What the frick is the end goal in all of this economic turmoil?
The car market is fricked; The housing market is fricked; Food prices are insane. Our salaries haven't changed. It's demoralizing to see Redditors who have houses talk about how great it is and that the housing market is never going to come back down. I don't think the car market will ever return to normal and I wouldn't doubt the housing market is the same way. But the price of a house and the salary of the average American is a large chasm.
Even in small, LCOL areas, I've seen people talk about corporations buying houses and driving up the prices. I'm beginning to see talks of entire neighborhoods of houses that are only for rent. Not rent to own. In theory, you shouldn't buy a house that is more than 3x your annual income. So a single person making $50kish a year has to find a house for $150k but where is that happening? I live in a low income, high crime area and the house I'm in is appraised at $175k so I can't afford to purchase the house I'm in.
I spend a lot of time wondering why I'm back in school, what's the purpose when most of my working life will be spent paying bills and putting the rest into a retirement fund that I likely will never use. With my prospective and current salaries, I won't have money to vacation, get a new car, etc. What's the point of all this then?
To get back to my title, what the frick is the end goal in this economic turmoil? 75% of us being homeless and living outside while corporations hoard houses? Moving to a new country likely won't help because I see many people in various countries talk about having the same issues.
The poor will start a war with each other rather than coming together to fight the rich.
Finally someone with some sense.
You will own nothing. You will live in the pod. You will eat the bug. And you will be happy.
And much more all over the comments.
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This NiBBa weighs 400lbs:
/h/peakpoors and /h/fatpeoplehate should just merge into one sub at this point. It's impossible to find a skinny poor person in America.
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That's the funniest thing about all this moaning over food prices in the US: the poorest people are by far the fattest, clearly there is no cost issue regarding food.
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Fatties now need 80% of their income to feed their addiction
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It's an important lesson to learn not to count on anyone but yourself but clearly this person got enough handouts that it isn't clicking
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PalestinePingsalot Tardish 1yr ago #4945625 spent 0 currency on pingsThere's tons of certifications that can be done online, and he's had 46 years to do them, so even that excuse doesn't track
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You can learn a lot from Indians and middle aged white guys on youtube.
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Ohhhhh yeah. That's some good shit right thar
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Lol he's not entirely wrong. I didn't realize just how widespread of an issue this was until I entered the home ownership stage of my life recently. I live near the boundary in a new development and judging from the signs it felt like a third of the houses just to the end of my road were bought up by this single investment firm and flipped. Now I get to deal with ratchet renters who don't give a frick what their lawns look like and leave dogshit everywhere.
You have to be a special kind of r-slur to willingly want to spend that much on rent too. I looked up what they're charging and it's generally almost 800 more than my mortgage + property taxes, some even up to +1200 which is insane to me. Even IF they cover maintenance and utilities, there's no fricking way that makes up for the difference. Why not just live frugally for a bit then actually put a downpayment on another house being built if ur gonna piss away that much cash? I'm seriously considering pooling money with friends and getting into the real estate grift so I can make money off poors that make dumb financial decisions like this.
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The overwhelming majority of houses in the US are owned by individual owners and not corporations and it's not even remotely close.
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Sorta? I was curious about this when I moved in and iirc like 70% of "properties" are owned by individuals in the US, but when you take into account apartments and duplex conversions or multi family homes, corps own around 50% of "all rentals" in the US. I wouldn't say that's "not remotely close". When I went to the community BBQ I met 2 boomers who bought up multiple properties and they were talking about their friend that did it too (there's about 3000 new houses being built in this area) so while it's not entirely corporations, it's still very widespread.
Edit: sorry I misunderstood. I thought you meant rentals in general. I just looked that number up and it's still 35% of the population, probably skewed even higher to younger people, which is pretty significant.
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Banking institutions need to be banned from owning houses. Theyre already getting free government money blackrock showing up and buying houses en masse with money printing at 0% interest is a rigged game
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They don't wanna be tied doooonarino
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Because goyslop and trinkets are more important
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Redditors who don't understand how unions work and have never been part of them advocating for them tirelessly
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Nooooo the wrongman said something wrong so the opposite of it is what's wrong noooooo numnumnum I love the bugs numnumnum
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Turns out community and family are more important than material wealth. If only some sort of book talked about this very issue...
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I was actually thinking of "A Christmas Carol", so close enough lol.
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Jump off a roof.
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New religious marsey to add to my repitoire
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Perspective is for chuds. The CEO makes more then me therefore capitalism is evil
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The US isnt the richest country
on earth
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Okay sorry yeah except for the two city states occupied entirely by bankers laundering money my bad
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No except Norway
and Switzerland
a.k.a. Aryan
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I got Switzerland and Luxembourg but yeah pretty close
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If you want to measure wealth in general
you need to take median
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It's not? Highest GDP per capita is not literally the richest, that would mean Ireland is the richest country on earth
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on medium
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"Richest country" when most of its citizens will never own a home, let alone retire.
