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NYC law that would have allowed 800K non-citizens to vote struck as unconstitutional by appeals court: ‘Enacted in violation' :chudjakdancing:


Even redditoids can recognize how r-slurred it is to allow non-citizens to vote.

NYC law that would have allowed 800K noncitizens to vote struck as unconstitutional by appeals court: ‘Enacted in violation'

A controversial New York City law that would have allowed 800,000 noncitizens, but legal residents, to vote in municipal elections was struck down as unconstitutional by a state appeals court Wednesday.

“We determine that this local law was enacted in violation of the New York State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law, and thus, must be declared null and void,” Appellate Judge Paul Wooten wrote in the 3-1 majority decision.

Wooten said the state constitution broadly refers to only citizens having the right to vote in elections, municipal as well as statewide or for state legislative offices.

“Article IX provides that the elected officials of ‘local governments' shall be elected by ‘the people,' which incorporates by reference the eligibility requirements for voting under article II, section 1, applying exclusively to ‘citizens,'” the judge wrote.

The decision upholds a lower court ruling issued by Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio in June 2022, which Mayor Eric Adams and the City Council had appealed.

Writing for the Appellate Division's 2nd Department, Wooten said that if noncitizens are allowed to vote, it stands to reason they could also run for mayor.

He ruled that such a dramatic change violated the Municipal Home Rule Law, saying the council and mayor had failed to put the issue on the ballot for voters to decide.

Judges Angela Iannacci and Helen Voutsinas concurred in the ruling.

Judge Lilian Wan issued a dissenting opinion.

“The majority, by deeming the noncitizen voting law invalid, effectively prohibits municipalities across the state from deciding for themselves the persons who are entitled to a voice in the local electoral process,” she wrote.

“The majority's determination also disenfranchises nearly one million residents of the City, despite the fact that its people's duly elected representatives have opted to enfranchise those same residents.”

Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella was the lead plaintiff in the case along with Assemblyman Michael Tannousis (R-Staten Island), among others.

“During a time where nearly 200,000 migrants have flooded our city and streets, disrupting the public and attacking our police officers, my colleagues and I have worked tirelessly to protect our voting laws which were created for citizens of the United States,” Tannousis said.

“Democracy always wins and I am proud to say it was delivered yet again today.”

US Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), who represents Staten Island, was also among the lawmakers who applauded the decision.

“There is nothing more important than preserving the integrity of our election system, and in today's age, the government should be working to create more trust in our elections, not less,” the congresswoman said.

“The right to vote is a sacred right given only to United States citizens. It is my hope that left-wing lawmakers stop pushing these unconstitutional and reckless measures that dilute the voices of American citizens,” she added.

A city Law Department spokesman said, “We're reviewing the court's decision and evaluating next steps.”

!chuds !burgers

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i always thought the idea of flooding in migrants for free Democrat votes was a conspiracy theory but they work so hard to make it a reality :marseyhmmm: :marseydepressed:

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!nooticers I unironically take back all that shit I said about the_donald they were right

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Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these "the chuds were right again." :marseyitsover: :chudcheers:

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By 2030 we'll find out that the earth is flat, the subterranean adrenochrome farms exist and the firmament is real

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They openly boast about it all the time, lol.

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"Demographics is destiny" was literally said by a Democratic campaign strategist

Anytime I start getting frustrated at how dumb some Republicans are, I remind myself that Democrats literally publicized their scheme to overthrow society by using illegal immigrants to gain votes

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What's hilarious is that most of these migrants make your average maga gigachud look like the most Soylent rainbow haired progressive.

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They like their gibs more than they hate homos.

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They'll still vote for the gibs party. If you want republican immigrants you need middle/upper class from communist or former communist countries

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B-b-but my natural conservative spicy Latinx :marseyliberty: :marseymexican:

Can't believe people sincerely repeat that even today SMDH

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They don't speak English. And Dems give them Gibbs. So all they know is Dems good.

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“It's not a conspiracy theory!

…. it's a conspiracy fact.”

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Its local elections, sped. Generally legal residents should be allowed to vote in local elections (think school board etc) as they pay a lot of local taxes.

The "800k" number here is misleading. These arent migrants, they're long term legal residents.

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and aren't citizens lol it's not complicated

if I live in a hotel for a year I shouldn't be allowed to vote there

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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A moron is like an idiot except you don't realize that they are r-slurred at first

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Extremely rare pizzashill L

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all of the people living in hotels with catered meals paid for by the city vote for more gibs

who could predict this

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It is really funny how Ol Wheelie Boy Abbot has arguably delivered the Republicans the biggest wholesale political win this decade by just bussing these migrants to a handful of cities.


Progs are forced to double down and the 80% of the democratic base to the right of them is fed up with the migrants.

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Abbot's plan was unironically the most clever political maneuver in decades, but this has nothing to do with migrants. Green card holders are permanent residents who almost always came to the country as skilled workers or via direct family ties.

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True, we should distinguish between naturalized legal immigrants (who are all American citizens) and illegal immigrants (who are essentially criminals)

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>legal immigrants (who are all American citizens)

is this sarcastic or?

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I mean once you've been naturalized, you're a American citizen. There's a whole process for it

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Sure but you can be a legal immigrant and not a citizen. It takes at least a decade to become a citizen

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Sorry, you're right: I should have been more clear. Fixed

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Bussing migrants to sanctuary cities was the most cunning political play Republicans have come up with in a generation.

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The classic wedge issue

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>The majority, by deeming the noncitizen voting law invalid, effectively prohibits municipalities across the state from deciding for themselves the persons who are entitled to a voice in the local electoral process,” she wrote.

Oh shut up Wang.

I'll go even further and say dual citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote or enter politics or lobbying groups

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This is the official position of C-SPAN. If you have any questions or comments, please call and say something unhinged.

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The United States requires renouncing all citizenship in order to become a naturalized citizen

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No they don't. They require you to "renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity" to other political entities (it's a long list of types) outside the US. There is a difference between renouncing citizenship and renouncing your loyalty to other places.

In other words, you can keep the other citizenship as long as it's "LOL, IDC about them." The US will not recognize that additional citizenship for any US purposes, either, but you don't have to relinquish it or even claim to relinquish it.

Only certain security clearances actually require relinquishing and renouncing additional citizenships.

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It's incredible how you're just expected to assume they don't vote in any elections they're not supposed to when questioning the vote is considered insurrection now.

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>noooooooooo green card holders can't vote for the library board!!!!! :#marseysoycry:

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Yes, get naturalized if you want to vote. Don't care how significant or inconsequential the election is.

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>Deliberately becoming a burger :marseysmug3:

Hard pass.

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I thought u were a burger

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Property owners only, pls

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Well that cuts out young voters for at least a few decades.

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>“We're reviewing the court's decision and evaluating next steps.”

Make tar and feathering great :marseyaward: again.

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Progressives are not Americans. They hate this country and actively want to erase it from the map because the Earth is supposed to be one big borderless gay space communist utopia. Citizenship is nationalism and nationalism is, like, evil white supremacy and stuff. They have made a conscious choice to "other" themselves from us and it's bizarre that so many others don't see it. They are stabbing us in the back while looting our tax dollars.

Now everyone call me a cute twink for meinkampfposting even when they are literally trying to get illegal immigrants the vote.

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You are not only an agendaposting moralstrag, but you are illiterate too. The law allowed legal permanent residents to vote in municipal elections only

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"Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river."


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The frick, the raging chuds were right??!

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Chad Judge or Chud Judge?

¿Por que no los dos?

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