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>get philosophy degree

>still not happy

Grounds to strip them of their degree

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Just think yourself happy, smh :marseyfacepalm:

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Exactly. What's the point of studying philosophy if not to stop yourself being so fricking miserable that you thought philosophy was a good degree to get.

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>do philosophy degree

>get a job stocking shelves

>meditate on the teaching of Seneca while building a tower of soup cans

>fully self-actualized labor :marseythirdeye:

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I have a degree in Philosophy as well, but then you (have to) either go into law (like I did) or get a PhD and research/consult/teach.

Universities really do not prep these dumbass people for the real world.

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"Nah bro banks want people with philosophy degrees bro it means youre smart as heck"

I dont know any philosophy guys with a job unless selling weed counts


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Two of the best software devs I've known were philosophy PhD dropouts. They actually understood how logic worked and not just copypasta from stack overflow.

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So you're saying they were bright enough not to be philosophy guys, then

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I learned boolean algebra in my first year of uni, the frick you need a PhD for

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that's so weird, the best software dev i know got a CS degree and then a CS PhD and now works as a software engineer

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CScels can go either way: either they are true computer-brains (PhD would suggest this) or they are dumb soulless drones who would have instead gotten a business degree 15 years ago.

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Why would they associate with anyone like you?

You're not surrounded by academics and lawyers.

Only potheads and the unemployed.

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Im a lawyer tho


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Does anyone actually think this? Personally the only degree I'd hire on the basis of being smart would be math

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I did a math degree. The analytic philosophy ppl were at least as smart, and less boring at parties.

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Feels like that would depend greatly from university to university. Rigor expectations vary vastly for humanities stuff.

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I'd add quantum physics to that but not much else.

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maybe if the philosophy was in the study of weird logic and not the philosophy of feminist s*x then maybe i can understand

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It is.

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>Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue) No.80193442

>28 year old NEET no degree no work history

>Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue) No.8019348

>I'm a jeet adjacent, $0/lifetime income at 30, parents been broke since coming to US.


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>not embracing the armchair philosopher lifestyle


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Story of @pizzashill's life

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:marseydisagree: Pizza's on his way to a Lambo with how many Nvidia knives he's caught

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not rich but upper middle class and i went to elite private schools like top 3 in the country

pizza didnt even go to college

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@pizzashill went to Harvard amd graduated with a PHD in meat science :marseyindignant:

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Except he never went to college. Just had a GED lol

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>philosophy degree

>rich parents who paid for everything

Literally just go to law school lmao

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