Socialist professor explains how to get a PS5 under socialism.
— Dylan Allman (@DylanMAllman) April 6, 2024
Yeah, no thanks.
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Reminds me of this
-i want a PS5
-i like software engineering, programming, cpu archictecture design, electronics manufacturing, and mining, refining, and transporting ore, and helping people who want ps5s, take this
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God, anarchists are mentally 6 years old. I would rather have an argument with a commie than an anarchist, they're not even worth engaging.
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They're not even worth engaging because they're a literal non-threat. There's a reason these clowns get absolutely blown the frick out by the more brutal and cynical Marxists/Stalinist when push comes to shove. Even back in the First International they just kept on taking L after L.
Actual commies you take seriously (or at least used to, it hasn't been relevant as a global force since 1989), because you turn your back and that sniveling soy cute twink you underestimated is a chekist writing up lists of people to kill.
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Anarchists of any color are subhuman r-slurs
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At least anarchists are marginally less likely to commit mass murder
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Spanish civil war
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A lot of the complete economic illiteracy from the twitter/reddit left comes from the fact that they're predominantly literal children, "disabled", or have only ever worked service industry jobs.
Without Star Trek type magic replicators, a world completely composed of anarchist communes would devolve thousands of years of technologically.
For all the commie bitching about the inefficiency and waste of capitalism, centrally planned economies are incredibly wasteful because of rubberbanding over/under-production.
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I'm just regurgitating the conclusions of a certain Soviet scholar that I'm sure you love: NIKOLAI SHMELEV

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“Repudiating” the NEP early was required bc of not having sufficient time to industrialize before war.
For the rest, Corn man fricked with Stalin's economy for … reasons and generally made it worse.
That said, poor Shmelev got to see the USSR replaced by modern russia. I'll weep for him.
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Too bad they wiped out their industry post-1914. Only took until the 50s to break even.
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Trash bait try harder
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No argument that the Soviet Union needed a strongly centralized command economy to survive and win a genocidal total war. Every capitalist nation in WW2 also reigned in market freedom and implemented varying degrees of central planning. The Soviets could have reintroduced the full range of NEP policies post-war once the immediate threat was over.
Are you a fan of the NEP?
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You're forgetting that they needed to recover from the war's devastation.
Perhaps they could've, but it would've required a world without the Cold War.
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Good point, they certainly didn't have the luxury of the US after the war of things going back to normal with the country even better off economically than before.
With sufficiently capable computing power that we're probably still many years away from, the fundamental problem of central planning (efficient & responsive planning) goes away. Maybe luxury space communism will be achieved, but it sure as heck won't be gay
if it is.
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Also I like fracking and oil refining and developing a use for the leftovers of the refinement process and molding plastics and growing rubber trees, harvesting rubber trees and processing rubber trees and making buttons out of the rubber
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That describes like four people
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I wonder who likes flipping burgers, waiting tables, pumping gas, mowing lawns and hard construction jobs?
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