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It's interesting that they are seemingly still trying to find the people responsible. I was convinced they would bury the investigation and just repeat that it was a Russian false flag operation.

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/ Well it's not really a big deal, it's not like Ukraine government or military has any involvement, it's just a group of rascally Ukrainian ''''''''''''''diving instructors'''''''''''' with no official affiliations :#marseyeyeroll:

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You've never blown up some critical infrastructure with the boys?

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:#honeypotjaktalking: :#marseyno!:

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Awww, you're so cute though. We should block the Suez Canal together!

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Remember, if your new friend tries to sell you explosives, that's not your friend that's an FBI informant!

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A non-glowBIPOC dramatard would upkong my comment.

Curious :#marseyshapiro:

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And explosives!

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Europoor police will keep investigating, burger media will quietly ignore any developments which don't point to Russia

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Us !burgers haven't thought about your pipeline in years. I kind of forgot about it until seeing this post today.

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Same, makes me reevaluate my theory of the Americans being behind it. Even if it's just Ukranians getting help from their own feds :marseyglow: it's still surprising that they didn't just cover it up.

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:#marseybigbrain: i think the us did it

black lives matter

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Why does noone ever talk about indias involvement in this?

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Because Indians are pathetic athletes. No one is buying that they could pull it off.

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Superpower by 2020 guyz

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Maybe they are pathetic athletes on purpose

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India can't even make underground sewer lines

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Maybe they simply dont want to. Why make a sewer line when you have a bigass river? This proves nothing.

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They simply cannot because Indians cannot put their heads together on anything since they squabble so much on stupid ideological and egotistical grounds. That's why they all go into CS and leave the country because they're literally not able to do anything else.

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Thats what they want you to think, they send so many people out so they can act as spies at any time, they are all sleeper agents.

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This but unironically :marseysaluteusa:

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based if true (frick Germany)

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It's like taking the drugs from an addict. Sometimes you have to go cold turkey.

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Biden said he would do it.

And then he did.

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And Trumptards complain that Biden has done nothing the last 4 years :marseysigh:

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Lmao I thought it was a burger-pole joint operation. :parrotunitedstatesofamerica: :marseyflagpola!nd:

Someone should bomb it again :marseyrave:

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If I were to randomly ask my Kraut friends who bombed the pipeline, they'd all say Russia.

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The American empire's greatest feat is no one thinks it exists

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: Eurovassals are too narcissistic to acknowledge their status on a conscious level.

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lol, Germoids!

:marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl:

How come you haven't roped yet? :marseylaugh2:

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Cause I'm American you r-slur.

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because they're cucks

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Even if we did, how in the heck could they even complain about it? Them buying gas from Russia for the last 50 years is what funded their ability to invade Ukraine.

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It also made Germany incredibly rich.

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Giving money to people who want to kill you is a honored kraut tradition :marseyindignant:

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We already knew Ukraine did it

We already knew Ukraine was going to do it before they did it

Why are we bringing this up again? They're still fighting Russia for us

Maybe we can sanction them or whatever when the war's over (if any of them are left), but there's no point right now


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Not reading that


Why are we bringing this up again

Because it's dramatic.

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A year ago it was dramatic

Now it's :marseysleep:

Could be that someone wants to cut all the lifelines and Ukraine fizzle out

But since that would end the war too, I don't think it will be allowed to happen :marseysal:

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Yeah, we "knew" that this was Ukraine, possibly with CIA involvement. But seeing all the NPC's, thinking that Russia bombed their own pipeline, being proven definitively wrong is hilarious.

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:marseyindignant: If Ukraine is a part of Russia then it follows that this was Russia blowing up its own pipeline. Checkmate.

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For you it's boring, but the masses don't keep up with this shit.

For them it's dramatic news.


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The Biden administration apparently knew three months ahead of time

The one based thing he's done in his term and he kept it a secret. :marseyfacepalm: He should have publicly announced that we did it and if Germany doesn't like it then maybe they should actually have a military to protect their shit.

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I'm actually surprised it wasn't the USA.

This is pretty big if it indeed was Ukraine. I hope we pull all funding.

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It may still be the US :marseyusa:

It was never going to be the US directly, leaves too much of a trail. If I was a glowie, I'd find someone like the accused, give them all the necessary information, how to source the :marseyunabomber: and tell them to have fun.

If you want to destroy the infrastructure of your allies, you have to be discreet.

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It was never going to be the US directly, leaves too much of a trail


Look at who was actually out there doing the dirty work for the CIA during the Cold War: Taiwanese, Cubans, Hungarians, Hmong. There's a heck of a lot of people in the world who hate commies (or whatever the Russians are now) and they're every bit as good as an American at doing paramilitary stuff.

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If true I hope we double our funding

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It's the US with maybe one Ukrainian who cooked them breakfast that morning on the ship.

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!germs we're getting gigacucked

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on par for the course. I'm still seething about yanks getting caught wiretapping Merkel and us still not even giving asylum to the guy who blew the whistle. Very humiliating.

That said, I suspect that GDPR and related lawfare against US tech industry is our own politicians pettiness of being personally spied on

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Yeah, its really infuriating. But people vote the same shit anyway so why change. Anyway hope we give another big check to ukraine soon :marseywholesome:

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Honestly was obvious it's UA / USA or both. No other explanation ever made sense.

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And goymoney will still hand over all the tanks and weapons in the world to ukraine, like the good little cucks they are :marseylaugh:

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Oh come on. They've weaseled their way out of it so many times. They'll announce something like "we're increasing our defense budget by $50 billion" and then a year later they still haven't actually spent any of that money.

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I fricking called it

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Why the frick is every brainlet in this thread automatically presuming that Ukranian national = Ukranian government sanctioned operation?

He could be pro-Ukraine. Or pro-Russian for the matter, since there are people with Ukranian passport who are sympsthetic for the Russian cause. Or pro-American. Or a pro-his-own-independent interests. Or a Ukranian national who got manipulated under false pretenses or motives. Or he could be the wrong guy. Or he might not even exist at all.

My point being, there's way too much conjencture for the little amount of information there is in this thread to retain even a modicum of sanity, its ridiculous.

Because this sub is overrun with neo nazis and russian bots and the mods seem to fricking encourage it at this point with how rampant they let them run

For some people, even if you drag them out of the cave and force them to look into the sun, they will still crawl back into the fricking cave


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It could have just been a couple bros who were out there fishing and just happened to have a lot of explosives and diving gear with them. They noticed they were above the pipeline and were like "yolo dude" and blew it up just for fun.

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>redditors are r-slurred


>14 lottershes


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We're doing drugs. If i wanted to hear "don't do it man" or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my butt I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I'm ready to put meth in my butt and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I've already made up my mind. It's going up there.




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No I actually :marseyakshually: did this, I just wanted to play victim :marseydead: and paid the media :marseyjourno: off.

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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Huh? They've already talked about it being "Ukrainians."

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