, and they said, no, we're going to keep you in prison until we can deport you.

Because he (and it is a he) committed a crime and they want to punish him for it. Letting him go home without so much as a minute in front of a judge isn't a punishment.

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if youre trying to commit a crime, butt they catch you at the border before you fully committ the crime then they should just let you go. :marseyindignant:


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I'll be honest, what it actually smells like is an artist from a country that made her feel (rightfully) entitled to legal protections speaking frankly with the people who were trying to question her, and not immediately cowing like they wanted her to. And since they knew they could act with personal impunity, they did. And her legal rights were stripped from her because of someone's ego.

/u/Eruionmel she has had no legal rights stripped away bb

She's wanted on suspicion of committing a crime (visa fraud) and will be detained until she can be seen in a court. Given the clear evidence, she'll definitely be convicted, and then sentenced.

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It's honestly a very silly clause. If no money is being exchanged, I'm genuinely unsure what the issue actually is.

/u/NoButterfly7257 because people claim they're doing it for no pay and then in-person charge cash (with no paper trail)

dumbass lmao

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tax evasion is okay when non-citizens do it, chud :marseynails:

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"all the Mexicans were going to work in the orchards for free, they said so, so what's the problem?"

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So trump is holding german citizens hostage now? Trump really wants to start WW3.

It is 100% impossible to know if they were going to do paid work. There is no law against doing their unpaid hobby. Regardless, if she was going to be denied then you tell her to turn around and go back to mexico. You dont arrest and put them in jail for a month.


oh my god you pants pooping r-slur that is not what is happening. He (it's a :marseytrain: not a woman) conspired to work illegally. They're holding him for his trial (which I hope includes a 10 year ban)

And "oh maybe he wouldn't charge) is r-slurred. He clearly would and even if he didn't he's still working illegally performing skilled labour taking work from an American.

And before you REEEEEE about muh AMERIKKKA! it's worse elsewhere. Canada has deported people for preforming maintenance on their own homes because it was consider work.

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Getmany lost WW1 and WW2, theyre still losers today and they will be after WW3 too.


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Just tell them all it was an AI in a skinsuit and they'd be demanding its execution yesterday.

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So what happened to all the claims that immigration enforcement is super racist and never applied to white people? Or do Germoids no longer count as white?

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:!marseytrain:s are default BIPOC.

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So instead of just saying "hey, we aren't letting you in. Please go back out the way you came in" they decided to arrest a foreign national and illegally detain them at the cost of the US tax payer.

/u/Bulliwyf there's literally nothing illegal about detaining a criminal lmao

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Honestly, this shit makes me furious. As a German, how dare the US government treat a fellow citizen like this, I want our government to condemn this action in the strongest sense possible.

/u/CptJimTKirk Condemn what, enforcing our own visa laws? Should I condemn Germany for doing the same?

If Germans wanted to have a voice that matters maybe they should have won one of those big wars they're always starting.

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/u/CptJimTKirk should respect US culture and not insult the US by implying theyre doing something wrong by enforcing their own democratically established laws. Like how its illegal to use insulting/hateful speech in his dumb hellhole country called "germany", what she did here by comitting visa fraud is a crime in the US. Butt she comitted a real crime, not merely saying nono words.

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i really hate this decision. they should've barred her from entry and told her she's mexico's problem instead of wasting money to keep her locked up.


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In the US conspiring to committ a crime is in itself a crime. Punishing her will deter others from attempting the same sort of nefarious activity. I think ots pretty stupid that I cant flick off the police and call them nazis in Germany, butt if I went there I wouldnt be surprised if they arrwsted me for doing that bc its a crime there. Play stupid games, win stupid prices, FAFO, respect people's culture, check your white privilege etc.

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If criminals need more than the huge inconvenience of being stranded in Mexico and being flagged in the system as someone who can't enter the country, then just spend $2 on a rifle round and fricking shoot them. This is an enormous waste of money that I was forced to give the government. Bullshit like this is one of the reasons I won't be able to draw Social Security when I retire.

We're firing glowies for nickel and dime savings while continuing to set money on fire with things like this.

