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Oh darn this site has gone downhill rapidly in the last month. All top posts are literally unfunny jannies and power-users jerking themselves off over meta-"drama". Round of applause 👏

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Hi! Thanks for posting your second “I hate it here and I’m leaving because it sucks >:((((“ thread! Since you’ve chosen to repost your old content, I will in turn repost some of mine. This time it’s from everyone’s favorite platform: Groomercord 🥰

There’s still a great deal of dramaposts though. But the thing is, this isn't r/drama. We're not on Reddit. We don't have that surrounding ecosystem of tens of millions of subreddits with several hundred million users wherein people can go post about other things elsewhere with their same account and find engagement on a variety of topics while still visiting the dedicated drama subreddit for dramaposts and culture.

We have the culture and the people, but it's a standalone platform. If it were just a drama aggregator, there'd be no real reason to use it at all when you can just set up an SRD RSS feed. SRD finds tons of drama and cites the shit out of it. It's not interesting or fun though, because it's not our ecosystem and culture. The transition to a standalone platform raises interesting possibilities, and rather than being a sideshow community on an exponentially larger website, it's now an independent platform. A much more developed community grew, and is growing, out of it, with in-jokes, its own culture, references, memes, "art" and whatever else. It fits well in the same feed as everything else because those cultural touchstones are all interconnected, and the overwhelming majority of the userbase (~95%+) enjoys the intermingling of being able to see a Marsey post above a major Reddit slapfight above some vapid local shitpost and on and on.

What I am trying to articulate here is that I understand the (vanishingly few) complaints, but actioning them would be undesirable to a supermajority of the userbase and be an actively regressive course. What we have is what everyone has made happen and likes.

tl;dr nonstop dramaposts are tedious and gay and joyless but we helpfully include a link on every page to r/subredditdrama so any lost srdines like yourself can easily access their dream platform with just a single click. Most semi-functional folx on the spectrum do not want to just see an aggregation of links to people typing angry words at each other day in and day out. This is evidenced by, well, the fact that a variety of content gets upmarseyd and engaged with at a considerably higher rate than that aggregate model. The posts here are what people want to see, given that they’re the posts people make and engage with.

Here are cute uwu foxes.


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Okay, let me maybe stir a bit of metadrama here by screeching about metadrama...

There's a FRICKING IMMENSE amount of middle ground between being like SRD and what we have now. Having fun metaposts on occasion is great, especially if they're about something exciting, but lately, most of the top ten and like 80% of all stickies are just essentially personal blogs of a few users. That's waaaaaay excessive. The question keeps getting posed in the black-and-white, binary "no more meta" and "frick you, more meta!" way, which is akin to a discussion between an anorexic and a feederist - both are total fricking cancer and need to be locked up in a lunatic asylum.

Before anyone says - "but idio! You post meta too!" I need to note that you r-slurs need to learn to read. Some meta is great.

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They hated him because he told the truth...

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It's pretty clear by upmarseys here that despite Carp saying 95+ % of the userbase is utterly happy...YOU are the one who actually has a point that people are agreeing with.

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don't discourage anorexia mang, do you really want more "average" weight americans running around putting cracks in the sidewalk

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Carp is just butt hurt people realized it. Last 4 days has just been some weird, dumb and uninteresting shit from power users here. For real, MDE and 4chan act a lil kess r-slurred

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Idk, just adding fuel to the fire. Isnt the point to make shit dramatic?

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It works better :marseygenetakovic: when you hold that part in

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I’m okay with the mix being 50/50 tbh. Internet drama gets dull for me quicker than other dumbshit

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There are only like 5 users that constitute the vast majority of meta posts.

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All these people complaining don't even post or comment

:#marseysigh: :#marseyeyeroll:

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profound mental illness


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Kindness actually upmarseyd one of my post for the first time yesterday, ~pretty sure he did it on accident~ so we're basically best friends now. @Dad gotta ask you too delete this slanderous bullshit.

black lives matter

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You comment way more than me. That’s got to be a gurl


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Any real drama on SRD inevitably gets removed as surplus or w/e by the mods. SRD is nothing except woke agenda posting.

