Is this the dumbest thing liberals did when Trump was in office?


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IDK, I think the Drumpf thing was pretty cringe. Or how "cofveve" was a news item for a month. I just don't understand how a game show host can make people seethe and mald so much. Genuinely does not make sense. Like just say you don't like him, don't vote for him, stop with the performative shit.

Gavel to gavel coverage, powered by cable.

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forgot that drumph was something people said unironically

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HE'S AN IMMIGRANT!!!! :#soyjakwow:

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I am having straggy flashbacks, I forgot all about this

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:#marseyxd: it was genuine lib brain :marseymindblown: rot that they've just swept back under :marseyhandsup: the rug

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I hate immigrants now

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It was his name. It's not even an insult.

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Covfefe was the last meme that united us all.

Everyone loved it, from the most pro-MAGA redneck (he makes typos on the crapper just like us!) to the hardest-left Marxism enjoyer (look at how dumb orange man is!)

All we have now is the forced "dark brandon" meme which doesn't even fit the guy. :marseydoomer:

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>dark brandon

>hes a satanic figure who hates and punishes people

>just a meme though hehe

At least the "god emperor" trump had a positive outlook

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god emperor


media literacy check failed :chudsmu#g:

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dude bussy lmao

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A purple-hair would say that, not a chud.

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Everyone's a chud these days

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Heck take humanity to the stars. His son baron will eat spice and free the natives

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Trumps body type is somewhat similar to a guild navigator tbh

>In b4 the spice is in the berders

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I don't know what a berder is because my pp has penetrated other people.

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A mullet fit for a god

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What made it epic was that the libs stole it from the chuds and they couldn't stop seething about it.

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I thought that was right wing death squads that were being memed by actual nazi wannabes.

Though imagine if the roles were reversed

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It's funny because he's a harmless coot

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I remember the normie "yanny" "laurel" or whatever meme and the whitehouse PR staff went around asking staffers what they heard and, at the end, Trump says "covfefe". People were seething and the reply guys were spamming for attention. :marseyconfused2: :marseyseethe:

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I've always thought that misspelling things deliberately is the kind of thing pre-schoolers find funny, but apparently it also works on wingcucks.

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It's pretty common on this site

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Not true sweaty :marseynails:

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Like just say you don't like him, don't vote for him, stop with the performative shit.

But I can say THE THING, whatever the thing happens to be at the moment (like "lol cofvefe!") and get updoots, which give me a little rush and make me forget I spend most of my free time doomscrolling social media and reading/saying THE THING instead of doing anything fun.

(ps - beloved brother and sister dramatards, updoot this excellent grillpilled post to the moon right down below!)

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How else will you get attention and good-boy points??

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The MIC didn't get the new wars it wanted, and Trump was willing to be difficult, so the normies were told to hate him because everyone hated him for his fascism.

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It was partly some song and dance the most dramatic leftards were eager to do for attention, and then there was a bit of cringe from the slightly more sane portion of the left that the president was some odd looking reality TV guy with an unusual and kind of stupid way of talking, and then it was in part just a bunch of meme nonsense born of a news media that fell over itself to report anything that might possibly make him look stupid or bad.

I don't really see what the big deal was, he's kind of an idiot who thinks he's not (which I guess is the most dangerous sort of idiot), but his wranglers kept him mostly in check, he didn't start any wars, the economy performed fairly well under him up until covid, he was the first world leader to really have the guts/stupidity to tell China to shove it as far as its trade abuses went, and there wasn't nearly as much border nonsense as there is now. I guess his worst legacy is the fact that he paved the way for a Joe Biden presidency.

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Rachel maddow going on their air with no prep time to air trumps tax return and realizing half way through that it was nothing was pretty dumb. Haiti didn't even make sense. Why pretend it isn't shit? Why not use it as an opportunity to make it less shit?They didn't even really try to gas light us much before they quit trying

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You cant fix haiti unless you get rid of the locals. I had family that did missionary work and they were instructed to bring suit cases of peanut butter. It was a high calorie item that stores for a long time. Since the locals cant do basic resource management that became the solution. My family members saw nothing wrong with feeding people who cant support themelves.

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Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the exact same small island. But the western side is effectively 1995 Somalia, while the eastern half is a haute Caribbean vacation destination.

I just can't figure out why. Perhaps the world will never know the answer to this question. I for one am stumped. How could two different ethnic populations sharing exactly the same piece of land have such wildly different outcomes?

