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Venezuelan Elections Results thread :marseyflagvenezuela: :marseyhappening: :marseyhope:


!latinx !neolibs !anticommunists I'm linking an Argentine site owned by jews (infobae). It's too early to call, but it appears Maduro and the commies got BTFO. Will the commies concede? That's a whole different matter.

Here's /r/vzla :#marseyhope:


Any venezuelan dramatards?

Edit: looks like the government is not allowing the opposition to enter the National Electoral Council headquarters (the organization in charge of Nationwide counting and validation). :#marseydepressed:

Edit 2: Commies "won". Stop the steal when?

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!anticommunists :#marseyitsover: :#marseypikachu2:

The CNE is saying Maduro won, well that wasn't unexpected


Also, Jimmy Carter is fricking cute twink and he's still long in the dying. His foundation was the one who claimed Venezuela's electoral system was among the safest and trustworthiest in the world.

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Not surprising. Jimmy Carter is a massive piece of shit that has done more to damage America and democracy in general than any other person in our history. I would say I'll be happy when he's dead but honestly I don't think even that could help me make peace with that America hating peepeesucker having somehow ever been voted into office. Him supporting communists is entirely within his character.

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My mother will never forgive him (and Nixon) for abandoning the Republic of China, and recognized the filthy commies. :shakefist:

Was he really a commie sympathizer, or just a naive Western man that got wooed by the sweet sweet lies of "deescalation"?

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Terrible president, but I forgive him for it because of all those worms he killed.

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he seems like naive leftoid who believes every geopolitical conflict can be solved by singing kumbaya. but with politicians it's difficult to know what they really think.

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With the amount of evil he's supported I would have a hard time believing he's anything other than an America hating communist

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What did he do that was so bad?


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He abandoned virtually every country under threat of communists to their fate and in many cases supported their overthrow. He supported enemies and waged proxy war on friends. A worse man to have in your corner could not be imagined. Most of Africa and Iran still haven't recovered from the damage he caused to the world. But of course he hated America so journ*lists and libshits absolutely love him. Virtually any article you read about him will refer to how 'misunderstood' his presidency was.

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I appreciate the info, but none of those are specific examples, just opinion. So I can't judge most. The closest I can guess is his failing to support the Shah during the revolution, which was a darn big mistake in retrospect.

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Angola, Ethiopia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Mozambique, and Taiwan were all abandoned by Jimmy Carter as much as he was able

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Three :marseyexeggcutor: of those were highly functional first :marseywinner: world :marseyww1russian1: countries. The rest meh

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Worst thing was he let America get bussy blasted by hippy response to Three Mile Island even though he knew it was NBD, ending construction of nuclear power for the next 40 years.

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I found this article.. It reports that in 2021, the Carter Center found that the Venezuela election was rigged.

The Carter Center last oversaw regional Venezuela elections in 2021, after which it found evidence of political interference at the electoral council and concluded the vote didn't meet basic international standards for democratic elections.

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It was a report from the Chavez era which commies keep bringing up as some "gotcha"

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Maduro e Lula


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Venezuela and Brazil really are the same country :#marseyflagbrazil: :#marseysmug2: :#marseymutt:

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I'm not a brazilian, but I live in the south of Brazil, I guess that makes me a South American :#marseynorf:

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I'm not a brazilian, but I live in the south of Brazil

!macacos alguém deveria matar esse gringo

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Não, você não deve matar o gringo. Ele não tem a culpa disso -

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I'm only here to make your country great again. :marseyflagargentina:

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southern brazil probably better than europe at this point

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>southern brazil probably better than europe at this point

:#brazilmutttalking: !macacos

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Só li verdades @TR @BrasilIguana


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É verdade


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>southern brazil probably better than europe at this point

... I mean I'm just here because I'm an adventurous dramanaut :#marseybow: :#marseysaint:

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We got Argentina back and that matters more than some shithole at the bottom of the barrel


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But Argentina is more towards the bottom (of the planet)

:#marseypenguin: :#marseyflagantarctica:

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