I’m 100% certain that at least half the mods do not have Faith or the Holy Spirit.
Homoshrexual 1mo ago#7701984
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Exactly. What's the point of studying philosophy if not to stop yourself being so fricking miserable that you thought philosophy was a good degree to get.
An educated, strictly organic, ortho molecular aware patriotic princess.
duck 1mo ago#7701612Found 141 Coins!
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Two of the best software devs I've known were philosophy PhD dropouts. They actually understood how logic worked and not just copypasta from stack overflow.
An educated, strictly organic, ortho molecular aware patriotic princess.
tempest 1mo ago#7702843
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CScels can go either way: either they are true computer-brains (PhD would suggest this) or they are dumb soulless drones who would have instead gotten a business degree 15 years ago.
I see the poors are pretending to be big wallet niggas again est. 2016
Hello, welcome to 'I see the poors are pretending to be big wallet gangstas again'
This hole exists as a safe space for refugees from the Facebook(MetaTM groups of the same name. Of which there have been several iterations. We mostly exist to poke fun at the state of living in poverty. While it oftentimes is unavoidable, we do aspire to not be meanspirited. Over the years we have co-opted the term 'Peak Poor' to being someone who exudes poverty, regardless of their actual net worth. Trump and Elon both exhibit the peak poor ethos from time to time while still being the top 0.000001%. You can do something peak poor and still be a good person or a generally adjusted one. We all have a bit of poor in us.
We basically fill a niche similar to fatpeoplehate with a bit less actual malice.
PeakPoor is shotgunning mountain dews at 5 years old.
PeakPoor is not people dying of poverty. While technically the greatest heights of poverty is succumbing to it this is not funny, and is a failure
of capitalism. We do not make fun of poverty to be mean spirited such as that.
Read the room, if it's punching down too hard or really digging into someone whos a sympathetic character it doesn't belong here. (basically READ THE ROOM)
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Subscribe to this hole, it's important that we get our numbers up. Love numbers = peak poor
Bonus points for making your post title some variation of peak poor. (Pinnacle of Poverty, Prowess of the Penniless)
I am looking for a mod who will help me grow this place and encourage the facebook community where the majoryity of our members reside
to migrate. Contact me if interested.
I really do love you all so very much, i'm even spending drama coin to get some banners and marseys. thanks for being a part of the community.
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Grounds to strip them of their degree
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Just think yourself happy, smh
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Exactly. What's the point of studying philosophy if not to stop yourself being so fricking miserable that you thought philosophy was a good degree to get.
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I have a degree in Philosophy as well, but then you (have to) either go into law (like I did) or get a PhD and research/consult/teach.
Universities really do not prep these dumbass people for the real world.
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"Nah bro banks want people with philosophy degrees bro it means youre smart as heck"
I dont know any philosophy guys with a job unless selling weed counts
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Two of the best software devs I've known were philosophy PhD dropouts. They actually understood how logic worked and not just copypasta from stack overflow.
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So you're saying they were bright enough not to be philosophy guys, then
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I learned boolean algebra in my first year of uni, the frick you need a PhD for
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that's so weird, the best software dev i know got a CS degree and then a CS PhD and now works as a software engineer
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CScels can go either way: either they are true computer-brains (PhD would suggest this) or they are dumb soulless drones who would have instead gotten a business degree 15 years ago.
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Why would they associate with anyone like you?
You're not surrounded by academics and lawyers.
Only potheads and the unemployed.
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Im a lawyer tho
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Does anyone actually think this? Personally the only degree I'd hire on the basis of being smart would be math
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I did a math degree. The analytic philosophy ppl were at least as smart, and less boring at parties.
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Feels like that would depend greatly from university to university. Rigor expectations vary vastly for humanities stuff.
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I'd add quantum physics to that but not much else.
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maybe if the philosophy was in the study of weird logic and not the philosophy of feminist s*x then maybe i can understand
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It is.
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Story of
@pizzashill's life
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pizza didnt even go to college
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Except he never went to college. Just had a GED lol
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Literally just go to law school lmao
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archive.ph (click to archive)
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