All for him being arrested...but a fricking holocaust memorial ceremony is neither the time nor place to do it.
This isn't about Israel vs Palestine or whatever grievances anyone has with Netanyahu or Israel. This is about remembrance for all those killed in the Holocaust.
This started a VERY long argument
Inviting a war criminal to celebrate ending the holocaust smells like hypocrisy, doesn't it?
Imagine thinking that classy and any eastern european country go together in any sentence. Or that any country here cares about war crimes
You either stick to your guns regardless of the consequences or admit that you won't arrest him from the start, anything else is embarrassing
All these useless organisations are huge drama mines
America will bend them over if they pull a stunt like that. I hope they do it
Mongolia set precedent (with good reason) by not arresting Putin. Now, Poland follow suit.
Should Mongolia have just been invaded for that? Can you elaborate how they'd get Putin out of the country?
Cause the West clearly won't do shit whenever Russia invades someone.
We can always blame Putin for this
Is a citizen's arrest legal in Poland?
Imagine the shitstorm if it happened, lol.
Antisemitism, Poland at it again, blah blah.
Yeah, I was thinking about all the consequences and thought this is worth asking if its a possible scenario.
I hope someone is stupid enough to try this
All bark, no bite smh
Mongolia and South Africa already set that example with Putin.
It only counts when mayos do it
I wasn't much in loop but from what I know only PIS was against that arrest at the beginning (President sent request to government to protect Natanyahu). Most pro current government voters were in favor of arresting Natanyahu.
Idk what truly influenced this decision but it may have to do with Trump. 95% of Poles love USA and Polish government is super pro USA. So fearing Trump's reaction to arrest, international affair, internal chaos, the government capitulated despite voters wanting otherwise.
Why would it be about Trump and not the US's dogged support for Israel since 1948? Poland is bowing to US hegemony, not Trump.
Why the frick did Poland even promised to arrest Bibi in the first place? They even did this after Trump was elected, it's not like they didn't know who would become president and what his stances on Israel were. Slavs
Ugh, like who cares?
Why the abrupt change of heart, though? Most EU countries, including Poland, were adamant they would arrest Netanyahu should he decide to visit:,International,-European%20Union%3A%20Foreign
It looks like Poland got a good telling off from Uncle Sam and mended their ways.... Also, Israel may be a US ally, but it's been terribly unfair towards Poland over the years and it's not Poland's ally, it's anything but.
Fricking based if true
If countries like South Africa won't arrest Putin but instead roll the red carpet. Why should the West be holier than the Pope and arrest our allies? There is an existential war going on between the democracies and dictatorships and we never should bow for the dictators.
You're fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of the conflict. It's not say "democracy in Europe/America versus non-western dictatorship". It's a conflict of ideas between liberal-democracy and autocracy/authoritarianism and this is happening inter-state and intra-state. Donald Trump is in many ways aligned with the values of Putin more than he is with the values of liberal democracy. Likewise Orban in Hungary or Netanyahu in Israel despite their countries being liberal-democracies and historical allies.
Putin doesn't hate the UK or USA, he's at war with liberalism. So he's at war with us and the only way he won't be is if we are no longer a liberal-democracy (which is the direction of travel under Trump).
It's obviously messy as you can have players blurring the lines depending on the context and their own self interests.
Someone replied to this with another
and more people reacted but I didn't read any comment here so I'm not sure what they're debating
Probably some soy shit
Horrible move, imagine all the cool videos we would have gotten if Israel nuked Poland
The frickin irony of this guy visiting a concentration camp while running one
Too many r-slurs on the internet don't seem to know what a concentration camp or a holocaust is. Just killing lots of people wasn't the shocking part of Nazi Germany
Comic relief
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Hey boss I put in, "should Poland arrest the leader of the Jews if he visit a concentration camp" to the AI assistant and got back some interesting results
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even if the holocaust did happen, wasn't it like 100 years ago or something?
get over it
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I wonder if journos were like this about Napoleon a 100 years ago as well.
Will they ever let the dead horse rest?
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they were FYI
until hitler came along, napoleon was everyone's hitler (except the french obv)
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Makes sense, kiekergaard was journopilled 200 years ago, some things never change.
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These are fighting words for poles, they victimize themselves just as much as jews do
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!kurwa awwww did somebody lose a war?
did the big meanies at the schutzstaffel fortnite dance over your ancestors' corpses?

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9/11 was like 5 years ago or something why did people EVER care
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A Jew and a Pole meet, who cries for reparations
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Dunno, but Germany will foot the bill regardless
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Jew gets them and we steal them.
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The DEI hire BIPOC.
Jewish lives matter.
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"war crimes" aren't even a real thing
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They're getting so close to wooden door-posting

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It must be tough going through your first realization that the world works on power
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Kill ALL subhuman muslims of Gaza
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Looks like there is a lot of people in that thread who need Holocaust sensitivity training
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What was the good reason?
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They are sandwiched between Russia and China and would have probably been spitroasted if they dared to arrest Putin
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Mongols really like Russia because Russia created their country as a buffer with China. Also built it up (for really no good reason besides ethical). During the Cold War the leader of Mongolia even asked to join the USSR
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Imagine thinking Poland gives a shit about either Mongolia or the ICC
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This is Poland being absolute cucks despite their thinking skinned national pride, the
have insulted the Poles dozens of times in the last decade .
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What's your take?
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Foreign minister said we would , our president and prime minister are just Zion slaves like everyone
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This seems to be actually good political play by
You can't say you're gonna arrest Bibi with Donald soon to be president, so Donald really had his hands tied after Andrzej raised the topic.
While since
refugee affair during
, Donald and his party kept saying international arrest warrants are heckin' cute and valid and should be respected in all cases. So now Donald and friends have to argue over it/ seem hypocritical and backtracking.
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The opposite too. Tusk could've done a masterful gambit and rejected Duda's pleas anyways but he wasted his chance. Most people in Poland really dislike Israel, no matter if rightoid or leftoid or centroid. So such an action would be a good way to convince undecided moderate rightoids
But ig they gotta bow down to their jewish chad overlords
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I saw
and wanted to post about it but was hoerohlyphed and forgot
The (((long nose))) cucks every possible country. Curious how this is the only thing they can be united for
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@WeihnachtenSalvador said it would have been far too "brutal" if they tried.
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They should surprise arrest him if he visits, that would create maximum lulz
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"Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks."
Snapshots: (click to archive)
Yeah totally makes sense let's give him a pass on bombing kids because remembering wars crimes is more important than stopping them.: (click to archive)
Poland being classy and not wanting to turn a deeply personal event for many into a debacle that would take away from its meaning? Nice. Looks like people here are big mad though.: (click to archive)
ICC is a fricking joke and now so is Poland.: (click to archive)
Kitties. Just disband the ICC if no one is going to obey it: (click to archive)
What if Poland is playing 3d chess? Netanyahu would've never attended if Poland confirmed he'd be arrested.: (click to archive)
Please Poland, do a bait and switch!: (click to archive)
Mongolia set precedent (with good reason) by not arresting Putin. Now, Poland follow suit.: (click to archive)
Edit: I didnt make any statement to disagree with, but thanks for the downmarseys. I just thought Its worth asking. Apparently I made a huge mistake. Please forgive me Reddit Police.: (click to archive)
Cowards: (click to archive)
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