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  • Broble64 : If you PARTICIPATE in this drama you are gay. If you ENJOY the drama you are cool.
  • free_palestine : libertariancord poo
  • rDramaHistorian : Other jannies r expendable, but we must protect Aevann from the aura of the corrupt mayo gussy
  • K9 : 500 comments win!

Our recent foid-related arrmeta-drama has migrated to kiwifarms! :marseyattentionseeker::marseykiwi:



Disgruntled :marseyban:'d user, @SpaceMilk pleads his case on the New Zealand agricultural forums.


Private correspondence between @SpaceMilk and.... @Elfbinn, @X (formerly chiobu), @deletedmaxxxed-user, @Soren, @Penny

Allegations of foid simpery

The :marseyscream:REAL:marseyconfused: circumstances behind carp banning Spacemilk


...and a whole new dimension to this meta-drama arc!

EDIT: he posted all the working images in another post

I'm not gonna do a proper write up because everyone already knows this meta-drama. It's been going on all week! Read it yourself :marseyshrug:



>Elfbinn seethes :marseyraging: about Ted to Spacemilk, she also sends facedoxx. Read it yourself, allegations of mental disorder and hoe-ery.

>Spacemilk decides to go to chink sage X (formerly chiobu) :marseychingchong: to get his opinion on Elfbinn's seething. He gives sagely advice. :marseymonk:

>Spacemilk, eager to get to the bottom of this juicy spat :marseygossip: between Elfbinn and Ted_Simp goes to Schizo who doesn't want to get involved.

>Then Soren messages Spacemilk about something I can't fully parse :marseyconfused: due to one the images not loading :marseybsod:

>Spacemilk thinks Penny is a fake account :marseysus:for some reason. Who knows maybe she is? I love you @Penny regardless


>Sooner or later Spacemilk exposes all this drama and Carp :marseycarp3: gets involved.

>Spacemilk noootices :marseynoooticer: too much and Carp (another of Ted's victims/simps) gets involved. Spacemilk's noooticing goes too far when he whips out an old post that suggests Ted and him were geographically(?) close. This is part of his proof regarding the fish and the bird nerd's plans to hook up.

>Allegedly the fish gets mad at the alleged doxxing and bans :marseycarpjannie2: the alleged nooooticer.


And now the receipts we've all been waiting for are up. Drama always wins! :marseylovedrama:

:marseylongpost2: I cannot be asked to read thru all those words, I just skimmed. :marseylongpost:

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There is no beef, idk why anyone would think that, I just think it's funny. I liked her at first the same way I like other attentionmaxxers, but the insane suicide baiting made me dislike her, and as an admitted human trashbag I just don't believe in sacred cows or hugboxing when there's funny drama to discuss:marseyshrug:

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How did I miss the suicidebaiting? I just know her at the birdposter.

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i wasnt intending to bait but had several bipolar episodes where i went nutso and tried to kms and posted about it like an r-slur cause my brain was mush. its a good thing u missed it

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oh rip. bipolar is a real one.

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yeah its a very embarrassing thing to deal with

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i hope u doin better now and are on better meds or smn

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thank you i am doing a lot better. now i just have to deal with all the consequences of my past actions which is kinda making me spiral. but such is life with bipolar

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I understand.:marseycheerup: I have a family member with bipolar and it’s like he has a different personality that takes over. Meds have helped him so much

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thank u for understanding

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it really do be that way sometimes

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Half of her posts are about self harm. You live under a rock for sure

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i probably just dont click on posts that look stupid or boring but do click on posts about birds because birds are cool

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Yes, how???

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do you have a link to one? my current theory is that all of her suicide baitposts have looked stupid and boring so ive never clicked on them

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I don’t know her situation but it’s not baiting when you intend to do it and you’re reaching out in any attempt to get your mind off it or talk you down.

I literally had my gun to my head and a dramatard intervened.

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That was how I felt at first, and I defended her when someone called her a munchie in the early days, but I feel differently now after seeing the way she acted on multiple occasions. I've had a couple friends end their own life and just think it's really gross to use it as a way to get attention

It's not even about that anyway, it's more that I thought it was funny gossip, and didn't expect it to blow up to be week-long meta drama

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its all genuine. i can explain more but i’d rather not publicly (although i assume you’d leak whatever i say anyways). i pretty much have no support system irl, not even my parents so i do r-slurred shit online cause i have pretty much nothing. im really sorry about your friends but i promise you, i may be a shitty person but i would never fake something that serious for attention

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Honestly it was the events that spurred this meme and everything around it that changed my opinion of you


I might be a dramawhore, but I take suicide and talking about SA and stuff pretty seriously, and there were other people at the time who claimed to be close to you and said you were lying about it

Like I said this already blew up way more than I thought it would and it's not even related to that (other than making me not care), and I admitted to berzel that it was mostly speculation. I just thought the idea of sending nudes to and having s*x with jannies from a gay catposting site was funny :/

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Lol I love that this meme randomly includes me

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not getting involved but i still love that meme so much


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I talked to ted and I think cleared some things, but it is definitely a funny meme

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honestly agreed

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I got close to Ted as a friend before we stopped talking as much a few months ago, probably because of the events of everything I haven’t even started to read yet taking up her bandwidth.

