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Help I need advice figuring out why I am very smart :marseybigbrain: (133+ IQ) but still keep being a real life r-slur.


I took this IQ test for the first time and found out that my IQ is 133. I am supposed to be very high IQ and above 95 percentile in terms of IQ based on the test, and in the very high IQ category.

Yet somehow in my personal life, I display the practical intelligence and survival skills of a complete r-slur and have done nothing noteworthy or even survival worthy in my life.

I would like your help figuring out how come if I am such a gigagenius unironically, then why am I such an r-slur in real life?


Am I simply so smart that it makes it impossible for me to survive in a society made by IQlets for IQlets? Or is it that I am wasting my intelligence away by not using it correctly? Or is it that all IQ tests are wrong? Or maybe intelligence really doesn't matter after 90 IQ and after that it is all about the connections that you have?

Discuss. Help me find the final solution to my limitations. Good luck.

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I don't really care about your IQ, but I will give you some real advice on how to make your life better. This may seem obvious but in practice I see very few people, even smart people, doing this and I attribute most of my success in life to this mindset. Though I am posting advice to an r-slur on a cyberbulling forum on a Sunday instead of doing literally anything else with my time so your mileage may vary.

There is a key process to making your life into something that is good and you like. First you need to set some goals, this may be easy or hard depending on where you are on Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs. The farther up you go, the more difficult it is to tangible and fulfilling goals. I would recommend taking a first pass without thinking too hard. Try setting like a 5 minute timer and just get goals out on paper. After you do that you need to go back and reflect on those goals and think about why you chose them as goals. This is an oft skipped step and imo is why so many men go through mid life crises. They accomplish a ton of stuff and then they realize that they don't actually care about any of it because they didn't ever really think about why they were pursuing what they were pursuing. Generally, goals that you have to impress other people are bad goals, so try to avoid them.

Next you need to make plans to achieve your goals. I make a ton of plans and usually everything falls apart really fast because predicting how stuff will fallout is really difficult but the planning step is valuable because it gets you thinking about how to achieve what you want so when shit starts to fall apart you can improvise. Some guy once said that "plans are useless, but planning is indispensable" and that is extremely true in my experience. One central part of the plan is you need to be the primary actor for everything. You need to be responsible for your own destiny.

Once you've got your plan you need to start doing things. Doing things often is hard and sucks and makes you feel like an idiot but thems the breaks you have to do stuff. After you've done stuff there is another key step that most people skip because it can be psychicly painful but you need to reflect on what you did and how it relates to you achieving your goal. You need to try to break your actions down into constituent parts and see what's working and what isn't. This is the difference between practicing by repetition and practicing by noticing what you're failing and fixing it.

Anyway that is what I do and I'm pretty happy and live a life that I am proud of and content with. In my experience the people that i know that are smart but stagnant and unhappy are usually that way because they either 1. Aren't examining if their goals align with what they actually want, 2. Aren't actually doing stuff, or 3. Aren't thinking about how their actions are leading them to their goals.

Xoxo, hth.

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good post.

@jackie good advice above.

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