poorcel :marseyaustralian: are asked to justify their thieving habits, :seethejak: ensues

Other highlights from the thread, cbf pulling up responses but I assume poors be mad:

Couple of times in life I've found myself holding the actual budget of a poor person (compiled more or less under duress, following a family intervention), & each time it's basically been the Dril tweet. Like the rank orders of the categories don't even make sense.

Real life anthropology of poors here :marseynoooticer:

20% of income on salons, more spent on car than on rent, etc.

But also just pervasive high time preference. E.g. making minimum wage but buying a bottle of water on the way home from work.

Yes, this is one of the crazy juxtapositions of "poverty" in the US. You can meet poor people who spend more on entire categories than do people who own private jets.

Personal adornment is the common one.

Poors be shopping :marseyscooter:

This topic makes me realize that "time preference" is a misnomer, because the thing that poor people spend most extravagantly is time.

Three hours getting ready on a Saturday, entire days spent shopping for a hat, months each year watching TV

And he veers into race realism to close it off :marseychudnotes: :

Big puzzle piece for me was hearing someone point out that below a certain cognitive ability, people don't have hobbies, that there are entire countries where nobody has hobbies in the classic sense

What's this have to do with poverty?

A hobby creates artificial structure to gamify some part of reality. It's the kind of shape rotation that you notice is not happening among the dull. There's no engagement with relations, with things as exemplars of classes.

Now imagine you're poor and it's Saturday...

If creating experiences is beyond your mental ability, your menu of options is just stimulus/response gradients: go to mall; buy the brand name hat; buy the flavorful snack; prettify body or car

These are the most complex things you can imagine, poverty just results emergently

This is why poverty often presents as a puzzling mix of profligacy and miserliness; luxury car lease and reusing Ziploc bags 100 times

It's not that they don't know things are expensive, it's that their only joy comes from passive consumption of rich stimulus

There's a lot more :marseylongpost: but I cbf doing the markdown (if you highlight replies I'll pin your comment). In conclusion: nerds rule, poors drool :marseygigaretard:


Another day, another story of some beautiful bold black skin gets covered and hidden under the veil of white supremacy. This time the part of the white supremacist was played by a physically r-slurred person of weight and color. He will not be forgotten. His young soul rests with Treyvon's and Floyd's.

Do you support mental health MAID? : AskACanadian
Tipcels post their Ls
Credit cards haven't been fun lately

Girl math moment :marseydarkfoidretard:

"When I realized I can still get what I want, like designer items, and not have to pay the full purchase on spot, I lost my darn mind. … It was like a kid in a candy store," Resiere recalled. "Let's say Klarna gave me $1,000. In my head, I was like, 'Oh my God, that's free money.' So I'm spending the whole thousand, forgetting that I have rent, car note, car insurance, all these bills, groceries, everything."

Bro how does paying money hurt just save

"Even though I'm in my career now and of course making more money, any way that I can split my payments and not worry about bills, I'm definitely, definitely all for," said Resiere. "It splits the payments so I don't really feel it. Yes, I'm paying the same amount but the fact that it's being spread out, it doesn't hurt as much."

How come poors always think the can just get money for designer clothes for free

The opacity surrounding the novel service has created a so-called phantom debt phenomenon that has left economists, regulators and even shoppers concerned about the effect it could have on the economy.

"It's just this nebulous cloud of debt. Nobody really knows how it works and it's just floating around us all the time and it definitely feels like a pending housing crisis, almost like 2008 but for shopping," Andersen joked. "That's the myth that Klarna and PayPal sell you on, is that you can have this lifestyle, you can have these things, but the truth is, you can't."

So Help Me, Sam :marseysaluteusa:

How to Remove Dead Bugs Inside Your Computer Monitor (Without Taking Screen Apart) - YouTube

Very cool video :)

:troll: tells :marseypoor: :marseyaustralian: that Sydney is a good city if you're rich. :marseyaustralian: seethe ensues
Roof chad, DUI dad, wife's gussy is fiberglass sad



For real, I can't stand tradies who brag about not using PPE or being clean and then have more skin conditions than a Vietnam vet turned New Orleans hooker.