I think her behavior makes a lot of sense in the context of what’s going on in her life, but I also think it’s fine to be upset at people even if you understand where they’re coming from. I empathize deeply with nearly everyone I avoid.

I stopped what I was doing during the last bad episode for her on here, and I texted her to be present, and it was hard and novel for me. We stopped talking altogether a bit afterward, which wasn’t a surprise, since we didn’t have much to talk about.

I’d be a hypocrite to call her out on it personally. I made a “joke” post on here about ending it all if I failed a drug test for a dream job, but that was me desperately looking for catharsis. I deleted the post, or at least as “deleted” as anything gets on here. But I definitely get the urge to document manic episodes and reach out to everyone all at once. I was also diagnosed with BPD a few years ago, so maybe game recognizes game.

Tl;dr I don’t think anyone should rag on you for being put-off by off-putting behavior, I just a) get where she’s coming from and don’t have negative associations with suicide and b) think leaking private conversations is a shitty thing to do, but also a highly dramatic thing to do

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Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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I stopped

Didn't get her to put out huh?

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I’m no Absimp.

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no i would never lie about that. we can discuss this more if you would like. some of it was quite funny but you took it way too far

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Most of it I assumed was public info since i never sought anything out myself, just remembered what I was exposed to. Sorry it spiraled like this, if you do actually wanna talk about it then I'm willing

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You literally gave an obviously unbalanced individual a bunch of info you admit was bullshit just because u thought it was funny and now youre acting like it was some big accident lmao. Most stereotypically responsible for her actions foid

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It was funny tho

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Gossip NEVER harms anybody and is ALWAYS funny :talk2hand:

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I dont care to hear some midwit comparison of a moped and a ferarri


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Really unloading your purse today, I see.


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can i help you?

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Na I'm good. Carry on.


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ok have a good night

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i pretty much have no support system irl

If you ever want to vent to an r-slur over the internet, I could use the practice.

It's happened a couple times now that I've needed to comfort someone irl and felt woefully underprepared.

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+1 simp acquired

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You're free to slip into my dms too cutie :marseyhomofascist:

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Just tell them to man up

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Ok, but what do I tell women?

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Grow a pair of ovaries and man up

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I’m funny gossip pilled but I’m also mentally ill myself so I give leeway. Like just block or scroll really fast past their comments if it bugs you.

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:marseywut2: most of the userbase and the people posted about are mentally ill. Don't use a drama site as your therapist if being laughed at bothers you this much ffs

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i dont mind being laughed at, you’re just being a fricking creep at this point. there is a line and you crossed it long ago

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Watching elfbinn and Ted simp fight is what enlightened me about the people here. I was going to just say foids are crazy, but then some other guys started saying they’re mentally goofy too.


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>ive had a couple friends commit suicide so im gonna spread shit on someone i think might be lying about being suicidal to the point she gets suicidal

Least r-slurred foid. Can you explain your thought process here?

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Tbh my mind draws a line on how much I care depending on how I feel about the person in question, probably the case here as well

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She’s actually legitimately insane. Classical madwoman.

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Think of your raccoons, they love dancing!


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They’re dead.


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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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a prayer for peace n calmness 🙏🏾 Psalm 29:11 im sry woot parvo just cruel

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Okay now this made me legit sad i'm sorry to hear that dude :(

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yeah that is what happened for me i have zero people irl i can talk to. its pathetic and i apologize for burdening everyone here, i really do feel bad

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Then they are going to have to go to court and make it more public after the moid is unable to keep his contractual agreement to not tell people he had s*x.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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This is getting sad now :marseysad: I hope you work it out so the civil war can be over idk if this is healthy tho you need some real friends to talk too and help you. You won't be a burden to them and it will be more cathartic then talking to us online tbh

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thank you. its all my fault in the end though that this mess is happening. i never wanted anything bad to happen. just stings a bit

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you'll be fine queen


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thank u X (formerly chiobu) ily

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Chin up bb


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ur so sweet kaiser ty

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The simping out of you is getting dark, please get off the site and take care or your dad he’s dying for gods sake

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This is literally what suicidebaiting is. You’re not getting better you’re just dancing around at rock bottom for attention. Giving you support is like giving an addict money.

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Yeah I got zero patience for this shit. It's not even real drama because it's all bullshit and a boring attention vacuum to boot.

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Thaaat shoulda stayed in the drafts boo :marseyemo:

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:marseydespair:this sounds like anime plot

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how about both of you take some T and transition to male to become less r-slurred. then have gay s*x and post it here :)

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ain't u the one whose wife got a boyfriend? ye u shouldn't be giving advice on been less r-slurred hunny

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yeah, and my kids are trans too, bigot. someone's stuck in the sixties.

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lmao nah superstraight a thing it ain't u fricking degen old freaks n u got more than one :marseytrain: kid u FAILED as a parent

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the insane suicide baiting made me dislike her

Same but I wouldn't try to remove the baiting part.

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