Is the US going to replace all other populations on the planet?

I was thinking about this.

The US has 330 million people.

The number of US citizens keep increasing with time and the US local population keeps intermixing to create a new US race/ ethnicity.

As of now the US appears to be the only country on the planet with a real chance of becoming a multi planetary species.

When humanity becomes a multi planet species it would be the US that becomes a multi planet species.

The long term end effect of this is that human life on other planets is going to be American life on other planets.

On Earth all westwards movement of humanity ends at the US.

We already have examples of human gene bottlenecks where specific individuals, groups, or communities replace most of the humans in the vicinity in terms of genetic product.

The US being the richest place on the planet, has the highest chance of its citizens creating that bottleneck where in the end with westwards movement, over the centuries, everyone on the planet has some American blood in them.

Wherever the peak top 10% of humanity exists, is what the species average becomes in a thousand years.

The top 10% richest of humanity live in the west, middle east, and Eastern Asia.

It is likely that due to this in another 1000 years everyone on the planet is going to be descended from westerners, middle easterners, and East Asians.

The top 5% of humanity lives in the US, so it is likely that in another 2000 years most of humanity will be descended from Americans, in the next 1000 years half of the planet will be somehow related to an American ancestor.

This is what future humans will look like:

I crunched the numbers ad I don't understand why anybody is complaining

The global GDP is doubling about every 20 years.

If a persons average lifespan is 80 years then that means you get to see wealth increase 16X compared to when you were born.

How is this a bad growth rate for you?

By 2100 there is a 100% guarantee poverty, starvation won't exist. Water scarcity might.

Tech grows even faster. Assuming the quality of your tech is doubling every 10 years, the tech you die with will be 512X better than the tech you were born with.

There is no bad future scenario possible with that kind of growth.

Wars continue to be on the decline in the 21st century.

Worst conflict of the 21st century will likely be the Russia-Ukraine war.

Individuals get fricked, worst case scenario communities get fricked.

The golden age is here idk what people are getting worried about.

Even renewables when nations put active effort into them double every 12 years.

Starting at 2% that's 72 years of time to complete the full shift to renewables for developing nations.

The only challenge humanity faces today is depopulation.

:na: :typing: :happyclap: :ddr:
Chio Bu by Ringgit Mob Song · 2:57 · Chinese

@chiobu :marseyjamming: are they saying chiobu de black btw?

You VILL live in ze pod and you VILL be H A P P Y

Are you a Therman Merman or a beta cuck b-word boy???
Reported by:
vampire asmr gf

check out the minute hour, very good stuff


[Shower thought] potty paper is the poojet's kryptonite


random ramblepost
  1. I got sick and lost half my week

  2. Now I am consumed by the fires of rage for reasons I do not fully comprehend.

  3. I lost about 1-2 kg this week

  4. I have been flipping a coin to make a quick decision whenever I feel indecisive

  5. The more I think about women's hypocrisy the more misogynistic I get.

  6. I have concluded society does not have individual men's interests as heart. As an individual man the message of society to you will always be what you must do for others.

  7. I believe in honor and glory, but I also believe that I should be the one determining what honor and glory is, nobody else must do so for me.

  8. The magic coin says i will have six figures in my bank account before the year ends

  9. The magic coin says I should leave by 2025

  10. My memory has improved. I can remember numbers up to 11 digits.

  11. I no longer trust foids.

  12. I no longer believe in multiculturalism

  13. I have gotten better at social skills. I interact with 10+ people every day now.

  14. I am pretty sure I should not take advice about anything in life from any of you.

  15. My instincts are telling me to focus on making money.

  16. My relationship with my siblings has improved.

  17. I have zero faith in liberals

  18. I have slightly more faith in center right individuals as they at least still believe in improving their own lives which is a respectable and sadly rare quality. To believe you can assert control over your own lives.

  19. I think rightoids are r-slurred when it comes to the cop question.

  20. I believe current liberal policies aren't fixing the cop problem either.

  21. The politicians know they need to keep letting in more immigrants to grow the country and if they stopped now they would be left behind on the world stage. Infinite growth means also growth in number of citizens.

  22. Americans aren't having enough kids.

  23. Pornstars have gotten uglier since 2010's and now it's become harder to even find interesting scenes online because of active search engine censorship of rough or hardcore scenes.

  24. My personal conspiracy is that all good looking women have been purchased by the wealthy and that's the real wealth gap. You can no longer reproduce with decent genes even if you wanted to if you don't have all the cash in the world.

  25. We peaked as a species some decades back and now we are hitting the point of purposeless human decadence.

  26. The US top guys know what they are doing, the politics is just the bread and circuses.

  27. The real danger to the average American is that as central America develops more and more latin Americans are actually smart enough to compete with actual Americans on the job market.

  28. The non-skilled American working class is a failure and a net negative to American society.

  29. Only thing keeping them aloft is middle class fatties who want their mcfattymeals served on time by someone beneath them.

  30. Inner city black culture is too violent.

  31. CPS should be allowed to take away kids from inner city homes if there are reports of physical abuse.

  32. Yes, I understand this will result in 90% of the kids being taken away.

  33. Asian people are white adjacent.

  34. I am amused by the fact that white people think Indian foids are genuinely crazy even by white foid standards.

  35. I am waiting for the second wave of Ukraine attacks to retake their territories.

  36. I do believe about 54,000 Russians have died. If the number were lower then their troop breakdowns would not make sense.

  37. I think Russia will use tactical nukes during the final stages of the conflict if Ukraine were to reach Crimea.

  38. I dream of conquest.

  39. I cannot believe the bardfinn bot still hasn't hit a day without someone saying bardfinn.

  40. I no longer believe in upliftment causes via colleges. You truly wish to uplift people then it is only possible via cultural and infrastructural changes. Otherwise you are just forcing the uneducated into work they will never be qualified for in 90% of the cases.

Ramble on my friends. Tell me how's things going.


If they are the most common ? :marseythinkorino:

got matching tattoos with my girlfriend
rdrama mentor hour: What's a good daily growth rate level?

I will keep this short. Assume a man is starting out from the bottom. What's a decent enough growth rate daily for him to escape a hole and get his own kingdom?

Right now I try to do at least 3 things that are useful to my gains but also mildly uncomfortable for me to do, to normalize adversity in life and expand my comfort zone over time.

Thank you for your help and feedback.


Vinyl sounds better than CD

No discussion about this topic would be complete without acknowledging that a person's subjective perception is their reality.

Almost on par with the "It came to me in a dream" citation from the technological society :marseyunabomber:

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