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If SCOTUS passes this law


It's over for civics education.

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!reportmaxxers don't forget to tag the replies and report the most obvious :marseyoctopus2: ones to the FBI. Murdering a Supreme :marseykneel: Court :marseyjudge: Justice :marseyusa: is a big federal :marseybeanangryfbi: crime. Even threatening :marseyhissing: to do so will get some redditstrag's door kicked in

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>illegal to be homeless

No, illegal to squat on a sidewalk and shit up the place for everyone else. Most homeless people don't camp on the sidewalk, they live in a car or crash on their friends couches or actually utilize the shelter services. No one has a problem with these people. People have a problem with the visibly homeless that are disgusting junkies and camp in public areas.

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redditors try to be dishonest and pretend the homeless on the street are the same ones you're talking about. The ones people want to get rid of are the fricking cracked out schizos living on the street doing smack in the middle of the day and screaming at invisible people.

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I'll have you know some of those "cracked out schizos" are entrepeneurs and bring a lot of innovation to the local economy. There's a camp at the park I frequent that provides me with discount parts for my bike.

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To be fair, I'd actually be okay with side walk camping if the rules were such that you can't setup until after sun down and you have to pack up and be gone by sunrise, anything left on the sidewalk gets trashed.

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Sure, and for anyone who agrees, only the sidewalk near their property becomes the designated camping zone.

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The problem isn't sleeping on the sidewalk, the problem is the establishment of semi-permanent encampments and all the filth, noise and crime that it brings. There are already respectful people that sleep on the sidewalk and clean up after themselves, you've probably just never noticed them.

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Enjoy your very own hobo camp!


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This would prevent hobo camps, you r-slur.

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Good luck with enforcement.


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Ok, but if we get rid of them, no one will be scaring away invisible thieves. Didn't think of that, didja, Mr. Smart Guy?

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If I was president I would make living in a van totally legal. Not like a shitty little car but I would tell auto manufacturers out loud to start making cool vans.

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Gotta bring back the cassette player, I still have a few sweet Aerosmith mixes from back in the day. Also, I'm gonna order it with the factory Airbrushed Wizard Paint job. We can meet up after your shift and smoke some doobies behind the Kmart


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Lol the top mod of that sub is a paki https://old.reddit.com/user/Preech


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What the frick are the subs at the bottom, the ones that look like hex?

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Probably subs that got taken away for being inactive. At least that's what it looked like when gigjannies took /r/agp from me.

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The implications of ruling against the city seem pretty massive. If a city cannot control where someone is or is not allowed to perform certain acts, then why can't I just rezone my own home to be a commercial lot whenever I feel like it? Either cities can regulate what is allowed to be constructed where or they cannot.

The real problem is that homeless, etc get to slide by rules and regulations, and the consequences are always dodged or delayed. If a normal person sat in front of a store being belligerant they'd be in jail by the end of the day, but when a methed-out schizo does it the cops shrug and do nothing.

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It was a fun Covid pill to ask people what should be done with the homeless. Somehow they weren't expected to mask or be vaccinated the way everyone else was. They were permitted to be disease vectors in ways that no one else could, and there was never a reason given as to why.

Cities are incapable of getting them the help they actually need, rather than the programs that cost a lot and don't do anything to fix the problem on more than a day to day basis, and nearly all the reasons that could be reflect incredibly poorly on the activists and politicians who work to make that happen.

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Honestly I hate the homeless but if someone wants to just live in a tent and be a piece of shit, should the government have the right to tell them they can't?

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:c#hadyes: :#chadyescapy: :marseyagreewarpspeed#:

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But then what's to stop them from demanding we all contribute to society? 99% of dramanauts are doomed if that's the case

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ok i'll be genuine with you for a minute. while i'm not a libertarian i sympathize with the viewpoint that more government oversight begets abuse. yes, illegalizing a state of being (in the literal sense, not in the way leftists abuse the term) is an alarming precedent to set in law. but firstly, as others say it's not illegalizing not having a mailing address, or not having employment. it's just limiting the amount you can shit up society by being homeless in public, commonly used spaces. i think that's a fair space for government to inhabit. secondly, the tragedy of the commons is very real and i'm not so naive that i think "people will just be nice and considerate on their own so we don't need laws". so i will accept that some cop somewhere will probably throw some homeless dude's shit away maliciously due to these laws, but the actual, genuine harm done to society by that is much less than allowing homeless to congregate in public areas and get away with anything less than murder.

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These people deliberately stay in common areas and public spaces, too. If they cared so much about not being bothered and asked to move they could probably go camp innawoods somewhere and get away with it for a long time before anyone discovers them and asks them to leave. But then they wouldn't be within walking distance of a drug dealer.

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Bums tend to conquer the common areas for themselves, rendering them de facto no longer "common areas".

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Honestly, that's my dream.

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Don't forget that many of our prisons are for profit

Third comment. Redditors just have to keep being r-slurred the same way year after year. Privately-operated prisons are something like 8% of the population last time I checked.

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The Supreme Court isn't actually that valid. They just make recommendations that are increasingly based on monied and extremist interests.

That said, I'll steal Clarence's RV and cook meth in that b-word.

They're not building bunkers fast enough. The powerful in this world are gonna get wrecked when their own playbook backfires and enrages the people to a point of no return. We're going to come for that butt.

I'm gonna burn so many golf courses. That's a tree place. There should be trees there.

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We'll escape to our bunkers before the poors can do much.

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No fortress is completely free of weakness.

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Buddy do you think the proletariat is gonna rise up for saying a bunch of Crazy Dave type schitzos can't shit in the park anymore?

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He's not talking about rEAl communism but some r-slurred concept where the government is nice.

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