
NPR CEOx3: ...abandoned a "free and open" internet as the mission of Wikipedia, because those principles recapitulated a "white male Westernized construct"

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When the encyclopedia salesman knocked on my door I asked him what his books had to offer. He said, "Facts, figures, and statistics delivered in an unbiased manner as possible."

I slammed the door right in his fricking face. How dare that white male chud not consider diversity, equity, and keeping dangerous information under wraps.

:marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging:

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Man fedseys gonna need a whole gong when im done posting today

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I have so much work to get done today, too :marseyitsover:

I'll bill it to the BUSSY account :marseynotes:

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I don't want facts, I want things that confirm my bias and if those aren't available outright lies will suffice.

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lol how does one country produce so many white women of this calibre

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This isnt exclusively a white woman problem, but she has spent almost all of her privileged life submerged in the NGO industrial complex and as a result her mind is completely fried from oversocialization.

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Not just NGOs. This is a glowie butt Atlantic Council, State Department, and WEF b-word.

They do this stuff either because they're aliens in skinsuits, or else to mock us

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It's neither. They just want to exert control.

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What a poignant observation.


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NGOs are daycares for the wives of rich dudes

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NGOs are 75% women and 25% gays / :malefeminist:

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Tumblr, when tumblr pushed out porn they all migrated across the web spreading their culture. It's when reddit went to shit, it's when twitter went to shit.

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did you know some of the weirder tumblr ideology was availible and established in (in some cases, pre internet) zines and later in internet mailing lists, BBS, and usegroups

Mostly by academians, and a lot of the old zines you can find about otherkin, lycanthropy, therianism-- have overly academic language. To the point of comedy.

There's a reason this mf was mad at universities: :marseyunibombersaint:

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tumblr ideology was developed in the early 1900s.

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Although reddit did go further to shit after that, it went to shit long before as well.

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Repeal the 14th

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Forced to promote an equal number of women and men through ever single meritocracy gate, regardless of the actual distribution of capability between these two groups. Consequently these foids basically get a golden ticket forward.

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Wikipedia privileges societies with written traditions

Source: my grandma said it


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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>A written encyclopedia prividges written sources

Why could this be? :marseyfoidretard:

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Is this the shtick where we're supposed to fully believe tribal oral histories?

Did these r-slurs never play a game of "telephone" growing up?

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Of course they did. Removing objectivity is literally the point - if there's no written record, you cannot dispute their assertions.

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The only societies left without written traditions are still living in the jungle, what the frick is she talking about

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Oh look, women, once again, ruining things. Must be a day ending in -y :marseypipe:

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Progressive white women moment

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You mean 'progressive'

She's white, she's rich and she lives in states

If we are blaming whites then she is a part of the problem and should unironically resign.

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So she's Progressive

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Westerners: your enemy, eternal

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There really was one b-word responsible for ruining npr for me

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Man, I guess white male Westernized constructs are the best ones after all

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This person talks like a rightoid parody but she's just an average establishment liberal in current year+9 :marseyitneverbegan:

Remember: she and her colleagues are your superiors and disagreeing with her assertions is insurrectionist malinformation spreading. :marseynails:

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Siding against the elites has never been so easy, but siding with the subhumans makes it hard

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>"did not end up living into the intentionality of what openness can be.

She doesn't know what those words mean.


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It's like a con artist jabbering a mile a minute to sound smart to normies. Wait, that's because it is. Lol

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Is she really arguing that needing written sources for claims on Wikipedia is problematic? Fricking based. I wonder how the "source?" redditors are gonna take this.


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We'll be fine, we learned it's not acceptable to cite Wikipedia 20 years ago

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This is insane lol I can't believe this is real

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White women, once again, curing my racism.

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Show me an r-slured negro and I will show you a broken home. Show me an r-slured white woman and I will put up my hands and shrug.

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It's all just power games for these psychos.

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If you could frick with people all day for the lols wouldn't you?

It's like a contest of who can say the most Globo homo shit

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Another day, another reason to despise the female subhuman :marseyembrace:

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If the word 'ladygarden' didn't exist, we would need to invent it to describe this ladygarden.

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She's not really :marseythinkorino2: saying anything :marseycoleporter: here. Maybe the full clip has a better :marseygenetakovic: representation of her overall point :marseynoyoufellowpedo: but I will not be looking :marseyoperasmug: for it.

“Free and open” doesn't have anything :marseycoleporter: to do with how an online :marseyidio3: encyclopedia is organized. An online :marseyidio3: encyclopedia could be based :marseygem: around old wives tales and “things my great :marseyobamadope: grand pappy used to say” . And that encyclopedia could be "free and open". Anyone could add in any sort of neat ancestral knowledge :marseyreading2: that they thought :marseymindblown: would :marseymid: help folx. But thats not how Wikipedia was setup.

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But she's white, and I mean extra white?

White western women are not a part of the oppressed.

How about she unironically give up her CEO job to a minority.

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Women are a minority chud

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"In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant."



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why can't these people just let me enjoy things?

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The things you enjoy are racist and sexist

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This was just like sopranos, when Christopher sat on the dog and killed it while methed out


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Lads she's literally a glowie using minimum effort progressive speak to force her glowie agenda

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