As for what gets posted here proper drama posting takes effort as opposed to say, lawlsposting which is why it's so much rarer.

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What do you consider “proper drama”? The twitter spergout I caused had several dozen participants screeching for hours into the abyss and the one fat girl replying 71 times to the same two comments and posting pictures of herself was dubbed meta by this thread.

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"proper drama" might have been a bit too gatekeep-y. Culture war twitter spergs are okay, I guess. I was thinking of stuff in line with old snally posts though.

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Write them, then, I assure you we'll pin them (we always do). The problem is that almost only Snally snallyposts, and if we only allowed that - we'd be less active than SRD.

People that talk like this are the greatest detriment to my crusade for more drama percentage.


EDIT: Seriously, if you hate meta or whatever and want effortposts only - don't be afraid to be the change you want to see. Write your effortposts, ping @idio3 and if it's even somewhat decent, I'll pin it myself, unpinning meta if necessary.

I really doubt anyone will take me up on my offer, though. Everyone is a critic.

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@idio3 pin this comment

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White men always tell minorities too be the change they want too see, but it's harder for us because we have so much more going on in our lives due too the constant oppression.

Black lives matter, chud!

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I really doubt anyone will take me up on my offer, though. Everyone is a critic.

You can pin me whenever you want, idio~


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Few write Snally-tier posts because they inevitably get way less engagement than the 30th daily "reddit rando said a thing" thread. They require some reading for context and aren't the typical pol-tier circlejerk topics.

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Snally-tier posts are a heck of a lot of work. I did the one about the guy who blew his fingers off and it took me something like 5 hours. Not to mention all the time spent trawling through the news looking for content. So yeah, I hear where you're coming from, but even if we're all at the top of our game we'll be lucky to get one each day.

One thing I'd strongly encourage is for dramanauts to not just post stuff that people on the internet are already talking about. Look at the news, especially local news in your area, and find something that's been overlooked.

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Yeah i did the one about Snally-like one about Yaniv after the publication ban was lifted. I mean, even with all the info from KF, still had to organize, summarize and double check hyperlinks.

For real, despite trying as hard as possible, that insane train caused me to max out the original post with all his antics that i had to use 2/3 of the max comment wize to finish lol

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I remember that one. Thank you for your service! :marseylove:

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The twitter spergout I caused

Interesting focus on you. Who actually started that whole thing?

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Me, of course :star: It was another forgettable, drama-free twitter shitlib circlejerk until I went in there and caused trouble.

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Don't pretend as if the majority of this site actually likes your lame meta posts. The most upmarseyd post on this site, by far, is one that says that all groomercordstrags should be banned.

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Which was posted by a groomercord user and janitor and upmarseyd by groomercord users and the entire custodial staff.

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You're just jealous Carp has hundreds of adoring fans and you don't.

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So isnt place to laugh at execptional individuals, but place to be execptional individual.


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99% of our link posts aren’t even links to drama, it’s just links to Redditors or Twitter users circlejerking themselves raw while we do the same to ourselves in our own threads about their threads. And there’s nothing wrong with that. This is a gossip site. We gossip. The stupidity lies in pretending that just including a link to a Reddit thread with 0 drama so everyone can huff their own farts and talk amongst themselves is somehow different than doing the exact same thing without a link.

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The first people we laugh at is always ourselves.


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Imagine how little s*x a person has to have to write or read this lol

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Weekly "this site is shit" posts are part of the culture!

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Are you complaining about Lawlzposting? I wish I could afford a ban award.



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It's all dogshit and unfunny. Not even seething, I'm literally fumbling to waste my dogshit coins on this shit site for my last hurrah and I'm out.

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I'm glad you made this post tbh. The weird groomercord drama and circlejerk joke threads are terrible. I don't know who half these people are and I don't care, I'm just here for drama.

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This site would be 100× better if there was a seperate subforum for the terminally online groomercordstrags to jerk each other off and leave the rest of the normal people alone.

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as in... groomercord? it shouldnt spill over here in the first place

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I would prefer if there were no groomercord/meta threads too. But this is the only form of human interaction most jannies here get so I think a seperate forum is the best compromise we could get.

