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:marseytrans2: Virginia Students Walk Out Over Youngkin’s School Transgender Policy :marseytrans2:







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Crowds of students walked out of Northern Virginia schools on Tuesday in protest of Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s proposed restrictions on transgender students’ rights.

Sanghvi said the existing, more permissive state policies, which were adopted under former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam's administration, had been powerful in helping students feel affirmed in their identities at school.

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The new policies say school divisions may not encourage teachers to conceal information about a student’s gender from his or her parents.

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The group is still conducting a detailed legal analysis of the model policies but has several areas of concern, Heilman said, including whether the way the policy addresses bathroom use by transgender students could result in practices that violate previous federal court decisions.

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We can't read, we can't write, grooming is a :marseytrain: right!


As if dipshit teens won't find any excuse to skip class.

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I’m not shocked kids would rather be pharma paypigs rather then go to class, lol

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Any excuse to skip class, sure, but this stuff is actually popular with teens. It's not a fake backlash, you have to be ready to put your foot down and btfo these little npcs

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Nah man the youth are the future, we need to let them decide everything. This is why in 1969 we made libertarianism legal and changed the economy to a system of button and weave producing communes

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Nah man the youth are the future, we need to let them decide everything.

Lower the voting age to 16 12.

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We already gave women voting rights.

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Today's kids think that :!marseytrain:s are just like the crossdressers they see in those gotdang chinese cartoons

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Shut up NPC

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>when youth side with you

Ahaha yes!! Based!!! The future is ours, LIB-RUHLS

>when the youth side against you

Hmphmmmbuhuhahuh. Stupid kids. They don’t know any better. Coping, Seething, Dilating, etc.

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ok groomer

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Coping, Seething, Dilating, etc.

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What the guy above you said but unironically in a universal sense. It's always that story on repeat.

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I always oppose children.


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"I will be your trans mom"

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if kids think it then it must be a good thing!

Why does anyone think this is good? Your opinions being swallowed whole by children should absolutely be cause for worry

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Santa Claus is real bigot

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17 year old me was an r-slur. Well I mean current me is an r-slur too. But a different kind of r-slur mind you!

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Current me is an r-slur but compared to 17yr old me I'm frickin einstein

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As dumb as teens are, boomers are even dumber.

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Debatable. Boomers just have power

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Youth 100% sign on to any social movement whatsoever we havent had an organic movement that revealed its genocidcal effects to the first world in some while

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We're black/brown shirts youth?

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Have been for a while. You think the lockdowns destroying the food supply did nothing?

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What? I'm talking about Hitler and moussolini militia/whatever u wanna call them, Blackshirt and brownshirts. I know the young Turks and red shorts were more style young.

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Students waved rainbow flags and the Progress flag, which includes light blue, light pink and white stripes to honor transgender people, and black and brown stripes to honor marginalized Black and brown communities and people with AIDS.

The fact BIPOCs got their own stripes because they cant stop getting aids will never not be funny


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It's not because they're AIDS-ridden, it's because white liberals worship black people like they're some sort of priestly caste.

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It could be the other way around that white libs believe black people to be too stupid to understand that the rainbow flag represents inclusivity and not each color being individual groups.

I mean :marseytrain: are narcissistic r-slurs who needed to be physically added to the flag its only a short skip to think all blacks are the same .


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They made it after some owner of a popular gay bar got caught on video talking shit about black customers and called them BIPOCs🏀™️, and a conversation was started about inclusivity. I think in Philadelphia.

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Darn Gay reparations.

Based .


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I also don't think it helped that twinks were putting "no black people" in their Grindr profiles

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Jarvis pull up what American culture is centered around :marseyreading:

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if u r a bug chaser, you have only one true sexual experience. would u not rather it be with a hulking Black man with a 10 inch peepee literally exploding your anus?

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Give kids a reason to walk out of school and they will. I guarantee most these chicks don't want creepy incels in their bathrooms

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these walkouts have been happening more and more frequently after the first one was given attention. Most students are probably praying for a political controversy so they can get out of school

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If these kids only knew what it's going to be like when they go to college. Nobody will ever care if you skip class again, you'll just collect your F at the end of the semester and the professor won't even remember your name.

Not that I know anything about this or anything though.

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They wouldn't be dumb enough to take out massive student loans with horrible interest and then flunk out - like in this climate, with all this in-your-face information everywhere? Would they?

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Yeah but you can party with college girls

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What was the first one? I remember a few years back there was big ones about gun control? Or was it abortion?

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March for our lives was big a few years ago, then Black Lives Matter the last two years

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There was one for don't say gay as well I think

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I think abortion and the don't say gay walkouts are the recent ones. I think one of the first was after the Parkland shooting or some other school shooting lol

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Remember when this dude tried to take down pillow king mike lindell?

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It turns out the strongest takedown of the pillow king was inside Lindell the whole time. :marseywholesome:

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Dubya and Iraq/Afghanistan

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Animal house perfected the student walk out archetype

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Truancy is a crime unless you're supporting my heckin' wholesome political causes :marseysoylentgrin:

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Whatever narc

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Oh you sweet summer child, never learned what a student walkout is… try cracking open a book sometime, chud!

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We need Kween Kamala to prosecute their parents like she did before.

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and the Progress flag, which includes light blue, light pink and white stripes to honor transgender people, and black and brown stripes to honor marginalized Black and brown communities and people with AIDS.

Was the rainbow flag not dedicated to people of AIDS? Was this merely brought up when mentioning BIPOCs???


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transgender students’ rights

If you're demanding things everyone else doesnt get it's not a right, it's a special privilege

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It's just a separate but equal privilege to balance the privilege from being cis and heteronormative.

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Lmao this is the same shit as fridays for future, kids dont actually care about whatever political movement they are used for, they just see a chance to skip school for a day, and theyll gladly take it.

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Nah this shit actually pretty popular. Remember all the would be goth, emo, indie kids identify as non-binary. A lot of places a devoid of rightoids too and being against this make you a rightoid; these kids don't want to be heckin chuds.

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yeah rightoids never live in virginia

what fricking planet do some of you people live on

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lol I love the interviews of college students, they are so dumb even the best one they picked just comes off as an r-slur

>people deserve to live how they want to live

this surely doesn't have a logical conclusion that ends poorly

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:#marseyreich: don’t mind me, just living like I want to live. Cmere bud let me measure that nose.

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Then murderers get to live how they want.

Same with capitalists and racists. I wonder how they would react to that?

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I'm so proud of Glenn Youngkin for kicking butt and taking names his very first day on the job. The fact that the enemy is angry with him shows exactly how effective he is.

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Gen Z is absolutely fricking cooked lmao, prepare for economical stagnation when a generation of r-slurs are incapable of upholding the work force.

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>More permissive state policies, which were adopted under former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam


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Nice, let other people walk in instead of those brats :marseytransgenocide:

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Kamala Harris must have strong urges to enforce truancy laws in Virginia.

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When I was in high school they did some r-slurred walk out too. I didn’t go because I knew 1/2 of the kids there were only doing it to get out of class and the usual r-slurred clowns would stir up shit. Lo and behold my prediction came true and I don’t think the walk out ended up doing shit.

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