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Shooter identified as 20-year-old Pennsylvanian named Thomas Matthew Crooks


The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.

Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh.

Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.

The Post sometimes has inaccurate info but they also post real info before other people do. NBC has the shooter's demographic info (which matches), just no name.

If this guy has ANY online presence it's about to get purged, so get hunting r-slurs

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!commenters !chuds

As usual the Post was 2 hours early :marseysonic:

NBC confirms shooter's identity. Confirms both that he is a registered Republican and that he also donated to a Democratic campaign in 2021.


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I'm going :marseysal3: to haphazard a guess :marseyshrug: that he was not on the side of the person :marseychonkerfoid: he shot at.

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Well yes, but if he was (for example) a wignat who thought Trump was an agent of the international Jewish cabal, that's going to reflect worse on chuds than on shitlibs

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That's a dude from California r-slur


I suggest suicide by cop because you seem too b-word-made to do it yourself

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NBC is a republican outlet?

Holy shit he donated in 2021 you mong LOL, you searched only from 2023-2024 !chuds what a dumbass



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Whatever you're trying to point out was removed from the article. That's literally not him, his name is Thomas Matthew. First you claim his name isn't verified and immediately after it gets verified then you claim he donated because NBC said so and NBC retracts their statement. You should try claiming you're an r-slur.

:marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:

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NYT is still reporting it hours later: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/14/us/politics/trump-gunman-thomas-crooks.html (Archive)


FED Record

doesnt change the fact that you were searching for the wrong time period lol

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It also doesn't change the fact that he's a registered republican and your only cope is a completely unverifiable donation that ActBlue wouldn't even process in the first. Reminder that the new cope is that it's a different dude so you should update your programming.

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did i ever deny he was a registered repub lol

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So what are you even arguing about. Why bother with all this copium that it's not him, his identity is unverified, and he was making fraudulent donations if you think he's a republican.

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Itd be equally funny if it was warring chud factions but I know this election Haleys team pushed for Democrats to switch registrations to vote Drumpfhf out in the primary

https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/01/20/democrats-nikki-haley-primary-votes-00136418 might be an explanation? Or just a real radical centrist

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Funniest outcome would be if he was an unironic Haley stan and neocon

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>Tell Blumph it was me. I want him to know it was me

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Confirms both that he is a registered Republican

No it didn't lol. It said he lived in a place where there was a registered republican. You should take your own advice and wait :marseydisagree:.

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Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican

This is what the article says. It is a RELIABLE SOURCE, chud.

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That definitely settles it. Soys always live alone in basements

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Radical centrist shooter would be funny, but most likely outcome is that the journos are just as stupid as redditors and none of the information from any of these reports is even remotely reliable.

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A radical centrist :marseyshook:

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registered Republican and that he also donated to a Democratic campaign in 2021.

!neolibs a Lincoln Project assassin then

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>someone born in 2004 can now try to assassinate a president

:#marseyzoomerimplosion: !zoomers

Edit: I made this lol: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209312827823803.webp

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Old neighbors banding together to defeat the zmenace.


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Some nice memes coming up.

!carlos great day for us.

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Now is your chance to shoot too.


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Crawl your way into her dms like the shooter did up the side of the fairground roof

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Man I miss having a pet. I need to go buy a dog

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is rdrama non american enough for these people to understand football memes?

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Well this is yuro hours. There are at least a few yuros here :marseyshrug:.

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Omg, this is perfection

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2004 neighbors are 20


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Modern political assassins weren't even conscious during Dubya or the Iraq War :marseybush:

Holy shit I'm actually old :bidenshocked:

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:marseysweating: he doesn't remember where he was on 9/11

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this guy was 12 when trump first became president :marseydeadinside:

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Hey that's funny

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Ok but how do we make this about trans genocide?



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This is apparently not the shooter but someone named jewgazing on X (formerly Twitter) :marseyx:

He pretended to be the shooter like a true dramanaut :marseywholesome:

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We did it Twitter! We accused some random :marseytrain2:!

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and rdrama fell for it

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he's a 100gecschad


https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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What movie poster is that? We can draw conclusions from it

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Lol is xhe an animetard?


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!anime a weebshitter has now tried to assassinate a presidential candidate in the US.