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Split into rdrama and rsocial?

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They should just make /h/chudrama the front page and move all the namestrag posting to /h/etero or /h/strag or something.

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>1yr ago

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More comments

how bout rdrama and rtards

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leave the rest of the normal people

Normal people? Where are these normal people you are talking about? Are they in the room with us right now?

:marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking:

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Groomercord users are a special subset of mongoloid/male feminist

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Subforums aren’t a bad idea. I also think gambling should be shunted over, and that only comments in this kind of sub forum would be subject to weird ideas like the lootboxes.

:marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: BECAUSE WHY SHOULD REGULAR COMMENTS RISK LOSING DCS TO MIMICS?!? :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

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Frickign mimics eating my coins. !slots100

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I'm using 750 of my Dramacoin on re-stickying this thread in half an hour and I'll gift you the other 250. (Which is peanuts unfortunately)

Dramacoin was a great addition to this site but what does it even matter anymore? A few power-users and mods control it all so frick it.

Do brave things, my brother.

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(((who))) controls the drama coin

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But like why don't you just not read it then?

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Lawlzposting is that way by design and is classic rdrama. The rest of it, including the cringe music recs, needs to go.

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It's groomercord-tier shit. Where the goal is to get to know people and to relate to them in some personal manner.

But this website? Frick you I don't give a frick about whether your ex-wife dumped you last week. You're a name on a screen to me.

Post some fricking drama you weirdo and get the frick over it because it's interfering with my content.

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Yeah I come here for drama. If I wanted to talk to people, this fricking den of autism would be the last place in my mind.

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Would you prefer it if I posted my hot twink bussy?

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Reminds me of the approvedcel era. Just unfunny no-lifers demanding constant attention.

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I'm glad I didn't miss much

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It was good for a little while where a small group of people were consistently posting decent drama. But aye it gets pretty tired with the drama e-celeb wanks.

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This post is an unfunny meta jerkoff. If you don't like something, scroll passed it.

Lmao all the people complaining barely contribute. "Whaaa make better content for me whaaaaa" shut the frick up and do it yourself


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I think that what people are seeing, especially with Carp posting things from admin groomercord, is that you guys are having a discussion about this. It also seems, from what he's posting ... that he's in charge. I don't really participate on drama groomercord because tis a silly place, but it isn't just people who don't post who have concerns. I think Wizdumb has left. After the discussion about dividing everyone into houses and encouraging houses to raid and attack each other, I made a post recently. Seeing Carp essentially say, "forget r/drama...this isn't r/drama...if you want an r/drama go to subredditdrama...this site is a new thing" is kind of disconcerting. After my post, Carp did that sticky saying all kinds of things were going to be forbidden for a day as a result of my post. In essence, he freaked out ... got pissy and tried to get everyone mad at me for saying anything.

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I wouldn't say carp is "in charge". At the end of the day Aevenn is the final say, and I feel like all of us get a say when we're discussing things in groomercord. But it can't be denied that carp generates a metric shit ton of good ideas for the site.

There's always going to be some conflict about the direction of the site so it's kind of important for us to try to take everyone's ideas into consideration. But I've been pretty firmly on the side of more content is good and if people don't like certain types of content, just scroll past them. BUT that isn't to say that I don't think there haven't been issues with like too much meta or too many Jannie stickies. Those things are definitely being discussed and we are trying to think of ways to mitigate that sort of thing while still maintaining the overall spirit of drama which is always had a meta shitposting feel to it.


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BUT that isn't to say that I don't think there haven't been issues with like too much meta or too many Jannie stickies. Those things are definitely being discussed and we are trying to think of ways to mitigate that sort of thing while still maintaining the overall spirit of drama which is always had a meta shitposting feel to it.

The poll up top here really tells the tale. It's what people want. People don't want nudrama. Or the Carp show. You are being diplomatic. I just won't be anymore.

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While that has a lot of upmarseys, idio3's poll shows that it's a lot more mixed and


Had the most votes at 237.


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Exactly what I'm saying.

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The third option is literally what we have now.