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There was the Haiti scandal with embezzlement and kidnapping involving some woman who was close(ish)? to Hillary Clinton. There were actual charges and an investigation but it got poised when the news tried to link Pizza Gate to that unhinged shooter at the pizza place.

Maybe that's part of it.

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I'm going with "doing billions in property damage while simultaneously moralstragging about covid" but that's pretty r-slurred too.

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Covid was bad

Police brutality is bad


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For me the worst part about the lockdowns was the hypocrisy

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Now don't laugh at this next part

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It was never about saving lives. Democrats wanted to trash the economy to keep trump from getting reelected. Republicans reacted to that like r-slurs.

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They always do :marseydepressed:

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Both were awesome

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Duality of man

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I liked the COVID meant we had to shut down the economy, arrest anyone seen outdoors and print trillions of dollars, but social justice (fiery but mostly peaceful) meant that any restrictions on public gatherings could be ignored

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But Drumpf rallies were labeled super spreader events by the media at the same exact time too lol.

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You misunderstand, you r-slurred hick. The expert class has concluded that racism is a global health crisis. You are denying The Science.

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It's true. A guy was racist to me once, now I have AIDS

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U should take PreP bb

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That was a real :marseythonk: moment

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Protesters take over an entire city block kill two black teens… not insurrection.

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It was a Summer of Love OK?

Now if you so much as set a single toe on our PALACE OF DEMOCRACY you need to be black-bagged and tortured to death by 3-letter agents protected by secret court orders. It's about defending free elections.

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Oh look it's the guy that wrote “a modicum of self-awareness”.

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We had that shit in bongland too, I saw protestors (in Oxford, so richoids) chanting "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" at the :marse#ybongcop:

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Unjustified racist police shootings were the #1 cause of death amongst poor fat blacks. Covid paled in comparison

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Restaurants were also okay for whatever reason.

Go into the office and wear a mask all day, except when eating lunch with your coworkers

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We better let more hatians in if we want their delicious food. No one does long pork like them mmmm mmmm.

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never had haitian food, heard from some missionaries that went over there that the food was good. still not a place I'd want to live thoever

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never had hatian food

Don't worry, they don't get it very often either.


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I love that the "muh Delicious food!" Thing is the hill libs choose to die on when it comes to immigration.

"Why yes, these people are violently misogynistic, homophobic, intensely prone to religious violence, antisemitism and hate every foundation of our society and an open, liberal world order based on individual dignity and freedom, but think of the tasty bodega snacks we can eat!"

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aren't you all of those things as well tho

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All these conversations about immigrants are weird like this. Leftoids ignore the fact that most of these immigrants have values diametrically opposed to their own and rightoids pretend to care about leftoid values only when they're able to shit on immigrants who have rightoid values.

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Total wingcuck death yesterday, total wingcuck death today, total wingcuck death forever

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>Nooooo it's different you see cause we're all homogeneous whites with strong yt community values you see whites would never ever go to war with each other :pepereeeeee:

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I love how lib's idea of cultural enrichment is just food for upper middle class mayofoids to put photos of on instagram

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and the college educated nonwhite neighbor who was born in the US and makes $150k+/yr

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they are fat

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White people have no original dishes that arent toast and ice water. Haitians have been cooking for millennia, sweaty.

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Not being "homophobic" was invented about 15 years ago. Most people still don't want to be around homosexuals, but the law has diverged from the will of the people.

It tends to correct though.

Same on women. I think society is about 70% complete on its refresher course for why you don't let women run things.

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Increase Muslim immigration 10 fold, let a Western Islamic caliphate happen, the shitlibs need to witness the acceleration and see what it's really like.

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ok but crazy ppl do make the best food

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Haitian food is people! IT'S PEOPLE!!!!

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Haitian food is pretty plain for obvious reasons…it's easily the worst amongst Caribbean cuisine.

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Mud cookies are amaze balls! :soyjak:

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They literally eat slabs of mud and human meat

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We need those diversity mud cookies.

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Lol..lmao even. Caribbean cuisine is garbage.

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Hey! Some people like fried shitty large bananas. I don't, but some people do.

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This is amazing. Keep yourself safe.

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I already said some people like shitty Bananas r-slur.

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I got my banana why donchu bend over so we can make it shitty together



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Because of the other half of that sentence. I feel like your reading comprehension is poor.

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I like jerk chicken

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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You're a jerk

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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You can jerk my chicken! :#marsey:

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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>he doesn't like saltfish and ackee


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We mostly let them in since they will actually die if they stay there.

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long pork



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