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Help I need advice figuring out why I am very smart :marseybigbrain: (133+ IQ) but still keep being a real life r-slur.


I took this IQ test for the first time and found out that my IQ is 133. I am supposed to be very high IQ and above 95 percentile in terms of IQ based on the test, and in the very high IQ category.

Yet somehow in my personal life, I display the practical intelligence and survival skills of a complete r-slur and have done nothing noteworthy or even survival worthy in my life.

I would like your help figuring out how come if I am such a gigagenius unironically, then why am I such an r-slur in real life?


Am I simply so smart that it makes it impossible for me to survive in a society made by IQlets for IQlets? Or is it that I am wasting my intelligence away by not using it correctly? Or is it that all IQ tests are wrong? Or maybe intelligence really doesn't matter after 90 IQ and after that it is all about the connections that you have?

Discuss. Help me find the final solution to my limitations. Good luck.

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Apparently like 60% of India isn't even on the internet yet.

So it'll probably drop even further.

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Apparently like 60% of India isn't even on the internet yet.

The future :marseyaware:

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!bharatiya is this true?? Its not its somewhere way too high, every one with a phone has internet

edit, so 920Million have access to internet, population is 1400million, so thats 65%, rest of the population is just children 480m and literal oooooldstrags who dont care. So basically everyone who can be on the internet is already on the internet !commenters

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not really. Middle aged people who use the internet grow up to be old people who use the internet so the numbers can still go higher.

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:marseyconfused2#: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741550809zasKShWro7_Bgg.webp maybe the kids grow up and start using but aren't we on the decline?

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15-64 aged crowd will grow into 65 and above crowd and will thus know how to use the internet in that age group in the future.

0-14 year old crowd will be ipad babies 20 years down the line which will increase the number that use youtube kids and the internet.

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and the current 65 and over crowd will DIE. My point is current TFR is going down below replacement levels which will reduce pop

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There is a delay effect to population decline so population actually declines about 40-50 years after going below replacement.

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!saar we will redeem

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I doubt that's true

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God, what?

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IQ so high that you couldn't even photoshop the finger on top of your "meme" properly 🤣🤣🤣


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Frick you. I laughed.

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Even sexy Indian dude nationalist spam memes are about how badly they got cucked by a small rainy island.

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Society is keeping you down you should rebel against it by sending mail bombs to local politicians.

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I cannot afford mail bombs. Next.

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Use your IQ and learn to make them yourself???

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My high IQ tells me it is a bad idea to bomb politicians

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You got tricked. You're a low IQ r-slur after all. Do not engage with me further.

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I laughed.

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Your IQ is actually 85 if you paid money to see your results after taking that test.

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I didn't pay any money.


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the internet iq test told you that you're a smart boy huh

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I went to the website and these are the tests they offer. Obviously a very real test


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Many of them did.

I am somewhere between 133-145 out of 140 to 150.

Which is why my real life r-sluration is so surprising.

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if you can use the Internet and a computer, your IQ is certainly above 40 points.

Doesn't even account for phone users :marseyfacepalm:

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>2% below 40

tremendously cursed standard deviation :marseychartgaussian:

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Because your IQ is not actually that high, as indicated by every midwit take you defecate onto this site! Hope that helps! ( ꈍ◡ꈍ)

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literally wrong. I checked out less wrong and most of my posts and seriousposts match up with the thoughts of the highest quality writers on that site.

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I checked out less wrong and most of my posts and seriousposts match up with the thoughts of the highest quality writers on that site.

:marseyxd: holy frick man. Im speechless.

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He is in awe of your intellect

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Huh. No surprise there.

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>less wrong

ngmi, this is why you're a midwit (´¬`)

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Less wrong is unironically good as it takes high level concepts and breaks them down to the most simplistic easy to comprehend language possible.

They are the closest thing to influencer-scientists in the writing field which helps make high tier knowledge more accessible to the general public.

There is no point being the smartest person on the planet if you are too neurodivergent to explain your idea to the public.

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Scientism and rationalism are symptoms of the Kali Yuga, and LessWrong is made up their bugmen messiahs, so no ty!! (* ̄3 ̄)╭

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I disagree. Slatestarcodex far better fits your description than less wrong. Less wrong has the feeling of normies trying to reach up or those above trying to reach normies. Slatestarcodex has the feeling of more high tier complex less wrong but everybody in the comments is halfway to smelling their own farts.

( Sniffing own farts - being high handed with a superiority complex acting more important than everybody else or something along those lines. )

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...rationalism, being the denial of every principle superior to reason, brings with it as a "practical" consequence the exclusive use of reason, but of rea­son blinded, so to speak, by the very fact that it has been isolated from the pure and transcendent intellect, of which, normally and legitimately, it can only reflect the light in the individual domain. As soon as it has lost all effective communication with the supra-individual intellect, reason cannot but tend more and more toward the lowest level, toward the inferior pole of existence, plunging ever more deeply into "materiality"; as this tendency grows, it gradually loses hold of the very idea of truth, and arrives at the point of seek­ing no goal other than that of making things as easy as possible for its own limited comprehension, and in this it finds an immediate satisfaction in the very fact that its own downward tendency leads it in the direction of the simplification and uniformization of all things; it submits all the more readily and speedily to this tendency because the results of this submission conform to its desires, and its ever more rapid descent cannot fail to lead at last to what has been called the "reign of quantity".

by Guénon Daddy :marseyheart: LessWrong, SSC, and all the other rats are demons of quantity!!! (ó艸ò)

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its a terribly useless criticism of rationality.