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I get that your microdick becomes engorged when you think you are right, but try to get some blood flow to your brain.

You said in groomercord that this is not rdrama, and if people want rdrama, they should go to subredditdrama.

People want to maintain the atmosphere of r/drama. People do want some meta and some shitposts...etc. They just don't want a front page full of nothing but your stickies, your drama, your meta posts...etc. When folks are saying, "There's too much of this and it's becoming overwhelming and we're losing the spirit of rdrama" - you hear: "They don't want any meta, or any shitposts, or any lawlposts..." Because that's what you need to hear in order to deflect from the criticism which is mostly about you turning the site in to the Carpshow. I'm just being frank. You flounce like a bratty pubescent teen girl.

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Can we look forward to a meta stickied spergpost later about how great all your submissions are? Because that shit was hilarious.

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After my post, Carp did that sticky saying all kinds of things were going to be forbidden for a day as a result of my post. In essence, he freaked out ... got pissy and tried to get everyone mad at me for saying anything.

I didn't sound to me like making you look bad, but like an actual experiment to see if it would be better.

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No, that's not what it was at all. He also did not enforce it, like they did the one day ban on "news" submissions. Then everyone who broke his new "joke rules" was given an "outlaw" badge.

He 100% did it to try to get people angry at me for saying something.

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If the average dramatard is as neurodivergent as me, many didn't get the joke

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@X (formerly chiobu) is running late


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guess snappy doesn't like metaposts too :marseyhmm:

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Don't listen to him Snappy he doesn't know what he's talking about!!


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You don't like the 20 carp stickies every day?

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I thought it was actually looking fairly stable up until the black history month jannie posts. Jan was probably one of the the better months

Whenever jannies institute “hilarious” seasonal restrictions that result in an altered user experience no one asked for this meta shit happens

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altered user experience no one asked for

i never wanted to say the n word until i was told i couldn't

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Don’t care about n words, just don’t like Reddit rules outside of Reddit. This is America

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Darn I wonder why HailVictory1776 might not like Black History Month. :marseythinkorino:

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Jannies should be blended and processed into cat food :marseywholesome:

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this tbh

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Cats are very sensitive to carbs and diabetes is a big risk if blood sugar content of janny is high enough

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They can be rendered for lamp oil first, the organs go to pet treats.

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Woah, the seethe is off the charts. :platyblush:

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the supply of drama does not always meet the demand, especially at that hour of the day.

black lives matter

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I count two meta posts and two Lawlzposts, which are the best kind of post.

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You know there’s more posts here than just the 3-4 pins right? Just keep scrolling.

Better yet follow me to get notifications when I post my top quality shit.

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The one carp post at least also included actual drama :marseycarppat:

Sad day when a carp circlejerk post is the highest quality post.

And no, i dont post drama myself :marseybog:

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If you want more posts of redditors being r-slurred then be the change you want to see.

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It's been like this since before there even was an

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youre criticizing people that have finally succeeded in being part of something once in their worthless lives. Its human nature to group up and try to have inside jokes to feel being part of a "community".

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There's always some entertaining posts, but you usually have to scroll way down or sort by new to find them. But I agree, the whole site feels like watching the same 10-15 people jerk each other off sometimes.

I keep seeing the same meta jokes being posted for the billionth time by a jannie/poweruser, which then gets pinned and given a whole bunch of awards, and the comment section is just drama """celebrities""" having a chat.

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groomercordBIPOCs and foids should be ban on sight or this is what you end up with

yes i know this is one year old but it's not like it's any better now

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None of my posts are metadrama or groomercord shit :marseyindignant:

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There's plenty of niche drama posted it just doesn't get the upmarseys like low effort "heh i know these people" circlejerk posts

Also power users are more likely to have the coin to pin their own posts which is such an r-slured feature

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Jannieposts and BHM gives us rightoid seethe so I'm all for it.

Log in at 3am if you want chan-lord edgyness and gore.

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Ghost award should be lowered to 100 coins. More anonymous threads = less name recognition

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Oh good, it's been too long since we had unfunny meta seethe about the unfunny meta non-drama :marseyclapping:

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