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  • whyareyou : pigeons are filthy and need to die

Pigeons intuitively solve the Monty Hall problem faster than humans do :marseybigbrain:

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I've read the explanation of that problem dozens of times and I get the math behind it but it just doesn't register with me mentally :#marseypeanutbrain:

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Maybe I was just too r-slurred that my brain looped around or I'm just a fricking genius but when I first heard about the problem in 6th grade or whatever I genuinely could not understand why people struggled with the problem. the wrong answer made no sense to me at all :marseywhirlyhat:

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mythbusters had a intuitive example. imagine there's 100 doors, 99 have goats, 1 has a cash prize. you pick one at random, (what are the chances you picked the right one on your first try?), then host reveals 98 doors have goats behind them, which leaves two doors. He knows which one has the cash so it just leaves your initial choice and the cash. if you feel confident about your first choice (should you?) you can stay. if you feel like you probably made a mistake on your first try, you should switch. 99% of the time you picked wrong the first time and the host left the cash behind the other door. 1% of the time you picked right the first time and shouldn't switch. you should probably switch.

with 3 doors, you picked wrong at first with probability 2/3 so you should switch when given the chance.

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>99% of the time you picked wrong the first time and the host left the cash behind the other door.

>with 3 doors, you picked wrong at first with probability 2/3 so you should switch when given the chance.

Oh man, I think I actually do get it now. Perhaps the reason this is so confusing to me (and others) is that in my mind the question of "should you switch doors?" translates into "now you have two doors left, do you stay (i.e. pick door 1) or switch (i.e. pick door 2)?" as if you're basically starting a new round with no prior knowledge and only two doors to choose.

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what are the chances you picked the right one on your first try?

Well???? What is it????

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100%, i sucked off the producer the before the show and she told me which one has the cash

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>sucked off



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Big butt nipples?

God darn neighbor :#shyyt:

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Think of it like a deck of cards, and you have to find the 7 of clubs to win. So you pick a card, and then they show you 50 of the remaining 51 cards. Do you keep the card you already chose or do you decide to switch based on the new information?

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I don't know :marseyaliencrying:

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You will learn :abusivewife:

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I just clicked "stay" on the fwirst game I played and won.

Where's ywour Gwod nyow?

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Gwod stayws iwn heavwen becauwwse he two wiwves in feaw of what hew's cweated

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The host will never open your door.

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The blogposters who came up with that title cannot actually appreciate why this is really interesting.

Here is the truly interesting bit:

Researchers find out that some abstract logic outcomes can be far more easily learned via direct result based experiences.

So in theory if you took two humans and had one do the puzzles repeatedly to get the most food and another human try to solve the monty hall problem theoretically, the human doing the puzzle physically would comprehend it faster.

and that is super cool. because it shows that experiencing physical reality is like a sort of shortcut to abstract reasoning for meat brains. Like someone throwing a ball at you and you catching it without really thinking about it instead of calculating the velocity and curvature of the balls movement.

There is complex knowledge so innate to us as building blocks that we do not even consider it knowledge in the way that we use the word knowledge, yet the pigeon who knows the solution to the Monty Hall problem is proof that math is just an abstract diagram of reality and that having the correct interacting nodes and hardware ( body/limbs/ memory/ experiences ) can as easily allow us to comprehend complex output as having the capacity to do the math for it in our heads.

This has fascinating philosophical implications - is the ability to raise your arm a form of intelligence, accounting for the fact that a machine arm would have to do hundreds to thousands of calculations to be able to do the same with the same finesse as a human meat controlled arm? If yes then does that make every human a living mathematical formula? Is that the real secret of reality and the universe? That everything is simply data interacting with one another and that all flesh and mass is just numbers joined together in such density as to develop into different types of matter with different names and properties assigned to it?

!philosophers !sophistry

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If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Practice makes permanentcels seething against the bull headed practice makes perfect chads

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Keep going, your practice will get you there little pigeon.


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if you took two humans and had one do the puzzles repeatedly to get the most food and another human try to solve the monty hall problem theoretically, the human doing the puzzle physically would comprehend it faster.

This doesn't follow from the experiment that was performed.

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Why not?

A pigeon got the answer right doing the physical experiment more often than humans get it right doing it in their heads, so I assume it would hold for a human physically doing the experiment repeatedly getting it right more often than the person doing it in the abstract.

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The students in the study were tested repeatedly as well.

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Source? I missed it.

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On the other hand, 12 undergraduate student volunteers failed to adopt the best strategy with a similar apparatus, even after 200 trials of practice each.


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lol. Cucked by pigeons. This does then at least support the idea that different forms of intellect do indeed exist.

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Does this mean humans are stupid enough that I can legally hunt and eat them now?

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They don't call it tourist season for no reason :marseygossipsniper:

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I think it's because the Monty hall problem is more of a riddle than a food test of people's understanding of probability.

I.e most people interpret the question " what is the probability of winning the car by switching given the player has picked door 1 and the host has opened door 3?"

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I'm going to hunt and eat you you b-word

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Sorry I'm a pigeon

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And they make great fleshlights too!

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