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EFFORTPOST Living life one rental car at a time :marseyxd:

Justin, 37, Arizona

I'm not even going to try coming up with a total debts or anything. This guy is insane.

Personal Life/Career

  • "I'm in logistics and I sell stuff online" timestamp

    • "What are you sellin online?"

      • "Whatever makes profit"
    • "Logistics" is door dashing/roadie full time

      • various gig work things

      • Minimum $1200 a week (sounds like pre-expenses?)

      • 7000-8000 a month for holiday season

    • 127'000 gross income last year

  • Lives out of his car?

    • "I've settled into this lifestyle and I don't like it

    • living a nomad life for the last 3 years "sort of by choice"

  • Regional Manager for a marketing firm but laid off December 2018

    • Since then he has been "focusing on [his] logistics"
  • "I focus on my kids and myself"

    • 17 and 14

    • Kids are with their mom full time

    • Sees them often?

  • Relationship failing sent him spiralling for 8 years?

  • Was reselling full time on Amazon and bringing in money?

    • Live-in girlfriend wanted him to go back to a job

    • He caved to the pressure, got regional manager job at a marketing firm

    • 300k from Amazon reselling, salary for manager not mentioned

      • Later mentions the salary is $83'000
  • Owned condo, bought 2009, rented it out when he moved in with his girlfriend?

    • Complicated situation where he rented out the condo to his ex who had the kids

    • $36'000 remaining on the condo somehow prevented him from renting elsewhere?

    • Signed over the condo to the ex and her new boyfriend? Basically gave it away, they took over the loan

      • "That was one of my first bad decisions"
  • Got burnout last year, started going to the casino frequently

    • "was winning a lot of money" but was sending all back in :marseysurejan:
  • Hasn't paid his taxes in two years

    • Filed in 2020 but the agi was all wrong?
  • Moved to stay with his uncle in California for fresh start

    • Got in an accident?

    • "I was out of commission for a week"

    • Uncle is a gambler and they would go to casinos together?

    • Accident caused a fallout between them?

  • Had a Mazda CX-5 but the belt broke and he drove 50 miles without the belt

    • "Catastrophic engine issues"

    • Could cover the repairs $3000

    • Then it broke down again afterwards with some new issue allegedly?

  • Got a Nissan Sentra after the second issue with the CX-5 in August 2021 timestamp

    • renting his vehicle at $475 but that price includes any issues with it? :marseywtf:

    • Averages 9000 miles a month in the car

  • Has been thinking about going back to a regular job but thinks the transition would be difficult

  • His job hunting timestamp

    • Applied to one recently but got rejected post-interview


  • Had a car repo'd timestamp

    • Was providing a vehicle as a part of child support but couldn't pay that as well as his own when he lost the marketing job?
  • Lives in Hotels when he has his kids? Usually weekends?

  • Doesn't miss his monthly payments but does carry balances on some of his cards?

  • Car rental details timestamp

    • 161 dollars overdue because he incurred a cleaning fee on the last one

    • 28 day cycle, has been doing it for a year

    • $350 a week on the bottom end

    • $484 a week on his current one

    • "On the bright side it's a tax write-off"

      • He hasn't paid taxes in years
  • "I think I was hacked" timestamp

    • Some stuff on his report that he doesn't know anything about

    • He reported them?

    • Lost his wallet last year and never got physical cards becuase he has no physical address?

    • He did not cancel the cards he lost :#marseywtf:

    • 2 student loans and an auto loan from Miami Florida

      • Hasn't locked his credit?

        • He says he didn't think of it :marseyxd:
  • 7 things in collections

    • Can account for 4 of them but doesn't know about the other 3 timestamp
  • Tried to deal with the student loans timestamp

    • Called University of Phoenix they told him to come in with his photo ID

    • Arizona has digital ID so he wasn't driving illegally despite not having a drivers license?

  • Got an iPhone timestamp

    • One's business one's personal
  • Further car explanations timestamp

    • Once the one car got repo'd he stopped making payments and he'd spray painted the car during a mental episode so it wasn't worth as much

      • Got sold 6 months ago?
    • Goes on for a while? Sounds like he had a melty over customer service chads and made terrible decisions? I didn't follow this

  • Checking Account? timestamp

    • Just goes on forever, amazing.

Spending Pie chart timestamp

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There really is a Marsey for everything

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