here is a trick i did in this situation years ago, idk how much time has passed but your bank might still let u withdraw cash at an atm 🤫

i was using a WF acct and the max they would let it go negative for was i think like $250 in a day. so in this situation, if its the same day ur acct has gone negative, try to go to the atm and try to take out $100-120. worse that happens, it declines it; maybe u have different bank, maybe this hack doesnt work anymore, idk. but best case scenario, u have an extra $100 in cash to use. u r alr negative and yes u will have to pay the deficit still, but what is there to lose?

i stopped doing payday loans for this exact reason! they took it out of my acct automatically even tho in my case i specifically called multiple to tell them i would drop off the cash in person. i saw ur comment and im glad u will stop the cycle. frick payday loans

this is such an r-slurred way to view your fianances, its honestly kinda sad :marseysad:

I started getting my paychecks deposited elsewhere so I could at least pay for my essentials, then next time I got paid and had excess, I settled with the payday lender. Then I used my next paycheck to get my first account back in the positive.

I came here to say this. Years ago I got wrapped up in this and unfortunately the only way out was to open a new checking account with one of those online bankers and get my direct deposit in there. I eventually paid my old checking negative balance and closed it immediately. Just settled with the loan companies later. Credit took a big hit for a few years, but it beat the alternative of being homeless and hungry. Didn't see anyway out other than that option.

That's actually really smart!

If you just keep using your last hundred to get yourself back to a zero balance, then throughout the week you'll overdraft yourself back down, and then you're caught in the debt cycle again but with less to show for it. Let the account overdraft for a bit, pay it off AFTER funding your essentials.

Another person talking about overdrafting on purpose??? Most banks charge crazy overdraft fees


Npr is bo longer for smart people


Redditards don't understand economics

Poorcel seethes over landchads owning a bare few properties
Reported by:
Day in the life of a !bluecollar worker...

>wake up at 4am for work

>smoke a bowl and rinse my mouth out with water and head out

>stop at a gas station on my way to work to grab a BodyArmor (for the hangover), 2 Nos energy drinks, a breakfast sandwich, and some scratch-offs

>place my phone in a precise position so the aux cord doesn't make any static while it plays my Eminem playlist (with ads)

>pick up the new guy on the way to the job site

>work for 6 hours until lunch (unpaid)

>drink a 4-pack of tallboy Steel Reserves and watch Facebook reels on max volume in the van

>work another 6 hours

>drop the new guy off at his brother's apartment

>swing by the gas station to get some beer and scratch-offs

>eat 2 Hungry Man meals for dinner and wash it down with 4 more tallboy Steel Reserves and a plastic cup full of Captain Morgan and Great Value cola

>watch football and scream at my Renta-center TV for a few hours

>share post on Facebook making fun of liberals with gender study degrees working at Starbucks while welders make $50 an hour (I'm an HVAC apprentice)

>jerk off to one of the 20 pornhub tabs I never exited out of on my Wal-Mart phone

>go to sleep at 1am and get ready for another 12 hours of work (tomorrow is Sunday)


Can I offer you a pan of ramen in these trying times?

They deleted so I can't link sorry


:marseycop: :marseycop2: :marseycop3:

They will shoot him

:marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: TIL of the antimony pill - peasantry would :marseywould: reuse :marseyrecycling: pills :marseyjunkie2: through generations :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: peasants are so gross :marseydisgust:

Hi. My company has been doing system wide layoffs for about 6 months now. In hindsight I should have started applying from then but I didn't think it would continue. Low and behold I was finally on the chopping block today. They sent a meeting invitation around 6pm last night from someone I've never heard of with no company branding. I ignored it because I thought it was spam. Then I lose access to all systems this morning. I text my supervisor who tells me to email some other company alias. Their email states my position was eliminated effective immediately and i would receive a fedex package with a separation agreement and additional information. I just bought a car which took some of my savings, and tanked more savings into a big vacation I've been planning for years. I actually just paid for the flight yesterday afternoon. I'm absolutely, royally fricked. My mom has also been unemployed for the same reason since about June or so. I won't have any help from her and I'm absolutely terrified of losing everything.

Can anyone help with next steps? I live in Maryland. I'm a bit too shocked to think straight but I don't want to waste time. I'm really just trying not to cry at this point.

TLDR: Laid off from job, low savings, and panicking. Advice?

The layoff notice she got after skipping the meeting

A post from her 5 years ago:

110000k in student loans and a 70mile/day commute to work with no car - budget help wanted

Finally, her bird she posts a lot about.

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