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Venezuelan Elections Results thread :marseyflagvenezuela: :marseyhappening: :marseyhope:


!latinx !neolibs !anticommunists I'm linking an Argentine site owned by jews (infobae). It's too early to call, but it appears Maduro and the commies got BTFO. Will the commies concede? That's a whole different matter.

Here's /r/vzla :#marseyhope:


Any venezuelan dramatards?

Edit: looks like the government is not allowing the opposition to enter the National Electoral Council headquarters (the organization in charge of Nationwide counting and validation). :#marseydepressed:

Edit 2: Commies "won". Stop the steal when?

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!latinx Based Milei statement


!anticommunists translating


>The venezuelans chose to end Nicolas Maduro's communist dictatorship. Data shows a crushing victory by the opposition and the world awaits that he will acknowledge defeat after years of socialism, misery, decay and death.

>Argentina will not recognize another fraud, and hopes this time the Armed Forces shall defend democracy and the people's will.

>Freedom Advances in Latin America.


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Any chance Argentina can invade Vuvuzella?

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Bum fight! :!marseysoypoint:

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Please :marseybeanpleading: that would :marseymid: be so fricking :marseytom: funny :marseythissmall:

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Neighbor, I beg of you, google a map

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Neighbor, I beg of you, google :marseygetgle: a map

That's unamerican!

!burgers don't know where :marseydrama: you are on a map but we will invade you


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They're both in south america. If bongs managed to hold off Falklands half a world away then Argentinians can attempt a naval invasion of Venezuela

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Thats why they wont try it, last time they did they lost to someone on the other side of the ocean and in the other half of the world

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Not a chance, Brazil is the only one with an army, geography and manpower but it won't happen either

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Love capitalism

Love freedom

Love Jews

Hate commies

Simple as


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This guy and his energy, wow.

Really hard not to like him at least a little bit.

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Really hard not to like him a lotta bit

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Holy mother of kino that Marsey! :#marseymilei:

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If only if Milei can personally travel to Caracas and chop up Maduro with a chainsaw all by himself :marseysigh:

(relax FBI, I'm just playin' :wink:)

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God I hate stupidpolers

!anticommunists kill stupidpolers, behead stupidpolers, kick a baby stupidpoler on the head…

Total Stupidpoler death


The "socially conservative/fiscally left" turds are not the "BASED and TRAD" allies, they're just marxoid anti-western scum who should get an helicopter ride.

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This is a surprisingly good and educated comment. Honestly surprised to see this in stupidpol https://old.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1eec2lb/psa_if_you_are_not_acquainted_with_the_politics/lfd2axc/?context=8

Mind you, I hate Maduro and would love to see him go but risking shock therapy of the economy at this point with multinationals and the US coming in to pillage the country and its oil isn't exactly ideal either. Honestly, it's best for Venezuela to stay the course while slowly stabilizing and diversifying its economy and achieving steady growth. The reforms will come with time and so will prosperity.

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>Nooo not the shock therapy that would destroy the country

!anticommunists come laugh at commie r-slurs


You see that bump on the right, Venezuela just went from its 1944 gdp levels to (almost) 1945 gdp levels, no need to change course now


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Imagine if venezuela was changed to be a bit more like the US. People would be fleeing the country en masse :marseyclueless:

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>This is a surprisingly good and educated comment. Honestly surprised to see this in stupidpol

>comment is commie delusion

I won't even bother answering because it's too much of a load of shit, "social progress" lmao. The Chavistas wrecked Venezuela's economy but now they're totally going to reform it, they're the salvation to the problem they created, then there's the "multinationals" bullshit as if Chavez was the one to nationalize the oil when PDVSA became a fully state owned company in the 70s. The comment also talks about "regional integration", so much for that lol, after today most of the continent will break ties with Venezuela, Brazil won't because Lula is a commie peepeesucker but there will be a lot of pressuring for him to at least give them some sort of cold shoulder in other ways.


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We'll see. I think with BRICS integration Venezuela will bounce back.

