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  • DickButtKiss : Cyber-pandemic starts now. Right before an election just like the last plandemic.....

:killherkillher:(SSN# of every American) 2.9 billion records hacked :marseyhacker2: in largest data data breach ever just now today :marseytrollcrazy:



The information consists of about 2.7 billion records, each of which includes a person's full name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and phone number, along with alternate names and birth dates, Felice claimed.

"If this in fact is pretty much the whole dossier on all of us, it certainly is much more concerning" than prior breaches, Murray said in an interview. "And if people weren't taking precautions in the past, which they should have been doing, this should be a five-alarm wake-up call for them."

About four months after a notorious hacking group claimed to have stolen an extraordinary amount of sensitive personal information from a major data broker, a member of the group has reportedly released most of it for free on an online marketplace for stolen personal data. :marseysociety2:


literally, https://www.livenowfox.com/news/americans-social-security-number-address-possibly-stolen

literally, https://www.theverge.com/2024/8/14/24220212/national-public-data-breach-social-security-3-billion

somehow these guys got the story 3 days ago but go off


Edit: these are the people who lost everyones data that literally no one gave them consent to have in thw first place



literally no diversity, no wonder this happened but go off

of course the company has no info about who runs it, who owns their website, or how they got a hold of literally all that data, and They know everything abput you though, and they couldnt keep that secret

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Good. Release all of it. As if corpos don't already do it. Everyone's data being available to everyone else will make society safer like everyone owning guns. !r-slurs !chuds

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You joke, but the IRS didn't always require a TIN in addition to SSN, for example

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also like also when they rolled SSN out they made a big deal about how it was specificially not for identification, they even put that phrase on the card so voters would acxept the program, and Eventually they dropped the wording on the card tho along with the promise, and Now if youre under 40 youll likely never live to see a dime so the like only thing the SSN is for is to make you a number foe the government


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I'd rather rip the bandaid off and kill SS but that will literally never happen. It will just slowly become this useless money pit we're all burdened with through life for historical reasons. Maybe then it will finally be killed, and we'll get to keep that money :marseyclueless:

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Ye true enough :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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The Trustees project that OASDI annual cost will exceed total income throughout the 75-year projection period. After the projected trust fund reserve depletion in 2035, continuing income would be sufficient to pay 83 percent of program cost, declining to 73 percent for 2098.

You'll see at least 73 percent unless Congress shits new funding.

Back when this started they didn't anticipate everyone being a fricking childless virgin that lives to be 105 like a fricking Hobbit

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The actual reason is that they didn't raise the age of withdrawal. 65 was a pretty common time to die back then, but they don't feel like making median age of death the new SS withdrawal date.

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Boomers are killing us.

They're also a huge voting bloc since they have nothing else to do.

Nobody wants to bite the bullet and tell them no retirement until 78. So they'll let the whole thing go under

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The entire millenitard generation is nothing but seething jealousy for baby boomers bc millenitards have no work ethic white extinction is long overdue

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You'll see at least 73 percent

not adjusted for actual inflation, and basically dimes and nickels and thats if i live till 70

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If Social Security is still somehow around by then nobody eligible will have received a payment for 20 years and r-slurs will still be insisting it's solvent and the government is totally going to make good on the growing balance of IOUs it's continuing to promise recipients.

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All this because mongoloids couldn't be trusted to save their own fricking money.

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Tbf banks were fricking garbage back then and barely trustable.

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You got what you deserve for adding "under god we trust" to currency :marseybux:

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Well the National Public Data, a company that collects personal data to resell and process background checks never needed any of my shit in the first fricking place, regardless of the IRS.

3 billion SSNs? like goddarn why is half the planet there?

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Everyone's data being available to everyone else will make society safer like everyone owning guns.

also like isnt there an amendment against literally everyone having your data and another amendment in support of literally everyone having guns??? why would the framers do this?!

!slost105 but its whatever

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!slots105 but go off

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"THe only thing that stops a bad actor with a data breach is a good actor with a data breach"

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1. If everyone already has live access to everyone else's data, nobody would dare surf for CP, snuff videos or even porn.

2. If everyone else has access to everyone else's medical records, SSN, bank account, atm code, no transaction would happen without in person verification. The person doing the verification would in turn have to be verified by another person. It's 8 billion people surveilling each other instead of 6 lizard organizations.

3. Over time the intelligent ones would develop their own signs and signals and codes to send messages about what is authentic and what is not. The !r-slurs will perish.

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Point 3 already happened, those are the lizard organizations. How could it ever turn out differently?

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If point 3 already happened how could you still be alive? :#marseypearlclutch:

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I got better

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You convinced me to come out. Im voting :marseynatesilver: kdrizzy for this reason.

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!scandicks Burgers are evolving

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This but unironicly. If everyones social security number gets leaked the government will be forced to make an actually secure system to replace it

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Yes which is why Klam Kunt is an adamant anti constitution gun grabber b-word white extinction is long overdue

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Idk what that means

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um amazing this isnt a bigger story, and mmt of the Equifax breach which was less than half as bad and the media freaked about, and I wonder if well literally all get free credit-monitoring software for like only 1year after this???

