Going to Rome for a short vacay :marseybeachtowel: :marseycheers: :marseyclink: :marseycheers2: :marseycool2: :marseyme: :marseypope: :marseymarmotroman:

Going to see the Vatican :marseypraying: :marseypope: and all the museums I can! :marsey: Any recommendations for restaurants or special venues? Apparently the Siege at La Rochelle is being held in the National Gallery in Rome and I really want to see it :marseyfluffy: :marseypainter:

What's the date today? Is it the 23rd?

"All day!"

That fricking guy, you know that fricking guy who says shit like that.

Are you that fricking guy?

Feeling sad

I've had the realisation that all my favourite :!marseytrain:s have left their best arcs behind them.

Bardfinn, Rhys McKinnon, Jonathan Yaniv, Aimee Challenor.

All of these horrific activist :!marseytrain:s are now out to pasture and aren't doing anything to horrify, amaze or amuse me anymore.

Chris Chan as well jumped the shark when he fricked Barb but had been on a huge decline for years before that anyway.

Where are the new horror trains to take on the mantle and deliver new horror?

I'm left combing Bluesky for literally who ebegging :!marseytrain:s who are just poor facsimiles of the horrorkings they mimic.

Is this how old people when all their friends start to die off?


I'm very new here, and was a popular janny at a simpler time in life, so I value community input greatly. I am genuinely asking for additional ideas on how to do better self care for myself and my live-in bf. I already have started cooking even more often than was typical before, and have stepped up my efforts to clean my spare room so that Mr. Man can enjoy a clean gaming space. That second one is my project for the month (or week, at the pace I've somehow maintained so far!). Men, those who love men, anyone - please, help me make my impending fourth year with this lovely man better for us, especially him ❤️

For context, I do work a PT job and am waiting to hear about a second and even third pt way to make money. So I do have my own obligations outside of the house regularly.

I look forward to your replies :marseybow:

This #winner went to the Gym at 6:00AM instead of sleeping!

I haven't really exercised since getting CHF, not a path to prosperity I know. But the good news is, is that I didn't feel chest pain, I was able to have a solid thirty minute workout, and that although I feel tired, I'm largely ok.

IDK getting over my anxiety of working out is a nice feeling.

Figured out how to stop time leakage.

I just keep restarting the timer every hour the moment it ends. This way the prep time or the lost time is still tracked within the hour in which I am supposed to get the task done.

I also have the clock ticking so the hyping myself back up to continue the next task part is also within the tracked hour of time.

This way I am no longer losing minutes here and there that accumulate into unused hours of time.

My schedule has now been made more organized in this manner.

That is my big W for the day.

I'm a knitter!

I just started knitting again after not doing it for a few years. I got some fun yarn for Christmas.

The first few stitches are really lousy, I forgot what I was doing and now I don't know if I should start over or keep going. What do you think? I'm trying to make a really wide scarf.

Reported by:

It makes me feel like you're probably full of shit but really want me to believe something and your only strategy is to be annoyingly overdramatic about it.

Also there used to be daily reddit threads that were always titled 'what X screams Y' and it'd trigger me every time.

idk why this annoys me so much but it does

Had today eco math exam

It's so much easier than engineers math. For some wired reason they didn't let me skip economics math despite me completing engineers math because apparently on economics math they have some “economics math” but I completed all micro and macro economics classes and econometry so it makes no sense why I had to take it but ufff it was so much easier. With engineering math you had to know basically every theory inside out and out and be able to prove it so you had to know like 200 formulas and do some very abstract exercises using phi's irrational numbers and trig. Economics math didn't had any of it. So the examen was just so chill :marseychinchilla:

15 hours today. Faster flow.

I am getting Wins but not the best wins on my wins list.

I can only feel my belly while sitting down and even that is shrinking every single day.

I am more confidently communicating with people and handling rejections.

Yesterday I had to talk to a person again at night. So instead of 13 hours count it as 15 hours.

I am hoping to shift tasks better tomorrow. Faster. Even more consistent and precise.

Life goes up. Expect my next big win to happen in a week. So mostly I will just be posting "slightly improved again" posts.

I have gotten good at sitting down and writing out a new story idea every day.

The problem is I am not able to finish writing out a story and editing it within one hour.

I have some ideas about how to fix that. Will test them tomorrow.

Good luck to you and good luck to me.


I already have three :marseycerebrus: cats and two raccoons so it would :marseywould: be a bit much to take them myself.

Reported by:
  • rDramaHistorian : People always ask for Holly nudes, nobody ever asks for Sneedman nudes :(
  • Poophead : Pick another foid for the love of god
Would you accept a man who hired an escort?