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Meme geopolitical "block"

Even so I wouldn't count of the "B", Brazil hasn't recognized Maduro's election yet. In fact Brazil's relations with Venezuela in the past few months have been very poor, either because of the electoral process (rejection of Brazilian observers) as the Esequibo conflict, the only reason Brazil hasn't severed ties is because Lula is extremely insistent on keeping them, but even so there's too much internal pressure now for him to stay quiet. There's no guarantee Lula will remain President after 2026 either.

As for the "bounce back", so far it's been a dead cat bounce as Venezuela has basically dollarized their entire economy, coupled by some privatizations, and contrary to what leftoids believe, the second largest oil buyer from Venezuela is the US :marseyclown2:

To diversify and bounce back they need investors. Right now no one with a sane mind would place their money there, businesses are not charities, do you think Brazilian companies would risk that?

!anticommunists Chavismo will fall eventually, not now because of some miracle but simply because every single authoritarian regime collapses, either because it democratizes or because it gets replaced by another authoritarian regime. It won't happen in the short-term because the system is simply too stable. The have the backup of the military and the police, total control over electoral institutions and let's be honest, the international community is all just thoughts and prayers. Ironic and frightening how durable regimes ruling over scrap and filth can be.

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Aren't like half of BRICS members openly hostile to each other, then the other half are not so openly hostile ? Lol

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The thing with BRICS is that it is not an economic block, or a military alliance, or anything really except for a summit group with some vague ideals of future economic integration.

There has been an approaching between India and China recently, but will it last? Lula is China/Russia friendly, but what about the next government?

Without actual treaties binding those countries, for now it's all just talk.

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>Chavismo will fall eventually, not now because of some miracle but simply because every single authoritarian regime collapses, either because it democratizes or because it gets replaced by another authoritarian regime. It won't happen in the short-term because the system is simply too stable. The have the backup of the military and the police, total control over electoral institutions and let's be honest, the international community is all just thoughts and prayers. Ironic and frightening how durable regimes ruling over scrap and filth can be.

That is true. Still, you're underestimating BRICS as an economic block and its potential. The Chinese are very interested in a stable and prosperous Venezuela and besides the enormous amount of credit China has already provided over the years, investments are also coming in lately to different sectors like energy, tech, communication, aviation, tourism, education etc.. Now, in the past quite a few of these investments didn't come to fruition, or were left incomplete, because of sheer Chavista incompetence but the ship has been slowly turning around lately.

There might be short term condemnation and even cessation of relations between countries because of the election results but it will pass and cool down. I'm unironically hopeful for Venezuela even with all the shit the Chavistas have done and their corruption. Hopefully as the economic situation stabilizes the Chavistas can use one of their two neurons to start carrying out meaningful, progressive reforms and don't fall into the same trappings of the past with the overreliance on oil. But then again, we're talking about Chavistas :marseypaintretard:

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BRICS integration Venezuela will bounce back


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Investment without the prerequisite of selling off the whole country from under their feet. China has poured lots of money in the past in Venezuela, and lately as well, and while it cooled off during the mid 2010s because of the economic crisis, it's coming back strong. In fact, China elevated Venezuela to one of the highest status of diplomatic and economic relations just last year.

BRICS is a different economic block that can allow Venezuela to sidestep American sanctions and their pressure on the economy. The economic situation is stabilizing, even if slowly, and with greater integration into the BRICS block you'll start to see higher growth and cooling inflation.

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cold shower

Cold shoulder. "Cold shower" refers to taking a cold shower to stop being horny

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Thank you, corrected.

In Portuguese we say "balde de água fria" or "bucket of cold water", I think I misread and mixed both expressions into one.

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bucket of cold water

Interesting. "A bucket of cold water" in English means to face reality, like throwing a bucket of cold water on someone who is dreaming

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Means the same in portuguese, I just checked the exact meaning of "cold shoulder" and it doesn't mean exactly what I wanted to say lol, but it still kind of works.

I wanted to say that Maduro is deluded believing Brazil will pretend everything is fine and they're about to get their bucket of cold water.

So many years of listening, writing and reading in English and I'm still learning new stuff and correcting other stuff I got wrong. I guess language learning never ends.