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Equifax_data_breach PERIODT

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Equifax breach demonstrated you could do anything you want with American's private info and they don't give a frick, like this is Zuckerberging 101

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I think it was 2015 when every security clearance application was hacked by some group. If you don't know what's on that, it's practically every noteworthy thing about your life including friends and extended family.

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Joke's on them. I don't have any friends. :marseysunglasseson:

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You're a ghost

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some group

haha ikyk who it was, and I do too


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I got paid like $500 in that settlement, so it was worth it in the end. :marseybikecuck:

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how?! I didnt get shit!


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Sorry I lied, it was the Capital One settlement.

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You'll probably get stopped at the airport if you visit those links without using at least 10 boxxies.


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:sadpepe: God I wish it was really her

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Thanks for cross linking. I have sniffed your current IP:

You're soon to be crossed out (snap)

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did @Snappy put you up to this??? Hes always snappin, and Lol crazy butt mofo

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Weebs are guilty of literal treason and should be shot


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That smug anime avatar reeks of highly degenerate and possibly illegal fetish art

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That's just the default breachforums avatar

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wanna be on an FBI watchlist with me? :marseyflirt:



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Nice thank you

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Link returns a 403 when a download is attempted

Literal IP grabber

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>tfw your identity gets stolen and your whole life is fricked up for a year+ because of some spiteful :marseytrain: ghoul.

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feddies leaked this so illegals can use the numbers to make official wages go down so the flation goes down so the powell can cut big so the assets go up more

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!chuds what is stopping Iran or Russian from just opening maxxed out unsecured credit cards for every American using this?

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You need more info than just an SSN to do anything today

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nothing, but then again, what is stopping you

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I hope the big banks raise their fees to compensate for all the fraud. :marseybegging:

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my heart is telling me how else are the hard working undocumented climate refugees gonna pay taxes??? This is actually good for the economy!!!

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Lmbo, if wages go down and prices don't (they wont), how has flation gone down?

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You exclude shit poors need from CPI, and price doesn't have to go down it just doesn't have to rise which you achieve by having the slaves with lower wages make shit cheaper, maybe do some shrinkflation too.

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Prices don't rise or go down but wages do, flation is up.

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Why isn't this bigger news?

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it's crossed my feed in three unrelated ways and IRL from actual people. if you didnt know about it yet, reconsider your sources of information

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reconsider your sources of information

rDrama is my source of information for all this true

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That might be your problem? You'll only hear about :marseytrain2:s and stupid meta shit like @r-slur's peepee warts.

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I just assume that people who aren't supposed to have my data have gotten my data, so I'm never surprised or upset when it actually happens

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Same. Plus I think hackers are actually getting live, up-to-date data from these credit bureaus and related entities.

I've signed up for multiple financial accounts only to get scam texts/emails within a couple days of opening the new account that clearly know I opened the account. Like I open a savings account at X Bank and then get a text from "X Bank" asking I "verify my account" at some sketchy website that has nothing to do with the bank itself.

Cybersecurity is actually in a far worse position than anybody wants to publicly admit. The whole thing is fricked and the government has absolutely no interest in actually fixing things.

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Your credit information can be sold to companies for marketing purposes (ex: pitching new credit cards to you), and you have to opt-out to prevent it. Might be why those guys know you've opened an account.

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True. But I doubt they intentionally sold them to criminals who try to use that info to scam their customers. I'd still consider that a leak tbh.

Again there are federal laws they could enact to help combat this. Like require that kind of sharing to be opt-in, and NOT opt-out. But they'll never do that.

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The federal government actually giving a shit about ppl's privacy is a foregone conclusion. California might try something but I doubt anyone cares at this point.

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so I'm never surprised or upset when it actually happens

I don't cry when my dog runs away, I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay even if it's because some scammer bought a car in Moldova under my name


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It's more like these people keep dropping off dogs at my house, and yeah theyre cute but fricked up shit keeps happening to them like getting hit by cars. I still like having them but im pretty apathetic if one of them kicks it.

Plus now that everyone has all these doomed dogs, the government's gonna have to figure something out. Maybe just euthanasia.

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bc it shows that the whole system is corrupt and literally no one is really looking out for your best interests, in fact theyre literally all looking to frick you over but its whatever

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Burgers are fat, dumb, and happy relatively speaking. Just enough so when things go up in flames they don't really know or care


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Hi I have hacked the government archives on aliens. Please download this suspicious attachment to get the truths.


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He has autism so it would be natural to find him here.

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We're too busy riding Kamala's vibe wave.


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I think its fake

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Its literally just some numbers get over urself 🙄

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No, you get over yourself! :#marseypoint:

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Ugh 😑

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This is like the 3rd time everyones social security number has been stolen

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