Other women can answer.

what would you do and what would you think if a man told you he paid for an escort out of loneliness? Not a street hooker, a biological female who is high-end and works for herself? Would you a:

a) Be disgusted and end it - it's a red flag

b) End it but not disgusting - it's a dealbreaker

c) hate but accept

d) accept with no worries

e)make me more attracted

f) accept but STD test (wouldn't do so normally)

g) other

Keep in mind women are judged for their "body count" all the time. Let's also assume he sticks to a single escort. Let's also assume he's not an butthole about the whole thing. He's not Patrick Bateman. He's just paying for dates that occasionally end in s*x. Please explain why women with any choice and whether you consider women can have such a situation of their own accord with some exploitation/trauma. either during or prior.

If you're disgusted by men who buy s*x are you disgusted by the women who provide it?

Post-Surgery Update :marseyill: but :marseyokay:

They fixed my bones up just fine (or so they say). Got bone from dead people :marseyheavymetal: and synthetic material injected in to the gap that my bone needs to grow back into.

Only problem was there was so much swelling they had to leave the wound open and just jam a big sponge in there. Then they've got a pump draining the disgusting fluid :marseyyikes: out, as seen in the image. The little brown spot in there is apparently blood or something. One of those floats along about every 5 seconds.


The pump itself sounds and vibrates a little like a snoring dog so it's kind of comfy. In a few more days they should be able to close it up. Until then my job is just to sit here with more hoses plugged into me than a borg and watch awful TV. Hopefully I can find a show that's as good to watch on oxys as Cleopatra 2525 was.


Bonus image: In here they even cut up your tendies for you! Mom never did that!

13 hours of activity today. Side quest exception

I almost felt like I failed the day but somehow I made it.

Got a side quest that I couldn't decline so had to spend some of the work hours on that bit.

I guess the point is you will always be getting some random shit coming your way so you have to account for that and either take time out of the lower priority tasks and stay as close to schedule as possible on those days, meanwhile still staying on the schedule every single day.

Only 13 hours today because yesterday I got a late conversation I had to take. So yesterday count as 17 hours instead of 14.

I wrote better today than yesterday. Now I am able to write shitty complete short stories that make sense from beginning to end as being on one stable lane.

Today's main W was weight loss. Kept power walking. I feel lighter every single day now. No increase in food intake beyond 100 to 200 calories ( a coffee, or a cup of tea or an apple or two extra ) in case I get too hungry by the evening.

Now I have to sit to feel a belly.

Almost burned out but somehow recovered.

:marseysigh: :chudspin: :marseyitsoverwereback:

Good luck to you and good luck to me.

family photo dox

I'm the short one with bangs hiding in the back

Goodbye drunkposting, hello oxyposting! :marseyexcited:

I was tarded enough to listen to meteorologists and go out when the ice hadn't really melted yet. Ended up with a badly broken tibia. At least it was in my already crippled leg. Looks like I'm gonna be phoneposting from bed 100% of the time not just 90% of the time for a while.


I'm going into surgery tomorrow. If I don't make it, tell everyone my last words were "dude bussy lmao". :marseythumbsup:


He said he bought them ecause he was delusional and thought he was going to live. Now it's my griefblower.

Everyone I know IRL is dying of cancer.

Talked my dad into buying a high end OLED LG TV and replacing his old Vizio pos from like 2017

Set it up while he was napping

Put on lotr when he woke up

“Holy shit look at how dark that black is”

I thought that was nice


I live in a blue state and as I've gotten jacked and more masculine, I started getting way colder and ruder vibes from certain people. In general I get treated better but almost anyone who appears woke will look at me and automatically assume I'm a racist Trump supporter, which to be fair is true. I kinda figured this would happen when I pursued the "intimidating meathead" look but it's still a weird thing to get used to.

looking for database leak downloads

Looking to download the leaks from wattpad, animal jam, armor games, daily motion, exactis, mathway, myheritage and twitter. I feel like these used to be easier to find

dubsmash too


How was your Friday :marseyjason: night? You didn't spend it alone :marseyitsdangerous: at home right :marseyveryworriedtrans: anon?


I like benching plates

It was a good PR to hit. I hate having to deal with the individual small ones and I feel like a woman.

Would post in fit but the site is too fat to let it stay alive.

@gigachad_brony @BimothyX2 what's your bench?

14 hours active today. Max one task 3 hours.

I have mastered hunger at a high level.

I am getting better at the things that I am focusing on.

Things are still not perfect.

They are better than yesterday though.

Going to do the full to do list tomorrow with the newly learned heavy effort throughout the day.

Good luck to you and good luck to me.

Got any special plans for Valentine's Day?

My birthday lands around valentines day so I get stuff rather than being forced to do something for others. Still do though. I saw an email about a nice dinner in the Arbor Lodge before I was told not to look at it 🫡.

Life Update

I'm still neurodivergent and gay


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