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I have mastered emptying my mind while going to sleep.

I have been meditating for one plus year and finally mastered emptying my mind while lying down in bed to go to sleep.

As far as I can gather there are three types of meditation/ meditation adjacent functions:

1. Self awareness. This has nothing to do with controlling your thoughts but instead to be aware of what's within you and learning to know thyself.

2. Emptying the mind. This is what the current western school of thought appears to be more focused on. To use meditation as a tool to learn to empty your mind and remove junk data manually. You train yourself to focus on the moments where you are thinking of nothing until you get good at increasing the periods where you are thinking of nothing.

3. Deep alterations. This is message encoding within your subconscious. Of the three I believe this would be considered the most pseudo-scientific one a few decades back, I am not sure what it's status is right now. In this you remove all the thoughts in your mind, all the noise. You go down to the basement of your mind and plant your own message there to take root and spread. Alterations can be of personality or motivation. The more eccentric attempt to use it for biological modifications of the self.

I managed to encode a single instruction in the deepest depths of my subconscious that I could reach.

I now have to learn how to master my mind while awake, after which I have to learn how to master my mind while in stressful situations.

I had gotten stuck on the weight loss journey again for a moment, but have again continued to lose weight as I further upgraded myself.

My schedule for doing important things got destabilized as multiple unskippable expenses came up at once, so now I have to wait for a bit more money to come my way before I can continue some tasks.

In more positive news my writing skills have further improved, and so have my drawing skills.

I have continued to help around the neighborhood and have interacted with enough young women to now realize that I am still too ugly to pull off successful interactions with the fairer s*x.

I will likely have to get as far as hitting normal BMI completely before I have an actual chance at talking up strangers of the opposite gender without scaring them.

My anxieties disappear, my strength improves.

I accept the possibility that too much time has passed, but I still choose to believe in hope and salvation, brought about by great effort.

Good luck to me, and as always, good luck to you fellow journeymen and journeywomen and journeyximxers.

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Read a 200 word ESSAY

:marseysmoothbrain: :marseydead: :marseyrave:

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Nice, inspiring post.

What do you recommend for going to bed at a decent hour? Something in me keeps wanting to look at my device instead of falling asleep, which takes me literally hours to do. I exercise and eat healthy.

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I kind of brute forced not looking at the phone in bed during sleep hours via 1000s of attempts and a year plus of meditation and months of actively working on lowering my dopamine levels.

The best recommendation I can give is to cut out everything that then leads to you to naturally checking your phone in bed.

If you are feeling restless in bed keep reminding yourself why you are doing this. Then try to empty your mind or imagine something interesting to entertain yourself or just counting till you fall asleep. Whichever one helps best in your case.

The primary objective is to convince yourself that its better to be restless and awake for hours doing nothing in bed during sleep hours than it is to touch your phone during that time. Even if you do end up touching your phone, drop it the moment you notice you touched it. As long as you are aware you can take action.

Even better advice would be to keep your phone in a separate room or far enough away from the bed that you have to climb out to get it.

I hope at least one part of this helps.

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Thanks, this is sound advice. I like how you stress being restless is better than getting sucked into the device again. It'll help me to remember this.

Can you elaborate what you mean by emptying your mind? I've done meditation but have never heard of this technique.

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Okay, so you know how when you were a little kid you would close your eyes and you would only see the black in front of you because your mind was small enough that it took it time to start imagining random things?

You focus on that.

You focus on the dark right in front of you, or the empty space you see inside your minds eye when you focus inwards and try to think of nothing. Every time you have a thought come in you throw it away or let it flow out naturally without engaging it, whichever is easier for you, and refocus on the real darkness right in front of you.

You focus on that blank space and practice making the amount of time you are blank longer.

You also focus on your breathing at the same time.

The idea is to ground you to the exact present without the daydreams.

I do this specifically because I have enough ADHD like symptoms so in my case it's important to learn to have some controls over which channel I am watching at a time.

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Thanks for that, I may try it some time. Why did you start doing all of this and why? Maybe you wrote a post about this some where, but I probably missed it.

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My head was filled with too much noise. I wanted to get less anxious and learn to focus better.

Probably a couple of months to more than a year on and off.

I cannot give you a more precise time than that.

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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I just imagine cats running around in my head until I stop thinking :#marseydance:

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I have mastered emptying my balls before going to sleep

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thank you!!! another great and informative most from mr. gigachad

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hope and salvation, brought about by great effort

Trust in the Lord!!!!

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