A far better criticism of rationality exists in the fact that humans are a product of evolution and all of our instincts are not rational/ efficiency maximizing oriented, but rather sometimes we feel good when we do useless or even counterproductive things.

In that sense a pure rationalism of utilitarianism fails to be useful to the people after a point due to the fact that reason disconnected from human instinct and behavioral tendencies is a reason made for inhumans and thus useless to the people at large.

Society is by its nature a struggle to encourage the reproduction and development of those whose traits are beneficial to people at large while making reproduction and development harder for the worst traits currently existent in a society.

A pure rationality solves frick all because it gives answers that an irrational via evolutionary tendencies society simply cannot implement and successfully exist happily or content.

Man doesn't want maximum utility. Man desires the maximum satisfaction of his urges without negatively suffered consequences. To a point increasing utility helps with this, but after a certain point it does not as after a certain point utility returns can only be increased by forcing man to do things that are out of sync with his instincts and desire.

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>humans are a product of evolution

Maybe you are, Dravidian, but I'm not! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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no they don't, lesswrong is r-slurred but in a more complicated way than the stuff you write.

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I disagree. Less wrong is a combination of posts across decades studying different concepts of how things might be.

Have you checked their official site or only get the links from the redditors who follow less wrong?

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i wouldn't put much into IQ tests. some groomercord chud challenged me to one (was some online one that was actually weighted to the actual tests, so idk) and I got 144 and he got 95, can't be right tbh,

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Why not?

Isn't the fact that you keep succeeding in life proof that you are smarter than expected?

Generally one has to be smarter than average to rise above the station they are born into.

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there are no high IQ people on r drama

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AkshuLLy some rdrama users are far better at calling/taking Ws.

You wouldn't get it

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I disagree.

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Did you start out pooping on the floor and now remember to flush the terlet🤔

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Are you one of those "gifted kids" who peaked at 10

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This implies that he was ever not at rock bottom.

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>trusts online IQ test


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I got it from a trustworthy site. Try the link if you want to check.

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First sentence:

Raven Matrices is the test of intelligence.


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It's obviously written by some low-IQ ESLcel

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For an effective IQ test it is the contents of the test that matter, less so the abilities of the one who coded the site.

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You misspelled hope.

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I don't really care about your IQ, but I will give you some real advice on how to make your life better. This may seem obvious but in practice I see very few people, even smart people, doing this and I attribute most of my success in life to this mindset. Though I am posting advice to an r-slur on a cyberbulling forum on a Sunday instead of doing literally anything else with my time so your mileage may vary.

There is a key process to making your life into something that is good and you like. First you need to set some goals, this may be easy or hard depending on where you are on Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs. The farther up you go, the more difficult it is to tangible and fulfilling goals. I would recommend taking a first pass without thinking too hard. Try setting like a 5 minute timer and just get goals out on paper. After you do that you need to go back and reflect on those goals and think about why you chose them as goals. This is an oft skipped step and imo is why so many men go through mid life crises. They accomplish a ton of stuff and then they realize that they don't actually care about any of it because they didn't ever really think about why they were pursuing what they were pursuing. Generally, goals that you have to impress other people are bad goals, so try to avoid them.

Next you need to make plans to achieve your goals. I make a ton of plans and usually everything falls apart really fast because predicting how stuff will fallout is really difficult but the planning step is valuable because it gets you thinking about how to achieve what you want so when shit starts to fall apart you can improvise. Some guy once said that "plans are useless, but planning is indispensable" and that is extremely true in my experience. One central part of the plan is you need to be the primary actor for everything. You need to be responsible for your own destiny.

Once you've got your plan you need to start doing things. Doing things often is hard and sucks and makes you feel like an idiot but thems the breaks you have to do stuff. After you've done stuff there is another key step that most people skip because it can be psychicly painful but you need to reflect on what you did and how it relates to you achieving your goal. You need to try to break your actions down into constituent parts and see what's working and what isn't. This is the difference between practicing by repetition and practicing by noticing what you're failing and fixing it.

Anyway that is what I do and I'm pretty happy and live a life that I am proud of and content with. In my experience the people that i know that are smart but stagnant and unhappy are usually that way because they either 1. Aren't examining if their goals align with what they actually want, 2. Aren't actually doing stuff, or 3. Aren't thinking about how their actions are leading them to their goals.

Xoxo, hth.

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good post.

@jackie good advice above.

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138 IQ points out of 145.


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How can I use my autism to increase my capabilities?

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You can't. It's a permanent debuff.

Depending on the flavor of tism, you could lean into it and hope people consider it endearing.

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Could I exercise max my way out of it?

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Getting more attractive will always help.

The structure and discipline will probably help too.

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based. Thank you.

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yes too some degree. Exercise provides proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input which is necessary for the neurodivergent too center themselves and bring them closer too a functioning human being. Trans lives matter

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What is proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input?

Is that why after exercise I feel the confidence and certainty of a normie with nothing to back it up?

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Proprioception is basically you're ability too feel connected too you're own body. You get proprioceptive input through you're muscles. Vestibular is balance. Autism, as far as @KongsburyDonkboy can tell, is an inability too regulate and automatically prioritize sensory information. Neurodivergent self-stimulation "Stimming" develops too address deficits in proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input. Repetitive motor movements give proprioception, rocking and swaying give vestibular. If you address these deficits with exercise, it'll make you more comfortable in you're own skin and probably free up mental space too focus more on detecting and responding too various social cues. trans lives matter

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ah. That makes sense. Thank you. That was helpful.

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