The fricking cwowld metwl slid owor my skin like silk sliding dwown a fricking banyister. It dwoesn't take much pwessure wen u have a fricking sharp
razwor. Bwood came pwouring immediatewy. That's a fricking gwood sign - the fricking deep cuts are fricking bwight white
and take a fricking minyute two start bleeding. I am onye with the fricking pain because I deserve it fwor being worthless and a fricking piece of shit and a fricking bad perswon.
Am I bwoken that my mind cwonstantwy instwucts mwe two self-mutilate, b-word? It feels like there's a fricking gwoblin in my head (the Gwueswome Gwoblin) cwonstantwy egging mwe on two dwo the fricking nyeedfwl and start slicing. Can anyonye relate, b-word? I knyow I'm gwoing two dwo it again twomworwow and it's gwoing two be wose. The fricking cycle's begun again.
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