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  • ObamaBinLaden : Reporting to inform that if u throw p-adic numbers at this r-slurred BIPOC gorilla it'll shut him up
  • ManBearFridge : What's a libertarianadic number?

0.999 or 1 redditard debate :soysnooseethe: :marseysoylentgrin: :marseyshitforbrains:




!math !mathematics nerd slapfights



Another day of Redditors being confused by high school math. Although to be fair, I still think proportionally the number of people who get it here is still higher than the general population.

I had meant for that to sound encouraging, but in hindsight actually that's terrifying.


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.9(9) can only refer to limit as n approaches inf of the partial summation :sigmacap:^n _{i=1} 9/10^i. This limit is identical to 1. Colloquially, the difference between .9(9) and 1 is smaller than any positive (thx iceberg) number you could come up with

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Nuh uh, the difference is not smaller than zero, which is a number. Checkmate! :marseystrong:

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UCK FRICK FRICK IM RUINED :marseygunshotsuicide:

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1/3 = 0.33333...

1/3+1/3+1/3=0.333...+0.333...+0.333...=0.999... = 3/3 = 1

0.999... = 1

Only literal :marseygigaretard: argue this

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1/3 = 0.33333...

1/3+1/3+1/3=0.333...+0.333...+0.333...=0.999... = 3/3 = 1

you'll need to justify this definition with the infinite threes. further, you have to justify why you can add these infinite decimal expansions. while your argument may be convincing to elementary/high school students, those subtleties are addressed in real analysis and my above outline of a :epsilon: :delta: proof

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I don't have to do shit, actually. Suck me.

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come here babe :#marseyhomofascist:

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Also it's literally long division and addition of two real numbers, it could convince an elementary school student. Pardon me for not starting from axioms. Frick.

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It's true that 0.9999… = 1, but this "proof" is begging the question by asserting that 1/3 = 0.3333….

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My calculator says so

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I have an oddly relevant comment, one moment

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Isn't this just a result of base 10 being gay and r-slurred for decimals

We should just use fractions for everything, including programming

dude bussy lmao

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It's the result of real analysis being gay and r-slurred (but important and usable)

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Almost every number cannot be represented by a fraction smdh

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Imperial units gang rise up, and decapitate the metricels

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lmao, fractions are r-slurred.

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The limit does not exist, https://media.tenor.com/FznI6WanGVUAAAAx/mean-girls-lindsay-lohan.webp In the ten-adic topology.

So the question really depends on a whole bunch of unstated assumptions, like using the usual topology instead of the 10-adic topology.

What is fun is tripping people up by asking if you can have different sizes of infinities of nines. Since popmath people like saying that there are different sizes of infinity.

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>Since popmath people like saying that there are different sizes of infinity.

well isnt there like an infinite amount of real numbers between any two integers, so like the amount of real numbers from 0 to infinity is like inifinity times more than the number of integers from zero to infinity?

although calculus 101 suggests that I cant just compare infinities directly and instead compare the function that produces them, like l'hoptial's.


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there are also infinitely rationals between two integers but rationals are countable just like integers.

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The latter case is called "uncountably infinite" because it isn't possible (IIRC) to map natural numbers to the set of real numbers. I like to think of it as a sort of fractal infinity -- that anywhere you look is another infinity within an infinity (etc.).

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Lmao I was considering saying" in the real numbers with the usual norm etc" but then though no way there's some pedantic neurodivergent going to :marseyakshually: me

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10-adic is nonsensical because 10 isn't prime

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You may be right that the ring is nonsense, because the limit very much does not exist because not even 1/10 exists without the nice field of fractions. lol.

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The real numbers are often constructed as the equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences of rational numbers so in an extremely precise sense it's completely correct to say that ".9999…" (defined as the obvious Cauchy sequence) indeed equals "1.000…" similarly defined.

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>The problem here is, 1/3 is not perfectly equal to .33333


:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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"alexa what are floating point numbers?"

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Codecels really demonstrate how r-slurred they are when this topic comes up.

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Link to the screenshoted thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/1b05jfm/we_dont_need_no_education/ks6b2y0/?context=8

EDIT: @Aevann remove this stupid reddit embed. It's fricking annoying and also reddit will eventually use it to track us and ban us.

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I had a grown butt adult scream at me because he insisted that .999999(infinite) = 1 I explained that was the definition of an asymptote.

!math :marseysmoothbrain#:

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500 iq indeed…


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@Aevann even if you dont remove it, I assumr its a bug that when I tap on the embed it doesnt take me to reddit? Using the apk on mobile

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Using the apk on mobile

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Yeah pretty cool huh :marseycool2:

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>foid pfp

>loves that there are no rigid boundaries and that vibes have the final say

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This is written by someone who doesn't understand math or science :marseywitchtriggered: but thinks men and women :marseyblackfeminismdenied: are the same thing because both have shoulders

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men and women are the same thing because both have shoulders


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Im too drunk to understand what that hoe is tryna say.

