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Venezuelan Elections Results thread :marseyflagvenezuela: :marseyhappening: :marseyhope:


!latinx !neolibs !anticommunists I'm linking an Argentine site owned by jews (infobae). It's too early to call, but it appears Maduro and the commies got BTFO. Will the commies concede? That's a whole different matter.

Here's /r/vzla :#marseyhope:


Any venezuelan dramatards?

Edit: looks like the government is not allowing the opposition to enter the National Electoral Council headquarters (the organization in charge of Nationwide counting and validation). :#marseydepressed:

Edit 2: Commies "won". Stop the steal when?

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!latinx Based Milei statement


!anticommunists translating


>The venezuelans chose to end Nicolas Maduro's communist dictatorship. Data shows a crushing victory by the opposition and the world awaits that he will acknowledge defeat after years of socialism, misery, decay and death.

>Argentina will not recognize another fraud, and hopes this time the Armed Forces shall defend democracy and the people's will.

>Freedom Advances in Latin America.


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Any chance Argentina can invade Vuvuzella?

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Neighbor, I beg of you, google a map

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Neighbor, I beg of you, google :marseygetgle: a map

That's unamerican!

!burgers don't know where :marseydrama: you are on a map but we will invade you


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They're both in south america. If bongs managed to hold off Falklands half a world away then Argentinians can attempt a naval invasion of Venezuela

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Thats why they wont try it, last time they did they lost to someone on the other side of the ocean and in the other half of the world

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Bum fight! :!marseysoypoint:

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Please :marseybeanpleading: that would :marseymid: be so fricking :marseytom: funny :marseythissmall:

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Not a chance, Brazil is the only one with an army, geography and manpower but it won't happen either

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Love capitalism

Love freedom

Love Jews

Hate commies

Simple as


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This guy and his energy, wow.

Really hard not to like him at least a little bit.

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Really hard not to like him a lotta bit

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Holy mother of kino that Marsey! :#marseymilei:

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If only if Milei can personally travel to Caracas and chop up Maduro with a chainsaw all by himself :marseysigh:

(relax FBI, I'm just playin' :wink:)

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