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TBH I've seriously considered it and @Nightcrawler was helping me but it was a little too difficult and I couldn't pull it off. :marseysad:

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helping you pull off what?

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Becoming Catholic. It's harder than you might imagine.

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idk. the rituals are but also aren't actually important.

u don't need to be baptized to keep showing up...

but tbh if u just keep showing up, how can u even fail?

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I don't feel like I would be being honest. Does that make any sense? There's people who are really hardcore and I would feel like I was being dishonest and faking.

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tbh i have no idea if i'll stick around long enough to be baptized, i just went to one mass. i draw personal inspiration from several religions at least, so i certainly wouldn't buy all the rhetoric carte blanche, and would always have this underlying motivation to use the church as a platform for change.

like, i kinda wanna do ayahuasca with the pope, and then many other religious leaders.

!commenters !catholics

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:marseydisagree: Catechism of the Catholic Church:

2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices.

By no means should you feel obliged to turn into a twitter style RadTrad, and I'm thrilled to hear you went to Church and are feeling open to things, but at the same time, draw it back a little, hippie. :marseysmughips: The "change" the Church promotes is repentance (which in the traditional definition of the word doesn't just mean "feel bad for wrongdoing" but means instead a transformation of mental and spiritual attitude towards sin).

I don't feel like I would be being honest. Does that make any sense? There's people who are really hardcore and I would feel like I was being dishonest and faking.

@Redactor0 I'm 2-for-1ing a response here but I'd wager 99% of people who convert or revert to faith, including myself, went through a stage of feeling this way. Feeling self-conscious is normal but nobody is going to be paying attention to if you know what the responses are your first time there or have any judgment for your past. The Church is a field hospital for sinners not a museum for saints. :marseyangel3: As Pope Francis said back in 2013, rather eloquently:

"The thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity. I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars! You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the wounds, heal the wounds. ... And you have to start from the ground up."

And this goes along with some of what @goderator200 was saying WRT worrying about salvation or fitting in because of past sins.

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Catechism of the Catholic Church:

meh church used to say a ton of stuff it doesn't anymore. being against psychoatives is bit hypocritical when one of jesus miracles is producing wine from water, which is one of the least useful and most harmful of the psychoactives

besides even the catechism mentions:

Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense

seem u can try to consume ayauascha for fun ... but ur gunna get ur shit spiritually pushed in.

taking it for spiritual therapy is the only intentional way to do so, and my god are we way past due for some collectively spiritual healing.

they're just plants my brother. u grow them, u boil them, u drink them, and then u meet ur maker in ways u never could have previously imagined....

usually at least. a few people are more spiritually blocked that others.

but at the same time, draw it back a little, hippie

a) not a hippie, i fit the young urban professional demographic, b) humanity in an existentially dire position far beyond ur current understanding of it.

Church promotes is repentance (which in the traditional definition of the word doesn't just mean "feel bad for wrongdoing" but means instead a transformation of mental and spiritual attitude towards sin).

but of course. the world has lot of repenting to undertake...

Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the wounds, heal the wounds. ... And you have to start from the ground up."

no shit, pope

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meh church used to say a ton of stuff it doesn't anymore.

Moral teachings within the Church have not and cannot change, empirical arguments against prohibition's pros and cons would be licit but using ayahuasca isn't something that will be deemed "not a sin" in the future.

being against psychoatives is bit hypocritical when one of jesus miracles is producing wine from water, which is one of the least useful and most harmful of the psychoactives

The reason drug use is sinful is that being high/drunk deprives us of the capacity for moral reasoning. Microdosing and CBD topical creams, where legal, would be the more appropriate parallel to drinking in moderation. And it's not hypocritical, Jews/Christians have always been against drinking to excess.

a) not a hippie, i fit the young urban professional demographic, b) humanity in an existentially dire position far beyond ur current understanding of it.

If you think taking psychedelics is part of the solution to addressing this, I stand by what I called you, but tone is hard to convey online and I was just trying to rib you. :marseyhippiecrygenocide:

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I'm 2-for-1ing a response here but I'd wager 99% of people who convert or revert to faith, including myself, went through a stage of feeling this way.

Yeah, I think I'll eventually get over it. But I got a lot of stuff to get over first. Right now I feel like I'm a desperate fat chick throwing herself into a relationship she should know won't work. But with God. If that makes any sense.

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it's ok. god still loves you. god loves you because god is god, not because you are you.

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Just be a protestant it's way easier. Hardest part is dealing with other protestants in the same boat but there are some real nice ones

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On the other hand there's some really bad ones. I had one girl turn me off on being protestant so hard I escaped from the religion at a speed of about Warp 7. She would always use religion as an excuse for any time she wanted to be a b-word. So it's not really about the protestant religion but it left me with a very sour taste about it.

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