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Go into your calculator.

Divide 1 by 3.

Multiply the result by 3.

Do you get 0.999 repeating or do you get 1? Checkmate libtards

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Go to your calculator

Put in 6000000

Divide by 24 * 365 * 5

You know the rest :marseywink: :marseynoooticer:

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What does that mean? :marseyshook:

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:#marseymerchant: :#marseybrap: :#marseygas: :#marseyburn: :#marseydisintegrate: :#marsey!reich:

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A calculator could never tell someone I r*ped it

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The medium author is a

Developer, Snowboarder, Travel Enthusiast, Adventurer, ENTP

Sure sounds like an authority on high school maths to me! :marseyagree:

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Anyone who took real CS classes would know the answer is .999 repeating is 1. That's like one of the first proofs you learn in Discrete to introduce you to the concept of the class.

By developer he means, knows a little HTML and made a website.

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>discrete maths

>real numbers

What did he mean by this?

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He only deals with REAL numbers, not √-1 fake bullshit made up by libtards

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Neighbors wanna talk mad shit about i like oh numbers have pronouns now?

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I just learned that if it's close enough just round up because idk frick floats number shit should be ints

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But 0.999... is smaller than 1

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This is one of those things where I'm too dumb to understand why it's a hard question.

Anything less than one, even vanishingly smaller than one as it fully expresses, isn't gonna be equal to one.

Being 5'11 3/4s doesn't make you 6'0, it just makes you look pathetic for arguing it.

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I can confirm that you are on the wrong end of the bell curve.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I'm Jewish actually so we read from right to left

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The actual math argument:

Given any two distinct real numbers, you can always find another real number between them.

What number is between 0.999... and 1?

Answer: none of them. So 0.999... = 1 ie they're the same number.

The place people get hung up is not realizing that the "..." means it literally goes on forever. You could truncate it after any finite number of digits and it would be a different number than 1. But if it goes on forever (like 0.999... by definition does) then it's equal to 1.

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So 6=7 because there are no integers between 6 and 7, and integers are the arbitrary margins we're using for this exercise

Sounds dumb. Something equaling the other is self-evident.

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>for every 2 integers you can find an integer between them


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Isn't 0.FFF... in base 16 between 0.999... and 1 in decimal?

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@FeynmanDidNothingWrong would this be right? I forgot the dots after 0.999…

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BIPOC explain it without the funny E thing this isn't vacabulary this is MATH TIME

.999 = 1 ?

Well .999 is really close to 1 since .999 lead to 1 but there's nothing in between ???

So that makes it 1 !

:shmleep: :shmleep: :shmleep:

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0.999 is not 0.999... (infinitely repeating).

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I dont think '...' is a valid mathematic function

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It's just a question of like, "what does a decimal representation of a number mean", which isn't trivial, but once you understand it the result that 0.9999... = 1 is trivial

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Anything less than one, even vanishingly smaller than one as it fully expresses, isn't gonna be equal to one.

If two numbers are different you can find at least one number (an infinity in fact) between the two of them.

There's no number between 0.9bar and 1. The distance between 0.9bar and 1 is 0. They're equal.

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0.99 starts with 0, 1 doesn't.

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0.33 starts with 0, 1/3 doesn't

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0.33 isn't a 1/3 though

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I can tell you right now that a whole number 2 Wil never appear in that infinity (and this is how I found out infinity is fake and straight)

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one of the weirdest rabbit holes I found was the math proof denier youtube

I don't blame them tho, redditors being smug about some weird math factoid that is only true cause we say so is :ragestrangle: worthy

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If 0.9999999999...=1 then also 99=100


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ChatGPT gave a pretty easy to understand proof.

x = 0.999…

10x = 9.999…

10x - x = 9.999… - 0.999….

9x = 9

x = 1

The shorter one is

x = 1

divide by 3

x/3 = 1/3 = 0.333…

multiply by 3

x = 0.999…


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People who argue about this just don't understand how decimal representations of numbers work (or what, in fact, a number is). Once you have a basic understanding of those the result that 0.9999.... = 1 is pretty trivial.

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The problem is that you cant put the stupid hat on the 9 without doing keyboard wizardry so you cant use it to just override mathtards.

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Ermmm akshually it's only infinitely CLOSE to 1

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This is what they get for being a midwit. Smart enough to understand numbers are abstract, but not smart enough to really grasp what that means and that the numbers themselves are just representations of the reality.

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Every time i see this in the wild I try to convince them the real numbers :marseysoypointtrips: arent real.

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@WeihnachtenSalvador get in here and give us the r-slur POV on this important question

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Dad, Husband, ASD, ADHD, Tech lover, IT Admin, Tinkerer, Avid DIY'er, Dog lover and occasionally troll feeder. NSFW because I like to cuss. I don't hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong




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