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Literally 1945

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>Things are already bad, let's make them even worse by increasing poverty, inequality and privatizing everything. That will surely fix the systematic issues that led to the economic collapse and will surely not plunge the country into even greater suffering. :marseyclueless:

Austerity and shock therapy don't fricking work and the short term indicators of "line going up" are always contrasted by an enormous increase in poverty, economic inequality and hollowing out of social services. Every single time without fail. It's what's happening in Argentina at the moment, it's what happened in Eastern Europe in the 90s and Europe in the 2010s with the austerity shitshow, and the troglodytes who think plunging the country into greater suffering for the promise of an outside investor class to come and save them is a good idea are gonna be in for a rude awakening.

"And the Weak Suffer What They Must?"

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BIPOC short term indicator was line going down. Balcerowicz stopped being minister of finance in 1991, which is when blue line dips the most. But with economy now being free market based and inefficient factories bankrupt, Poland could start growing East Asian fast and eclipse all of Latin America within just one generation.


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it's what happened in Eastern Europe in the 90s

Yes, it wasn't the r-slurred policies coming home to roost, it was the wests fault. Had they not implemented it, they could be as prosperous as North Korea today. :marseycomradecry:

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Shush cigány scum

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Why have 1-2 years of sharp economic pain followed by major growth when you can have 1-2 decades of almost as much pain and no growth?

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Austerity and shock therapy has quite literally never led to major growth, that's the problem. It only makes things worse.

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Look at graph I posted again

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It's useless. Funny how they bring up "austerity and shock therapy" in Eastern Europe. Poland is doing well nowadays for instance.

Argentina is another shitty example, to spend like crazy and continue to believe it's possible to maintain it forever.

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Ah Poland, the country which kickstarted the whole shock therapy craze. The early 90s were such a wonderful time for Poland what with the record breaking unemployment, sky high inflation, opioid and alcohol crisis, rock bottom standard of living and general misery. The 90s real "growth" fueled by shock therapy barely covered the decrease felt between 89 and 93 and it was only after Poland started integrating into the Eurozone that they started seeing "actual" growth. Even by the time Poland joined the EU its society was, and still is, reeling from the neoliberal reforms of the early 90s. Interesting how becoming a welfare queen of the biggest economic block in the world led to economic growth :marseypaintretard:

Read "The Shock Doctrine" chud

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Ah more lefty :#marseylongpost:

He should bring it up at the next theory meeting to be considered for the next 5yr plan. Just needs a slogan so the Politburo can convince the people that things are changing and getting better.

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I wish venezuelan refugees would brutally murder stupidpolers :marseycryinglaptop:

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Sounds like you want the Pinochet treatment.

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Helicopter rides

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I support Stupidpol.

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>be Stalin

>kill more Ukrainians than Putin ever did or will do

>kill more Slavs than Hitler ever did

>kill more Germans than Romans, Britons and French combined

>kill Polish intellectuals because who tf can listen to poetry let alone polish poetry

>kill more muslims (Chechen, still counts) than US and Israel combined

>make more concentration camps than Hitler

>lock Mao in a room to study his chink poop


Somehow still, both chuds and commies have a problem with him :mars#eypikachu2:

!dramatards I love :#marseystalin: becauACK (gets stabbed with an ice pick anyway)

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Stalin was around longer than Hitler so he would have a bigger body count.

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>here we're all marxists

the one naive r-slur who actually believes things written on the can

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>Here we're all marxists

>Faces wall with all the wrong marxists

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Ahaha, I saw like 3 or 4 Venezuelans cars decorated with white paint saying shit about Maduro's mother in Spanish today, they're really happy (i've never seen that much modelo and liquor purchased by so stout of a south american). I can't blame them, Hugo was a cute twink too.

Denver area

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Oh how they love to cope

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!anticommunists :#marseyitsover: :#marseypikachu2:

The CNE is saying Maduro won, well that wasn't unexpected


Also, Jimmy Carter is fricking cute twink and he's still long in the dying. His foundation was the one who claimed Venezuela's electoral system was among the safest and trustworthiest in the world.