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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru


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A single weeb did more to take actual action than every insufferable commie redditor combined. Imagine the absolute shame.

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so it was a p-do

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Possibly this one? https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209304817434547.webp

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Right movie, but I think it's this one. Matches up better with the texture on the left and the alignment of words at the bottom.


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Nice good find

It's a Korean movie + the anime supports my vote on him being (part) Asian which got stolen in the FAKE bet thread

Ppl on Twitter said someone in the crowd said hes Asian too.

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@Shreddedmanlet confirmed shooter

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Hapa violence strikes again

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White last name. If it this turns out to be a ricecel hapa from a wmaf relationship, I'm going to loose my shit laughing.


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I think you're right. I haven't seen this film. Wikipedia suggests it has some kind of human trafficking plot. Possibly schizobait material?

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Hm I wanna say it's a :marseytrain: because that would be funny but the hair doesn't look tangled enough to be MTF. Maybe they discovered conditioner recently though

Edit: oh apparently this is @jewgazing on Twitter lol

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Which rdrama user do you guys think he was?

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>Which rdrama user do you guys think he was?

Who hasn't posted since being shot in the head?

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been saying for years that shit is demonic


:derp: Shadilay frens! Today I, a 40 year old christian conservative, will venerate amphibious chaos demons because I trust in the the power of epic 4chan memes. Libtards are mad! Praise kek!


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It would appear this isn't actually the shooter, and we've been Sam Hyde'd. Oh well, it was a fun fifteen minutes or so.

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is he mewing

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Holy Roman Emperor based on that jawline

edit LMAO guy on the left is just some other guy who looks like the shooter



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The sign of either an r-slur or a physics PhD

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Nooo they shot him? I wanted to hear tds schizo ramblings in court :marseysad:

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The spirit of the Habsburgs lives on!

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I hope he had s*x, the incel community can not handle another bomb right now.


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Based off his appearance, unlikely

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This neighbors got nothing else but getting mad at politics

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What no snizz does to a mf

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There's still time


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The 8-Ball Says: Most likely.

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Someone think of the incels

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we'll survive :marseydetermined:

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Any insights on the shooter's motivations? This is a very important information for wingcucks !nooticers

Also, where is @kaamrev? Is he asleep?

All this drama unfolding and he's missing :#marseyinvestigate:

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I hypnotized him into doing this.

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another Jewish :marseyshapiro: psyop

This is getting old

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ur next

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He's gonna make you kill Ivanka

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(eu fiz isso :marseypainter:)

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:#marseyawardretard: here because ive seen you post this shit like 10 times now

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Twitter is saying he's a registered Republican

His shirt is a reference to some YouTube gun channel

Could be rightoid psycho or apolitical schizo. Targeting Trump would mean a presumption of shitlibbery, but I'm sure he has haters all across the spectrum

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Could it be possible he was trying to "blend in" the rightoid crowd with that shirt? It would have been funnier if he had a MAGA hat

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neighbor looks like he was born from a spawning pool in the most racist trailer park in America. He doesn't have to try and blend in.

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Man if the guy who nearly killed Trump is a republican thats a massive L for libtards, considering how much they seethed about him in the last 8 years.

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Yeahhh it's the libtards who are taking the L for missing 8 times while targeting your own party leader

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Yeah, because they never even tried despite their constant raging. Thats kinda my point. Not saying its a win for republicans lol. Probably only a win for trump himself.

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This is NYT editorial level analysis

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Thanks :marseythumbsup:

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Not a compliment lol

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Factcheck: wrong.

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Yeah man I'd feel so owned knowing that despite the left being r-slurred, none of us were as r-slurred as the right. That would really make me sad.

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No more than 2 of you*

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2 leftoids tried to assassinate Trump? When? In your wet dream where you dove in front of daddy to protect him?

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But yes, the two previous attempted political assassinations in america were leftoids

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How is this about being rslurred? Its about taking action, even if rslurred action.

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You should take the action of killing yourself, would be very based and would own my libtard butt.

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>unironically seething


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He got a call on his phone, said he had been "activated"

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The Bogdanoffs are dead though

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Factcheck: This claim is a gross exageration of reality.

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Body switching.

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Those guys wrote their brains to the blockchain.

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aint that just one of your alts?

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Well a rightoid was shot so the motive will be "unclear" until after the election

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