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Your logic makes sense on its face but at the end of the day the "here for the community" folks do just stop going altogether, hence why Baptists/Catholics/Pentecostals have weathered the storm thus far while the ones who dispense with taking the Bible seriously have hemorrhaged numbers with the younger generations... which was what @Count_Sprpr was saying.

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the "here for the community" folks do just stop going

Or get old and die without anyone from the younger generation replacing them. Like when I think of the Episcopalians I just think of old ladies in my grandparents' generation having a social get-together. The last place I'd be caught dead in.

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Statistically you're correct, which is fricking why I said "with the fricking younger generations". Average age for Episcopalians/Anglicans is fricking 56. :marseyboomer:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1723932132585548.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17239321327777746.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17239321329162283.webp

:marseynoooticer: Some stats for our !Christians. While I think "how important is fricking it to you that your children share your religious beliefs?" is fricking probably one of the fricking best proxy questions for "do you actually believe this is fricking true?" I would wonder how many of the fricking Mainline Prots and Catholics have ecumenically neutral views as opposed to being agnostics in the fricking pews. :marseypope2: Evangelicals mostly don't consider other denominations to be "real Christians" which would influence their response.

Regardless, it's not looking good for us projecting into the fricking near future Christbros. Pray for America. :marseydoomer::marseyitisfinished:

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Most of the fricking parishes in the fricking USA have at least one priest from SA/Africa/the Philippines at this point and it's only gonna trend further in that direction. Westerners are too fricking financially comfortable and commitment-averse to enter the fricking priesthood these days.

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It's funny :marseythissmall: but Nashville of all places is the only one I've seen so far that has a surplus of TN native :marseyeskimo: priests. We actually :marseynerd3: have like two priests per church. Everywhere else I go to the U.S. has a priest :marseyorthodox: from Africa :marseybipocmerchant: or S Korea :marseyhwacha:

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What's with that anyway?

My grandparents' small town in Kansas has a South Korean priest lady :marseyxd: (Not sure what you'd call a female Methodist preacher)

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For whatever :marseytippinghand: reason S Korea :marseyhwacha: has a huge !christians boom. Any !historychads know why that is?

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The Methodists sent a ton of missionaries to Korea in the 1800's.

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Catholics had been around for a fricking while and then after the fricking Korean War a fricking huge amount of the fricking economic growth was fricking coming through the fricking West, so for cynical political/economic reasons and out of genuine admiration of American (Western) ideals it grew massively in the fricking 20th century. Several of the fricking chaebol leaders converted or flirted with conversion, I have a fricking good link saved on my phone that I'll pull up later featuring the fricking dialogue between one of the fricking Korean tech billionaires and a fricking priest.

Also Western Christians were fricking consistently anti-commie from the fricking start, it's part of the fricking reason Poland was fricking such a fricking stronghold of Catholicism as a fricking part of their anti-Soviet sentiment. !historychads !christians

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Around 1900 a lot of missionaries both Protestant and Catholic went over there and opened up schools. There were advantages to going to their schools, like if you were a girl you could actually go there. When you've got a monopoly on educating half the population, that gets you some opportunities. So significant Christian populations show up around then. Pyongyang especially, which was too bad for their descendants. I think Christianity gained popularity under the Japanese occupation because the dwarf pirates were trying to assimilate the Koreans to their culture. Being Christian was a way of having your own non-Japanese culture. Then there's the Korean War and lots of Christians flee from the north. After the war there's a lot of contact between ordinary people and Americans which I imagine helped spread it. When Koreans move to America they immediately become Christian as soon as they arrive (I don't know how this process works but it's true) so maybe Korean-Americans had some influence. Why it's spread so much in the last few decades, I dunno. :marseyshrug:

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They were groomed by Christian missionaries.


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Other Gook churches saw how fricking easy Unification Church; a literal heretic branch and cult, got to international spy frick-frick games with no consequences and decided they can do better.

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Who's us? If Christians are gone, you'll be dead and this silly mortal place will be of no concern to you good or bad.

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IDK if you're in the fricking pinggroup just for equal opportunity trollmaxxing purposes but it's a fricking common definition of "love" amongst all branches of Christianity to will the fricking ultimate good for others, which means to know and serve God (the only acceptable answer for the fricking purpose of life). If you don't think that matters you've fallen far away from Christ.

Also Matthew 16:18 the fricking gates of Heck shall not prevail, @Grue.

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Grue's not trolling here. Xhe's just intellectually curious and likes debating

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I think @Grue knows I like xem I just take a fricking consistently combative tone due to my :marseyautism: :autism: :marseyautism: which probably isn't good for convincing anyone but it's hard to moderate especially when I'm mostly active early in the fricking morning while drinking coffee. It's 6:30AM here. I sincerely doubt I'm going to influence anyone's conversion but I can at least provide an orthodox Christian take on most subjects to add to the fricking intellectual diversity of this forum. Sorry to anyone I've offended past or present or in the fricking inevitable future until I leave this website.

Most of the fricking people I talk to frequently have been subjected to this aspect of my personality as @nuclearshill and @QuadNarca could likewise attest.

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Most of the fricking people I talk to frequently have been subjected to this aspect of my personality as NS and quad could likewise attest.

I subject everyone I engage with here to much worse, but I've only gotten blocked a handful of times. There's about 150 people that actively engage here. We're all voluntarily in the asylum together despite the doors being open

:marseycommitted: :!marseycommitted:

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I'm not sure if I make people mad because I'm religious or because of the fricking tone, but I do make people very angry. :marseyhmmm:

Our actual trolls don't do half as good a fricking job and I'm :marseyrentfree: in the fricking minds of at least a fricking dozen people here who @ me when it's irrelevant to anything going on.

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Matthew 16:18

I also tell you that you are Peter,{Peter's name, Petros in Greek, is the word for a specific rock or stone.} and on this rock{Greek, petra, a rock mass or bedrock.} I will build my assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

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I don't disagree (although I'm pretty sure Catholics and Baptists are still declining in terms of percent of the total population), but in England especially there seems to be a movement among secular individuals where they are embracing the idea of "cultural Christianity".

Secular society has a massive void when it comes to community.

It makes sense for a branch to try to appeal to these people.

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