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Not surprising. Jimmy Carter is a massive piece of shit that has done more to damage America and democracy in general than any other person in our history. I would say I'll be happy when he's dead but honestly I don't think even that could help me make peace with that America hating peepeesucker having somehow ever been voted into office. Him supporting communists is entirely within his character.

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My mother will never forgive him (and Nixon) for abandoning the Republic of China, and recognized the filthy commies. :shakefist:

Was he really a commie sympathizer, or just a naive Western man that got wooed by the sweet sweet lies of "deescalation"?

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he seems like naive leftoid who believes every geopolitical conflict can be solved by singing kumbaya. but with politicians it's difficult to know what they really think.

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With the amount of evil he's supported I would have a hard time believing he's anything other than an America hating communist

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Terrible president, but I forgive him for it because of all those worms he killed.

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What did he do that was so bad?


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He abandoned virtually every country under threat of communists to their fate and in many cases supported their overthrow. He supported enemies and waged proxy war on friends. A worse man to have in your corner could not be imagined. Most of Africa and Iran still haven't recovered from the damage he caused to the world. But of course he hated America so journ*lists and libshits absolutely love him. Virtually any article you read about him will refer to how 'misunderstood' his presidency was.

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I appreciate the info, but none of those are specific examples, just opinion. So I can't judge most. The closest I can guess is his failing to support the Shah during the revolution, which was a darn big mistake in retrospect.

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Angola, Ethiopia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Mozambique, and Taiwan were all abandoned by Jimmy Carter as much as he was able

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Three :marseyexeggcutor: of those were highly functional first :marseywinner: world :marseyww1russian1: countries. The rest meh

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Worst thing was he let America get bussy blasted by hippy response to Three Mile Island even though he knew it was NBD, ending construction of nuclear power for the next 40 years.

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I found this article.. It reports that in 2021, the Carter Center found that the Venezuela election was rigged.

The Carter Center last oversaw regional Venezuela elections in 2021, after which it found evidence of political interference at the electoral council and concluded the vote didn't meet basic international standards for democratic elections.

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It was a report from the Chavez era which commies keep bringing up as some "gotcha"

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Maduro e Lula


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Venezuela and Brazil really are the same country :#marseyflagbrazil: :#marseysmug2: :#marseymutt:

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I'm not a brazilian, but I live in the south of Brazil, I guess that makes me a South American :#marseynorf:

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I'm not a brazilian, but I live in the south of Brazil

!macacos alguém deveria matar esse gringo

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Não, você não deve matar o gringo. Ele não tem a culpa disso -

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I'm only here to make your country great again. :marseyflagargentina:

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southern brazil probably better than europe at this point

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>southern brazil probably better than europe at this point

:#brazilmutttalking: !macacos

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Só li verdades @TR @BrasilIguana


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É verdade


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>southern brazil probably better than europe at this point

... I mean I'm just here because I'm an adventurous dramanaut :#marseybow: :#marseysaint:

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We got Argentina back and that matters more than some shithole at the bottom of the barrel


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But Argentina is more towards the bottom (of the planet)

:#marseypenguin: :#marseyflagantarctica:

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idk what this meme means but i think its dunking on commies which is cool :marseythumbsup:

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>Spanish meme

>All words are the same as in English except they add "o" at the end

>can't figure out what it says

!r-slurs one of us

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You think that's bad? I posted this and dramatards needed a translation


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Fricking jar jar binks speaking mfs

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>spanisho memo

>all wordso are the sameo as in English I

>can'to figuro outo whato ito sayso


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Sorry I don't speak Japanese.

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It is pretty wacky how Japanese and Spanish are the same sounds in different orders.


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Only 4 out of the 23 words end in "o", ya dingus. And two of those are a name.

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Google translate will detect and regenerate the image with translated text and poorly edited to compensate for spacing changes. Amazing how far tech has come.


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It's mocking leftoids who support Maduro but live in the US or other developed countries.

:#marseymanysuchcases: but most of the diaspora leftoids live in countries like France, New Zealand, Sweden while the chuds go to the US, at least that's the case with Chilean/Brazilian/Argie diasporacels.

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Face doesn't match, but could be mocking native born American commies

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It's dunking on AMERICAN commies.

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