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I won't be able to draw Social Security when I retire.

oh you're one of those dummies lmao

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this is your brain on MMT

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Doesn't even have anything to do with social security which is funded by payroll taxes lmao. I'm not talking about printing more money.

They could (a) increase the tax rate, (b) push back retirement age, (c) bump up or eliminate the wage base (tax cap). Or they could do none of that and simply slash benefits around 20%.

But thinking the whole program will collapse is just silly :marseyteehee:

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then just spend $2 on a rifle round and fricking shoot them

I dont disagree, butt sadly were a civilized nation that has to follow the geneva comventions or whatever. Also by that logic we shouldnt kill the people on death row bc thats far more expensive than giving people life in prison instead, or we should just stop arresting drug dealers/users simply bc its to expensive and "theyre only hurting themselves". Also arefuably the expense of processing/criminally punsihing this ome person will aeguably reduce the number of people who will offend long term which will.reduce the number of offenders thus lowering the cost.(and thats not even getting into the lost revenue from the negative effects of just petting these people vilate rhe terms of their visa). If something is illegal there has to be consequences for doing that illegal thing otherwise its not really illegal. At this point your argument shpuld just be to let her come in and work bc thats what she would have done had she simply lied/wasnt asked the right question. Whats next? Border patrol turning the fentyl importers back bc they were caught befpre coming into rhe country? Theyll just keep trying if theres no consequences.

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sadly were a civilized nation that has to follow the geneva comventions or whatever.

The Geneva Conventions don't prevent us from executing criminals and neither does any civil treaty. Nation-states can make laws providing for execution of criminals in any way they see fit. No one has stopped Singapore.

by that logic we shouldnt kill the people on death row bc thats far more expensive than giving people life in prison instead

No, by that logic, we should just hurry up and shoot them instead of paying to keep them around for 10-20 years before spending thousands of dollars on a Big Pharma cocktail to achieve the same result as the rifle round

or we should just stop arresting drug dealers/users simply bc its to expensive and "theyre only hurting themselves".

We could just as easily give dealers a bullet. Consumption is a lesser crime and we should just spank them really hard instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money keeping them as a ward of the state. Again, like Singapore.

blah blah blah no consequences

As usual, you're pretending that I said the exact opposite of what I said just to argue. My point stands. Taking her in and locking her up was a fricking r-slurred thing to do and anyone who supports it is r-slurred, too. She was in Mexico, she's Mexico's problem. Your line of thinking is exactly how we got 892348972389457 "asylum seekers" released into the US after the Border Patrol caught them crossing illegally. If you're cool with this, you should have voted for Biden. He did the right thing for the border, apparently.

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The Geneva Conventions...

i know, thats why I said "or whatever". Iirc its actually the constitutional protection against cruel and unusual punishment on people for disproportionately petty crimes. Thats also considered an inalienable right which is why it applies even to non citizens.

No, by that logic, we should just hurry up and shoot them instead of paying to keep them around for 10-20 years before spending thousands of dollars on a Big Pharma cocktail to achieve the same result as the rifle round

we cant just do that tho, bc of the constitution/how the system is designed so...

We could just as easily give dealers a bullet. Consumption is a lesser crime and we should just spank them really hard instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money keeping them as a ward of the state. Again, like Singapore.

that darn constitution and people having inalienable rights tho, darn

As usual, you're pretending that I said the exact opposite of what I said just to argue.

nah, thats obviously you

shut up


Taking her in and locking her up was a fricking r-slurred thing to do and anyone who supports it is r-slurred, too.

no, youre just wrong. And the faft that you think in such Black and white terms/think everyone who diaagrees with ypu is dumb/beneath you indicates to me that it is you who is the rslur...rslur

You must be a taker rather than a payer when it comes to taxes.

:marseyprojection: Maybe, thats why youre so miserable? Bc youre poor?

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I'm a dumb artist

aint that the truth

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No need to be redundant.

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In previous decades this would unironically be a reason for war

lol, these people are psychotic

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:soycry: why didn't they let her fly home on her own

Because she's now a felon and is being deported.

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"If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle."

― Hillary Rodham Clinton




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Trans lives matter

Undocumented trans lives matter

Undocumented german trans lives dont

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