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The housing prices have only become particularly bad during the last year or two.
I had a friend who works at a pizza place buy a home during covid before the interest rates went nuts.
Can we please have even a tiny semblance of object permanence instead of always projecting whatever the current situation is onto the rest of time itself.
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God this is why I absolutely, absolutely hate westoid poor. They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth (citizenship of a western country) and squandered it to no end. Shame on them.
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He should tip his landlord extra this year for providing him housing he couldn't otherwise afford.
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I have no idea where he got that 3x your salary rule of thumb but it DEFINITELY doesn't apply when you're renting the exact same home because you're obviously paying way more than the mortgage costs anyways.
You're just too financially r-slurred to save up a down payment.
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Not only is it a common rule of thumb, but many larger rental firms require proof of income of 2.5x or 3x rent as part of the background check/application process.
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I think you're confused, i'm talking about buying.
If he's making 2.5x or 3x the rent then he can definitely afford the mortgage payment if it was a normal interest rate year and wasn't a wacky market rn
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Eh probably doesn't even have a 5% down payment so be sure to add PMI.
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My pmi is basically nothing, like 60$ a month or something, and when I bought my place they said they'd done stuff for 3% down payment (might be misremembering this idk was a while ago)
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Iirc rules got much more stringent after 2008. Not sure when you bought. That sounds awfully low for pmi though unless the loan amount is similarly small.
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Bought after 08, loan amount would be normal nowadays (literally average)
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I'm literally renting now, but this forum has given me an appreciation for landlords I never could have anticipated. Thank you rdrama.
(And yep, funnily enough, I effectively did tip my landlord!)
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To be fair, he offered less, but I stuck to the original deal, so the word "tip" is used creatively here.
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A deal's a deal.
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This is why goy should be enslaved unironically.
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Who said I'm a goy?
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If you're one of the chosen then you're a failure for giving away your hard earned capital like that.
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Alright, that's mildly less cucked than just giving away your money unprompted.
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just move
the only reason to live in a city is better paying jobs
if you don't have one (and don't expect to) why are you there lol
just to enjoy the risk of cultural enrichment on top of your poverty?
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Just think about the walkability!
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(Gets mugged)
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At least it's a short walk to the hospital
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That's literally the only upside to renting: you are capable of moving WAY more easily than it you buy a place. Staying out is fricking r-slurred
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Lmao you let the progressive stack take over and your protest camps turned in to r*pe shanty towns and drug shooting galleries. You got played sucka.
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I will never be able to understand these people. I think for the majority of people, being poor is a choice. I guarantee if you tracked most poor people's finances you'd be like "wow there's absolutely no reason you should be down this bad"
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Eh, there are a lot of people out there who are simply unable to perform a job worth any money. You know, the sort who are worth only what they can lift or carry - livestock, basically. They are numerous, and worthless in a post-automation (machines, not computers) world.
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Every time I see poor's get whiny online I remember all the memes that amount to "ugh anyone else a depressed millennial/gen z that buys [stupid pointless activity/object] just to feel some semblance of happiness?" And my sympathy just melts away
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S*x with homeless person
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frick money
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no, it's frick b-words, get money. you have it backwards
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common misconception
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The government is going to have to do something about housing. People are hysterical about it and I think the hysterical people are underestimating how had it is.
The whole "let corpos use zero interest capital to buy up large swathes of the housing market and make them only available for rent" was amongst the most r-slurred things the government has ever done.
I'd say "let the market handle it" but as we've seen time and time again current homeowners are winning these disputes constantly - the corpos and homeowners rabidly oppose construction of new housing.
I think there's huge political gains to he made on housing as a single issue. The issue is the big money interests are spending a shitload of money to suppress the housing outrage.
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Sounds just as
@snallygaster. Could've sworn he was living in Argentina or anywhere with rampant inflation, but nope, it's an r-slured burger.
You know, they sound a lot like incels. Blaming everything but themselves and doing nothing to fix their problem.
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Darn you're really mad that I disrespected Canada
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No, you're just hysterical. I never expected that from you, but then again you're a redditor.
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You spent over a day getting mad because I suggested that Canada's turning into a dump due to neoliberal policies and then pinged me days later to try and continue the argument
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No, I just wanted to bother you.
And it worked!
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Did it really?
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Of course!
How could anyone forget this? Pure insanity!
Til next time, unhinged twat!
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I didn't say anything that you used the quotation format for
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What you're predicting is beyond the power of central banks. You are unhinged.
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archive.ph (click to archive)
The poor will start a war with each other rather than coming together to fight the rich.:
archive.ph (click to archive)
As someone who is 50+ , I'll say that what our generation has done to future generations is criminal.:
archive.ph (click to archive)
There's no big plan, just a bunch of people with really big account numbers who want the biggest one. That's literally it. The gravity of all that money will eventually implode and you are collateral damage.:
archive.ph (click to archive)
You will own nothing. You will live in the pod. You will eat the bug. And you will be happy.:
archive.ph (click to archive)
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